Burning A Book Answer Key

Burning A Book Answer Key

We've done this math problem at leastten times, but our answer is wrongaccording to the answer key. The answerin the book .......be wrong.​

Daftar Isi

1. We've done this math problem at leastten times, but our answer is wrongaccording to the answer key. The answerin the book .......be wrong.​



semoga membantu



semoga membantu ,maaf kalau salah

2. please, answer a book???

kelompok Avertebrata
-tidak bertulang belakang
kumbang (q), cacing (t), siput (u)

kelompok Vertebrata
-bertulang belakang
ikan (p), ular (r), kelelawar (s)

3. Apa bahasa inggris dari dinding.... A chair B bookC wallD key

A. Chair = Kursi
B. Book = Buku
C. Wall = Dinding
D. Key = Kunci

Jadi jawabannya C. Wall

Bahasa inggris nya dinding adalah : ( C ) = Wall

Kalau A = Bangku

          B = Buku

          D = Kunci

4. Who are involved in the dialogue?Answer:What does Luki hold?Answer:What book is it?Answer:..When did he buy the book?Answer:How much does the book cost?Answer:Where did he buy the book?Answer:Why does Rani need the book?Answer:​

Theanswers of those questions are :

Jawaban :

1). They are Dian and Toni

2). Luki holds the book.

3). It is English book.

4). He bought the book yesterday.

5). The book costs Rp. 35.000-,

6). He bought the book in the bookstore.

7). Rani needs the book because she wants to study more about English grammar.


Kata yang bergaris bawah pada jawaban di atas merupakan sebuah contoh saja. Untuk jawaban asli nya bisa dilihat pada teks yang berkaitan dengan soal tersebut.


1). Siapakah yang ada dalam dialog?

Di isi dengan nama-nama orang yang terlibat dalam dialog tersebut.

2). Apa yang Luki pegang?

Di isi dengan benda yang Luki pegang.Karena kalimat pertanyaannya menggunakan interrogative simple present, maka jawabannya menggunakan positive simple present. Dimana pada kalimat positive untuk subject orang ketiga tunggal "Luki" kata kerja nya harus di tambahkan -s. Jadi kata "hold" berubah "holds".

3). Buku apakah itu?

Diisidengannama/juduldaribuku yang dipegang oleh Luki.Karena kalimat nya bentuk simple present nominal interrogative, maka untuk jawabannya menggunakan simple present nominal positive "It is...."

4). Kapan dia membeli buku itu?

Diisidenganwaktuatauharisaatdiamembelibukutersebut.Karena kalimat pertanyaannya bentuk simple past interrogative, maka jawabannya harus simple past positive "He bought the book....."

5). Berapakah harga buku itu?

DiisidenganhargabukutersebutKarena kalimat tanya menggunakan simple present interrogative, maka jawabannya menggunakan simple present positive "The book costs...."

6). Dimana dia membeli buku itu?

Diisidengannamatempat/tokodiamembelibukutersebut.Karena kalimat tanya menggunakan simple past interrogative, maka jawabannya menggunakan simple past positive "He bought the book...."

7). Kenapa Rani membutuhkan buku itu?

DiisidenganalasankenapaRanibutuhbukutersebut.Karena kalimat pertanyaan menggunakan simple present interrogative, maka jawabannya menggunakan simple present positive "Rani needs the book because....."

Jadi, pada kata yang bergaris bawah di jawaban di atas silahkan di ganti dengan jawaban aslinya yang ada di teks sesuai dengan clue yang telah di jelaskan pada penjelasan di atas.



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5. how do you spell book? a. bi-yu-yu-key b. bi-ou-ou-key c. bi-ou-ou-kyu d.di-ou-ou-key tolong di bantu ya kak​

jawabannya b. bi-ou-ou-key





6. can I borrow a book answer :no,...tolong di bantu dong kak​

No, you can't borrow a book


No, I am sorry but you cant borrow a book

Semoaa membantu ^^

7. 2. What book is zaky's favorite? Answer: ..... 3. Why Melisa doesn't like science book? Answer: ......... 4. When will they go to the library? Answer: ..... 5. What is your favorite book? Answer:....​


2.Science book

4.Tomorrow morning

5.I like Math book

3.because she like to read a story english book



8. 1. Where is Devina going? Answer: ........................................2. Does she want to buy a writing book, a ballpoint, a pencil, a drawing book, a ruler and a rubber eraser? Answer: .........................................3. How much is the writing book?Answer: .........................................4. How much does the ballpoint cost?Answer: ..........................................5. How much money does she spend totally?Answer: ...........................................Jawab berdasarkan text yang sudah terlampir​

1. Devina is going to the bookstore

2. Yes, She does

3. It's Rp 2000

4. Rp 2500

5. Rp 6950

sorry if it's wrong, if you think it's right don't forget to press thank you, give a score, and give the best answer yes !!


