Which Label Belongs In The Area Marked Y

Which Label Belongs In The Area Marked Y

Which of the follow would best replace the word ‘marked’ in the opening sentence?

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1. Which of the follow would best replace the word ‘marked’ in the opening sentence?


me is a penture of duty mobile legengs

2. which belongs to the myths .....


Myth is a folklore genre consisting of narratives that play a fundamental role in a society, such as foundational tales or origin myths. The main characters in myths are usually gods, demigods, or supernatural humans.[1][2][3] Stories of everyday human beings, although often of leaders of some type, are usually contained in legends, as opposed to myths.


3. in which process and in which knowledge area the initial cost management plan is developed


Plan Cost Management


Materi : Main Processes of Cost Management - Cost Management

Terdapat empat proses dalam manajemen biaya, diantaranya adalah :

Planning Cost Management (perencanaan)Estimating Costs (estimasi biaya)Determine Budget (menetapkan anggaran)Control Costs (pengendalian biaya)

Planning Cost Management mencakup perencanaan dari sisi biaya yang mencakup menetapkan anggaran, estimasi biaya dan mengelola biaya yang mungkin akan terjadi selama proyek berlangsung, singkatnya tahap perencanaan manajemen biaya dimulai dari planning cost management.

Terdapat dua syarat dalam perencanaan :

Biaya siklus hidup produk, dimana hal ini merupakan hal penting dalam pengelolaan proyek, dimana setiap produk memiliki masa/siklus hidup misalnya laptop yang memiliki siklus hidup selama 5 tahun.Rekayasa nilai, dimana perusahaan mengerjakan proyek dengan biaya yang lebih rendah. Misalkan, untuk membangun losmen selama 6 bulan dibutuhkan tiga buah bulldozer, dimana ada pertimbangan untuk membeli atau menyewa, dikarenakan masa waktu pengerjaan 6 bulan, maka perusahaan mempertimbangkan untuk menyewa bulldozer daripada membeli (disertai alasan bahwa biaya sewa lebih murah daripada biaya beli)

Demikian jawaban dan pembahasan mengenai proses manajemen biaya, semoga membantu meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai manajemen biaya, semoga sukses.

Rujukan baca : Blocher, Edward J., Chen, Kung H,. Lin, Thomas W. (2011). Cost Management : A Strategic Emphasis Fifth Edition. New York : McGraw – Hill Companies,Inc.

4. 1.What is the longest river in the world? *2.Is the Amazon River longer than the Mississippi River? *3.Is the Yangtze River longer than the Mississippi River? *4.Which two rivers are almost the same lenght? *5.Which of the following countries has the largest area in the world? 6.Which of the following countries has the smalleat area in the world? *7.Which of the following countries has the smalleat area in the world? *8.Which of the following countries has the largest population in the world? *9.Which of the following two countries has the larger population10.Which of the following countries has the smaller area *​


The longest river in the world is Nil River.Yes, the length of the Amazon river reaches 6,400 km while the Mississippi River only reaches 3.730 km.Yes, the length of the Yangtze river reaches 6,300 km while the Mississippi River only reaches 3.730 km.Amazon River and Yangtze River.Russia is the largest country by far, with a total area of about 17 million square kilometers.The smallest country in the world is Vatican City, with a landmass of just 0.49 square kilometers (0.19 square miles).The smallest country in the world is Vatican City, with a landmass of just 0.49 square kilometers (0.19 square miles).China has the world's largest population (1.42 billion).China has the world's largest population (1.42 billion), followed by India (1.35 billion).The smallest country in the world is Vatican City, with a landmass of just 0.49 square kilometers (0.19 square miles).

Hope it helps ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

5. which group of sea creatures belongs to the same family

keluarga dan keluarganyafamily and his / her family

6. which of the following expressions belongs to personal obligation? ​



☞BAHASA indonesia:

☞Manakah dari ungkapan berikut yang termasuk dalam kewajiban pribadi?


☞D. Anda harus segera ke dokter.

☞BAHASA inggris:

☞Which of the following expressions belongs to personal obligation?


☞D. You must see doctor immediately.


7. put a check mark (ceklis) in column A if the expression belongs to agreement, in column B if the belongs to disagreement


Hope this helps you

8. We are trying to repair the computer ... in the laboratory. (A) which belongs to a personnel (B) which belonging to a personnel (C) who belongs to a personnel (D) whom a personnel belong (E) to whom a personnel belong

Jawabannya adalah A.




i try answer without text. this is the answer.

10. Which group of sea creatures belongs to the same family whit octopus


The octopus, the squid and the cuttlefish fit in with the same family that has no outside shells


Cuttlefish And Squid


Karena squid dan cuttlefish adalah hewan moluska dari kelas cephalopod dengan  yang sama yang sama dengan octopus yaitu ordo octopoda.

Semoga membantu :)

11. The disorder which is marked by the excessive number of white blood cellsis




semoga membantu kak^-^

12. 1.What is the longest river in the world? *2.Is the Amazon River longer than the Mississippi River? *3.Is the Yangtze River longer than the Mississippi River? *4.Which two rivers are almost the same lenght? *5.Which of the following countries has the largest area in the world? 6.Which of the following countries has the smalleat area in the world? *7.Which of the following countries has the smalleat area in the world? *8.Which of the following countries has the largest population in the world? *9.Which of the following two countries has the larger population10.Which of the following countries has the smaller area *​


1. The Nile is the longest river in the world

2. Yes. the Amazon river is longer than the Mississippi River

3. Yes. The Yangtze river is longer than the Mississippi River

4. The Amazon river and the Yangtze river are almost the same length

5-10mana fotonya?


