6. what is the percentage of the number of whole numbers, from 4 to 23, which are multiples of 5 ?
1. 6. what is the percentage of the number of whole numbers, from 4 to 23, which are multiples of 5 ?
From 4 to 23 there are total 20 numbers. Then there are 4 numbers which are multiples of 5, there are 5, 10, 15 and 20. So the percentage should be 4/20*5/5 = 20/100 = 20%
2. Pls bantu jawab 1.What percentage of the whole is shaded? * 2.What percentage of the whole is shaded?
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
the total of square = 100
the total of shaded's square = 36
the percentage = total shaded/total all square x 100%
= 36 / 100 X 100%
= 36%
3. what is the opposite of the south?
Arti : ApakebalikandariSelatan?
4. Sue cuts 15 metres of wire mesh from a 45 metres roll What percentage of the roll was left?
Sue memotong jaring kawat sepanjang 15 meter dari gulungan sepanjang 45 meter. Berapa persentase gulungan yang tersisa?
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
Diketahui:Awal panjang kabel = 45 m
Dipotong sepanjang = 15 m
Ditanyakan:Berapa persentase gulungan yang tersisa?
Penyelesaian:1. Cari sisa panjang gulungan jaring kawat
2. Cari persentasenya
[tex]45~m=100\% \\ 30~m=x\%[/tex]
(Kali silang)
[tex]x=\frac{3 \times 5 \times 200}{3 \times 3 \times 5}[/tex]
5. what ocean is at the south of indonesia ?
Samudra Hindia .......
6. What is the opposite of the south apa jawabanya
apposite of south: north
7. What is the use of density in the calculation of percentage by mass?
Apa gunanya massa jenis dalam perhitungan persentase massa?
Density can also be used to determine the mass percent of an unknown concentration.
maaf kalau salah, semoga dapat terbantu
8. y what percentage has the number of udents changed?
ini maksudnya di gimanain?
9. what is the use of density in the calculation of percentage by mass
%B = p 10 B / MrPenjelasan:
semoga bermanfaat
10. what is the indonesian meaning of south
South in indonesia means selatanthe indonesian meaning of south is Selatan.
11. 5.what percentage of calcium is in the product
cmiiw. maaf kalau salah.
1.one container
2.strawberry greek yogurt
3.0 g
4.vitamin a&d
5.35 %
jangan lupa jadiin jawaban terbaik
12. • The pie chart represent the total percentages of sales of stationery Use the pie chart to answer the questions below. Drawing Shee: 350 5% Compas Box 1120 What percentage of drawing sheets were sold 5 Which stationery had the highest sales? What was the percentage? What is the difference between the compass boxes and books that were sold? Penes 3740 372 Boots 2946 19% Express sold as a conocen sind simplify. Pens 2996 282
Diagram lingkaran menunjukkan persentase total penjualan dari
alat tulis
Gunakan diagram lingkaran untuk menjawab pertanyaan di bawah ini.
Menggambar Shee:
350 5%
Kotak Kompas
Berapa persen gambarnya?
lembar terjual 5
Alat tulis mana yang memiliki
penjualan tertinggi? Apa itu?
Apa perbedaan antara
kotak kompas dan buku
yang dijual?
sepatu bot
dijual sebagai conocen sind
2996 282
Ini kalo diartikan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia
ANSWERBYFAIZA13. What is the percentage change in the price of each of the three goods?
Mana penjelasannya
Berapa persentase perubahan dalam harga masing-masing dari tiga barang
kalau buat pertanyaan tolong di perjelas yaaa
Semoga bermanfaat
14. What is the indonesian meaning of south?
Arti dari kata south = Selatansouth = selatan
15. What is the capital of South Korea ?
Seoul is the capital city of South Korea
Semoga membantu dan jangan lupa berikan jawaban tercedas ^^English~_________________☆>>Soal:
What is the capital of South Korea ?
>>Jawaban:↪ Seoul >>Penjelasan:Seoul adalah Ibu Kota Dari Korea Selatan,dan kota metropolis terbesar di Korea Selatan. Pada tahun 1948 Seoul Menjadi Ibu kota negara.
_____________________☆#BelajarBersamaBrainly[tex]\small\color{pink}{answerby :herdina.n ࿐}[/tex]
16. what is the opposite of the south easth
semoga membantu
apa kebalikan dari tenggara.
apa kebalikan dari tenggara. ini adalah arti dari soal tersebut
17. 1. What is the Indonesian meaning of northeast?2. What is between south and west?3. What is the opposite of southeast?4. What is the opposite of south?tolong dijawab yahh ^^
Pertanyaan :
1. Apa arti Northeast dalam Bahasa Indonesia ?
2. Apa yang diantara Selatan dan Barat ?
3. Apa kebalikan dari Southeast ( Tenggara )
4. Apa kebalikan dari Selatan ?
Jawaban :
1. Timur Laut ( Northeast )
2. Barat Daya ( Southwest )
3. Northwest ( Barat Laut )
4. North ( Utara )
18. what is the capital of Englandwhat is the capital of South America
England = london
South america itu benua bos ,bukan negara
England: London
19. What percentage improvement is needed in a supply chain strategy for profit to improve to $25,000? what is the cost of material with a $25,000 profit? b) what percentage improvement is needed in a sales strategy for profit to improve to $25,000? what must sales be for profit to improve to $25,000?
we have to have $15,000 and multiply it by two to get the same result
20. 1.What does the text tells us about? 2. What is the aim of writing the label? 3. What do the reader do after reading the label? 4. The product is useful for (whom).... 5. From the text we can conclude that the product is kind of.... 6. What is the most percentage of the ingredients of the product? 7. What is the least percentage of the ingredients of the product 8. What is the advantage of the product 9. Can everybody consume the product? 10. What is the prohibition of the product.
advantage itu jawabannya
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