1. Devina is going to the bookstore

2. Yes

3. The writing book is Rp. 2.000

4. The ballpoint costs for Rp. 2.500

5. She spent Rp. 6.950 in total


Maaf jika salah. Semoga membantu! Semangat belajar ya!

9. how about _____ _______ ? all right answer: a. read a book b. reading a book c. a book read d. book a read


C. a book read


how about a book read ? All right

a. read a book

mhn maaf klo slh

10. she finds the answer after reading this book. the answer​


itu artinya: dia menemukan setelah membaca buku ini.jawabannya...

maaf kl salah:)

11. 6. reading - 1-story book-a-likeAnwer :..........7. borrows-a - He-book-a-likeAnswer:..8. librarian - She-a-isAnsiver ..................9. is - library-clean-The-and-tidyAnswer:.........10.the - bookshelf - book-in-is - TheAnswer:.....​


6. I like reading a story book.

7. He like borrows a book.

8. She is a librarian.

9. The library is clean and tidy.

10. The book is in the bookshelf.


Jadi, disini itu maksudnya mau menyusun kalimat gitu yah kalau ada yang bingung.

Sedikit fakta nih, untuk nomor 7 juga bisa He likes to borrow a book karena kedengerannya lebih enak dan lebih umum aja gitu.

Tapi karena di soal gak ada kata likes jadi yang di jawaban itu udah bener kok.

Jadikan jawaban terbaik yah, rating 5 star, give me some hearts and don't forget to follow my account :) (rating 5 star, terimakasih itu baik lhoo, jan lupa follow akun ku yah:)

Thanks and have a great day, afternoon, evening or night wherever you are ;D


6= I like reading a story book

7= He like borrows a book

8= She is a librarian

9= Library is clean and tidy

10= The book is in the bookshelf


12. looked for-in-she-key-her-yesterday-yard-the answer :.....................

She looked for her key yesterday in the yard

She looked for her key in the yard yesterday

13. ATTITUDE is THE KEY, what the answer ?​


pernyataan evaluatif terhadap objek, orang atau peristiwa. ini yng bhs inggris (Evaluative statements on objects, people or events)


maaf jika salah

14. Answer the questions based on the dialoguelJawablah pertanyaan berdasarkan dialog!1. Who wants to borrow a book?Answer:2 What kind of book does she borrow?Answer.......3. Where is the book?Answer:.......Why does Ira come back to the librarian?Answer.5. Find the expressions of asking for help and a thing?Answer​


Aing mah teu nyaho puguh aing mah teu nyaho

15. Close your English bookAnswer:...?​

Ok miss/sir, I will close it
Arti = baiklah ibu/bapak, saya akan menutupnya

16. Answer key of reading power by longman


kunci jawaban "kekuatan membaca" oleh logman


kunci jawaban kekuatan membaca oleh longmen


semoga membantu

17. If you... Your money in a bank, it wouldn't be gone -answer key is wrong

if you put your mony in a bank

18. Translate the following sentences into Indonesian. May I bring the book? 1. Answer: 2. 3. ***** Could you please give me the book? Answer: *...... Can you please read the book? Answer: Could you help me, please? Answer: 4. 5. May I bring you a cup of tea? Answer:​


Terjemahkan kalimat berikut ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Bolehkah saya membawa bukunya? 1. Jawaban: 2. 3. ***** Bisakah Anda memberi saya buku itu? Jawaban: *...... Bisakah Anda membaca bukunya? Jawaban: Bisakah Anda membantu saya? Jawaban: 4. 5. Bolehkah saya membawakan Anda secangkir teh? Jawaban:

19. People Answer= Kids Answer= Book Answer=



kids=anak anak





People Answer =OrangKids Answer =Anak AnakBook Answer =Buku#Maaf Kalo SalahSemoga Membantu Ya :)Terima Kasih

20. 5. a- Dina - book-is - readingAnswer: ...​


Dina is reading a book

semoga bermanfaat


Dina Is Reading Book


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Burning A Book Answer Key Burning A Book Answer Key Reviewed by Romano on Mei 12, 2023 Rating: 5

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