1.the longest river in the world is the river nile



4.Panjang river and Yangtze river,this river has a length of about 6,400m





9.China and india



I'm sorry if my answer and English is wrong, because I took some of the answers from Google


saya minta maaf jika jawaban dan bahasa inggris saya salah,karna sebagian jawaban saya ambil dari google .

13. Which group of sea creatures belongs to the same family?

squids and octopuses? squid and octopuse are the same family of sea creature

14. identify the following parts/organs and write the human body system' which it belongs​

1. digestive system.

Organ yang termasuk dalam sistem pencernaan terbagi menjadi dua kelompok — saluran pencernaan dan organ pencernaan tambahan.

2. Nervous system.

Sel saraf atau neuron merupakan satuan kerja utama dari sistem saraf yang berfungsi menghantarkan impuls listrik yang terbentuk akibat adanya suatu stimulus (rangsang). Jutaan sel saraf ini membentuk suatu sistem saraf.

3. Human skeletal system.

Sistem rangka adalah suatu sistem organ yang memberikan dukungan fisik pada makhluk hidup. Sistem rangka umumnya dibagi menjadi tiga tipe: eksternal, internal, dan basis cairan, walaupun sistem rangka hidrostatik dapat pula dikelompokkan secara terpisah dari dua jenis lainnya karena tidak adanya struktur penunjang.

4. Heart system

Jantung adalah salah satu organ manusia yang berperan dalam sistem peredaran darah, terletak di rongga dada agak sebelah kiri. Pada manusia, mamalia, dan burung, jantung dibagi menjadi empat ruas: atrium atas kanan dan kiri; dan ventrikel bawah kanan dan kiri.

5. Central nerve system

Sistem saraf pusat adalah bagian yang terpenting dari seluruh sistem saraf dalam tubuh. Sistem saraf pusat adalah bagian yang anatomi tubuh yang sangat lunak, Sehingga secara evolusi, bagian ini dilindungi oleh tengkorak dan ruas-ruas tulang belakang.

6. System framework

Kerangka manusia disokong oleh struktur seperti ligamen, tendon, otot, dan organ manusia yang lain. Sejumlah 206 tulang membentuk sistem kerangka manusia dewasa. Tulang diberi nama menurut tempatnya. 2 bagian sistem kerangka manusia adakah: Kerangka aksial Tengkorak Tulang punggung Sangkar rusuk Kerangka penyokong.

7. Liver system

Hati (bahasa Yunani: ἡπαρ, hēpar) yaitu merupakan sebuah kelenjar yang "terbesar" di dalam tubuh manusia, ini terletak dalam rongga perut sebelah kanan, tepatnya di bawah diafragma. Berdasarkan fungsinya, hati juga termasuk sebagai alat ekskresi.

8. Chest skeletal system

Tulang dada adalah tulang berukuran panjang dan rata, yang melindungi otot, arteri, dan organ penting di dalam dada. Organ tubuh vital didalamnya seperti, seperti jantung dan paru-paru, hingga tulang rawan yang rumit di sana, juga dilindungi oleh tulang dada.


15. if the pandemic is over which area you want to visit in indonesia​

Jika pandemi(corona) berakhir. manakah tempat di indonesia yg ingin kamu kunjungiif the pandemic over .... i will visit Yogyakarta. because.. Yogyakarta have many beatiful view/place


Jika pandemi berakhir, daerah mana yang ingin kamu tujui di Indonesia?


I would like to visit (tempat yang ingin kamu tujui)


I would like to visit Semarang.

16. fill in the blanks with belong or belongs​


belongs semua ya, setau akuu subject "he, she, it" menggunakan belongs, kalau subject "i, you, they, we" pake belong, so itu kan subject nya it semua jadi pake belongs

smg membantuuuyaa


1. belongs

2. belongs

3. belong

4. belong

5. belong

6. belongs

7. belong

8. belongs

9. belongs

10. belong


Jika benda lebih dari 1 gunakan belong

Jika benda hanya 1 gunakan belongs

17. Find the unknown marked angle and fill in the blanks.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

2. ∆ EFG sama kaki => EG = EF

maka <F = <G = 60°

< E = 180-<F-<G = 180-60-60 = 60°


18. Which of the follow would best replace the word ‘marked’ in the opening sentence?SmallerNoticeableFinancialSteadyBack


The word 'marked' in the opening sentence would be best replaced by the word B. noticeable.

Maaf jika ada yang salah

19. Complete the sentence using the correct answer. Across the hospital . . . . which belongs to mobile provider

a. Communication tower stands

b. Where communication tower stands

c. Communication tower does stand

d. Stands communication tower

jawabannya D. Stands communication tower

20. Which of the following that belongs to unicellular organisms ....​


Amoeba sp.


(Lihat kolom komentar di atas)

(Look at the comment above)

If we look it very-very long, Amoeba sp. is the correct answer because it is unicellular. And the other is multi cellular

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Which Label Belongs In The Area Marked Y Which Label Belongs In The Area Marked Y Reviewed by Romano on Mei 12, 2023 Rating: 5

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