when is the american civil war?
1. when is the american civil war?
American Civil War
Apr 12, 1861 – Apr 9, 1865
Description The American Civil War was a civil war in the United States from 1861 to 1865, fought between northern states loyal to the Union and southern states that had seceded from the Union to form the Confederate States of America.
Dates: Apr 12, 1861 – Apr 9, 1865
First battle: Battle of Fort Sumter
Last battle: Battle of Palmito Ranch
Result: Dissolution of the Confederate States U.S. territorial integrity preserved Slavery abolished Beginning of the Reconstruction era Passage and ratification of the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution of the United States (Union victory)
Military personnel involved: Robert E. Lee
President: Abraham Lincoln
Bloodiest day: Battle of Antietam
The American Civil War took place in 12th of April 1861
2. jelaskan tentang Anglo-Spanish War!
The Anglo-Spanyol Perang (1585-1604) adalah konflik intermiten antara kerajaan Spanyol dan Inggris yang tidak pernah secara resmi dinyatakan. [ rujukan? ] Perang ini diselingi oleh pertempuran secara luas terpisah, dan mulai dengan ekspedisi militer Inggris pada 1585 dengan Belanda di bawah komando Earl of Leicester dalam mendukung perlawanan Serikat General aturan Habsburg. Inggris menikmati kemenangan besar di Cádiz tahun 1587, dan selama Spanyol Armada pada 1588, namun secara bertahap kehilangan inisiatif setelah kekalahan parah dari Inggris Armada tahun 1589 dan Drake Hawkins- dan Essex-Raleigh ekspedisi pada 1595 dan 1597 masing-masing. Dua armada Spanyol lanjut dikirim pada tahun 1596 dan 1597 tetapi frustrasi dalam tujuan mereka karena cuaca buruk. Perang menjadi buntu sekitar pergantian abad ke-17 selama kampanye di Brittany dan Irlandia . Itu diakhiri dengan Traktat London , dinegosiasikan pada 1604 antara perwakilan raja baru dari Spanyol, Philip III , dan raja baru Inggris, James I . Inggris dan Spanyol sepakat untuk menghentikan intervensi militer mereka di Spanyol Belanda dan Irlandia, masing-masing, dan Inggris berakhir laut lepas privateering.
3. even after the revolutionary war,american importers recommended that....
Jawaban:for indonesian buy appliance on american
4. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent __________, or pronghorn. A it is the American antelope B the American antelope is C is the American antelope D the American antelope
C. is the American antelope
Is the American Antelope
5. match the riddles with the answers
9. h
3. a
1. c
beri jawaban terbaik ya1 -> G
2 -> J
3 -> I
4 -> C
5 -> E
6 -> F
7 -> B
8 -> A
9 -> H
10 -> D
6. sinopsis film captain american: civil war dalam bahasa inggirs scr pendek
Kelas: SMP
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: writing a synopsis
Captain America: Civil War tells about the divided opinion of Captain America and Ironman about the UN agreement to supervise the Avengers' work after the massive destruction in Sokovia when defeating Ultron in the previous movie. Unfortunately, this divided perspective, in which Captain America refused and Ironman supported, got worse as it involved Bucky Barnes, Steve Roger's best friend in the case. He was the one to blame for killing Tony Stark's parents, which he actually did yet under the mind control of Hydra. Captain America and Ironman brought their own Avengers members, which were also devided and eventually Captain, helped by Barnes, was up against Ironman. Eventually, Captain won the fight by disabling Ironman's armor, but he then threw away his shield. This might mean that Steve Rogers stopped being Captain America again.
7. those old american soldiers never shoot the wrong target in war tentukan s p o c nys dalam bahasa inggris
S ialah those old american soldier P ialah shoot O ialah wrong target C in war
8. …..... of large mammals once dominated the north american praires: the american bison and the pronghors antelope
(A) There are two species
Di soal ini kita diminta untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong agar dengan sukses menggambarkan dua spesies mamalia besar yang menguasai padang rerumputan Amerika Utara. ‘There are’ (Ada) merupakan kata yang tepat untuk memulai kalimat tersebut dibandingkan ‘With’ (Dengan). Sementara itu, dua jawaban lainnya tidak menggambarkan tempat dimana kedua spesies tersebut mendominasi. Jadi, jawabannya adalah: (A) There are two species.
9. make true sentences about you. use the correct form of the verb be. example: i'm not spanish. 1. i'______ Spanish. 2. my company_____ American. 3. Our customers______ in Asia. 4. My work colleagues_____my friends. 5. English_____important in my company/present job.
1. Am
2. Is
3. Are
4. Are
5. Is
hope it helps! <3
I am SpanishMy company is AmericanOur customers are in AsiaMy work colleagues are my friendsEnglish is important in my company/present job10. she....................(not understand) Spanish because she comes from India. (doesn't understand) Fill in the blanks with the right answers!
he doesn't speak spanish because he is from india
semoga membantu
Jawaban:Doesn't understand
11. all the girls fell in love with the .... teacher a. handsome new american b. american new handsome c. new handsome american d. american new handsome e. handsome new american
4. I used to drive an old blue German car. (C)
Opinion = -
Size = -
Age = Old
Shape = -
Colour = Blue
Origin = German
Material = -
Qualifier = -
5. He recently married a beautiful young Greek woman. (B)
Opinion = Beautiful
Size = -
Age = Young
Shape = -
Colour = -
Origin = Greek
Material = -
Qualifier = -
6. This is a wonderful new Italian movie. (C)
Opinion = Wonderful
Size = -
Age = New
Shape = -
Colour = -
Origin = Italian
Material = -
Qualifier = -
12. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continentor pronghorn.A it is the American antelopeB the American antelope isСis the American antelopeDthe American antelope
TerjemahanKhas penghuni padang rumput di benua atau tanduk bercabang
A. itu adalah antelop Amerika
B. antelop Amerika adalah
С. adalah antelop Amerika
D. antelop Amerika
Jadi jawabannya adalah
A.It is the American antelope
13. What were the main causes of American Civil War
What were the main causes of American Civil Warartinya:Apa penyebab utama Perang Saudara Amerika :Ada banyak penyebab meletusnya perang sipil, meliputi perbedaan pandangan antara negara bagian di utara dan di selatan atas isu perbudakan, perdagangan, pajak, dan hak-hak tiap negara bagian
jadikan jawaban terbaik ya.
14. What caused the British Industrial Revolution? A. Winning wars against French and Spanish B. Civil war has ended C. Great inventions were discovered D. The little ice age was on going
C. Great inventions were discovered
maaf kalo misal salah
15. Was-Steve Jobs - innovator - American-an10 is-Soekarno - Indonesian-of-president - first - theAnswers
Steve Jobs was an American innovator.
Soekarno is the first President of Indonesia.
Semoga membantu..
16. All the girls fell in love with the .... teacher a. handsome new american b. american new handsome c. new handsome american d. american new handsome e. handsome new american
a. handsome new american
e.handsome new american
karena sesuai dengan urutan DOSASCOMP dimana kata opinion (pendapat) berada lebih depan dari age (umur) dan originn (asal)
jawaban ada dua karena sama
17. The first step in analyzing a news story is _____.
The first step in analyzing a news story is Find events or events to make news.
The first step in analyzing a newa story is _____.
answer :
1. Find events or events to be made news.
News contains events and events that are actual and important to be disseminated, for example: events or occurrences of fires, natural disasters, and other sudden events that attract public attention. If there are no events or incidents, it is necessary to search for unique activities or events or events that have arisen in the community, such as news about officials visiting traditional markets.
i hope this helps ... :))
please make it brainliest ..
18. match the riddles with the answers
1. Apa yang pertama kali kamu lakukan saat merebahkan diri ke dalam bak mandi yang penuh dengan air? (G. Get Wet = basah)
2. Semua orang telah melihatnya namun tidak akan pernah melihatnya lagi. (J. Yesterday = kemarin)
3. Ini berasap sangat banyak namun tidak pernah membeli sebuah rokok. (A. Chimney = cerobong asap)
4. Tugasnya adalah menjadi basah. (C. A towel = sebuah handuk)
5. Kamu tidak dapat belajar untuk tes ini. (E. A Blood Test = tes darah)
6. Terdapat berapa sisikah sebuah bola? (F. Two (inside and outside) = dua (sisi dalam dan sisi luar))
7. Apa yang diambil sebelum kamu mendapatkannya? (B. A Photograph = sebuah foto)
8. Apa hal yang paling tidak berguna pada kantongmu? (I. A Hole = sebuah lubang)
9. Saat kamu memecahkannya, ini masih berguna. (H. An Egg = sebuah telur)
10. Pria yang mana yang menggunakan topi yang paling besar? (D. The man with the biggest head = pria dengan kepala yang terbesar)
Pembahasan:A riddle adalah sebuah teka-teki yang bertujuan untuk menghibur para pembacanya. Benda atau peristiwa yang menjadi jawaban dari teka-teki tersebut biasanya adalah hal yang sangat sederhana dan terdapat di sekitar kita, sehingga sering kali tidak terpikirkan bahwa itulah jawabannya.
It has two hands. They are pointing the numbers. (Ini punya dua tangan. Mereka menunjuk angka-angka) = Clockwise (jarum jam)
Jam adalah hal yang umum berada di sekitar kita.
Kalimat yang menyatakan petunjuk (clues) dapat berputar-putar atau tidak langsung pada intinya, agar pembaca dibuat larut dalam kebingungan dalam menerka jawaban yang dimaksud, sehingga tujuan dari riddles tercapai, yaitu untuk menghibur para pembacanya.
Pelajari lebih lanjut:1. Contoh riddles brainly.co.id/tugas/10314005
2. Perbedaan riddle dan proverb brainly.co.id/tugas/6095216
3. Contoh soal riddles brainly.co.id/tugas/10035777
Detail jawaban:Kelas: VII SMP
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Describing objects, people and places
Kode: 7.5.7
19. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR The Civil war was named as the bloodiest war in US story. The war was between the Union States, or the North, and the Confederates, or the South. The war broke in 1861 when seven southern states declared their separation from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America. The paragraph shows a ....A. ResolutionB. ReorientationC. IdentificationD. OrientationE. Events
series of events are paragraph that retell the event that retell the event in order they happend
Seri peristiwa adalah paragraf yang menceritakan kembali peristiwa yang menceritakan kembali peristiwa dalam rangka peristiwa tersebut terjadi
20. activity 2 analyzing the caption, bike to work
1.bike to work
2.Information about bicycles used for work
3.explanation is very easy to understand
4.the conclusion is to work by bicycle
5.the caption is very easy to understand. with that caption everyone can tell that he uses a bicycle to work
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