A Ball Is Thrown Vertically Upward After T Seconds

A Ball Is Thrown Vertically Upward After T Seconds

a stone was thrown vertically upward the height H meters of the sound after T seconds is given by the formula H equals to 15 T minus 5 ft Square find the height of the stone at one second

Daftar Isi

1. a stone was thrown vertically upward the height H meters of the sound after T seconds is given by the formula H equals to 15 T minus 5 ft Square find the height of the stone at one second

sebelum nya saya tanya yang anda tayangkan itu pertanyaanya apa

2. a boy thrown up a ball vertically upward with the speed of 3 m/s. what is the maximum height can reached if acceleration of gravity is 9,8 m/s ?

[tex] v_{o} = 3m^{2} \\ g=9,8m/ s^{2} \\ \\ h_{maks} ....? \\ \\ h_{maks} = \frac{ v_{o} ^{2} }{2g} \\ \\ h_{maks} = \frac{(3)^{2} }{2x9,8} \\ \\ h_{maks} = \frac{9}{19,6} \\ \\ h_{maks} =0,45 m[/tex]

3. A ball A is thrown vertically upward from the top of a 30-m-high building with an initial velocity of 5 m/s. At the same instant another ball B is thrown upward from the ground with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. Determine the height from the ground and the time at which they pass.


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4. A ball is thrown and follows the parabolic path shown above .....


A ball is thrown and follows the parabolic path shown above ..... = Sebuah bola dilempar dan mengikuti lintasan parabola pada gambar di atas .....


Itu ya bahasa indo nya

5. a stone is thrown vertically upwards with an initial speed of 10m/s from a cliff 50m high. pakai RUMUS apa dan apa unit nya trus gimana!! makasih

menurut saya itu yang ditanya waktu yang dibutuhkan batu untuk jatuh dari ketinggian 50m.
diket: s = 50m
v = 10m/s
ditanya t =...?

[tex]v = \frac{s}{t} \\ maka \\ t = \frac{s}{v} = \frac{50m}{10 \frac{m}{s} } = 5 \: s[/tex]

6. Henry throws a tennis ball over his house. The ball is 6 feet above the ground when he lets it go. The quadratic function that models the height, in feet, of the ball after t seconds is p(x)=-16x^2 +46x+6. How long does it take for the ball to hit the ground? pls help

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Maaf kalau jawabannya salah

7. The velocity of a ball thrown directly up in the air is given by v(t) = 20 − 10t, where t is the time in seconds. At what times will the velocity be between 10 m/s and 15 m/s? (0.5s < t < 1s)

v(t)' = 20 - 10t

10 = 20 - 10t

10t = 10

t = 1 s

v(t)" = 20 - 10t

15 = 20 - 10t

10t = 5

t = 0,5 s

0,5s < t < 1s

because :

v(t)' < v(t) < v(t)"

Hope this helps you !

8. A ball is thrown vertically upwards and reaches its maximum height 2.0 s later a. What is the initial velocity of the ball? b. What is the maximum height that the ball reaches?


a. 20m/s



Given : Time taken to reach the maximum height t=2 s

a=−g=−10m/s ^2

The initial velocity of the ball can be calculated by,

Using v=u+at

∴ 0=u−10×2 ⟹u=20 m/s

Using S = ut + 1/2at^2

S = 20.2 + 1/2 (-10)(2)^2

S = 40 + (-20)

S = 20m (the maximum height)

9. A ball is thrown into the air with an initial upward velocity of 48 ft/s. It height h in feet after t seconds is given by the function h (t) = – 16t^2 + 48t + 4. Sketch the graph and find the answer of these questions. i.) What height will the ball be when 2 seconds has passed? ii.) In how many seconds will the ball reach its maximum height? iii.) What is the ball’s maximum height?


1. h(2) = -16(2)^2+48(2)+4



=34+4= 38 ft

10. The ball is thrown to another side aktiv atau paasive




Maaf kalo salah



its an active sentence

11. A weather balloon is released and rises vertically such that its distance s(t) above the ground during the first 10 seconds of flight is given by s(t) = 6 + 2t + t 2 , where s(t) is in feet and t is in seconds. (a) Find the velocity of the balloon at t = 1, t = 4 and t = 8. (b) Find the velocity of the balloon at the instant that it is 50 feet above the ground.



velocity (at t=1)

v = s(t)


= 6 + 2t + t²


= 6 + 2(1) + (1)²


= 6 + 2 + 1


= 9/1 = 9 ft/sec

velocity (at t=4)

v = s(t)


= 6 + 2t + t²


= 6 + 2(4) + (4)²


= 6 + 8 + 16


= 30/4 = 7,5ft/sec

velocity (at t=8)

v = s(t)


= 6 + 2t + t²


= 6 + 2(8) + (8)²


= 6 + 16 + 64


= 86/8 = 10,75 ft/sec

velocity at 50 feet above

v = s(t)


= 50


= 5 ft/sec

12. The ball is thrown to another side itu kalimat pasive atau aktiv ya




Maaf kalo salah



The ball is thrown to another side itu kalimat pasive atau aktiv ya


English Bola yang dilempar ke sisi lain adalah kalimat pasif atau aktif





13. An object is thrown vertically up with a speed of 20 m / s. When the object reaches its maximum height is ... s


t = Vo / g

t = 20 / 10

t = 2 second

14. A ball is fired vertically upwards with a velocity v. It reaches a height h. The same ball is now fired with 2v, new h?




Air resistance can be ignored.

What is the new height reached by the ball?



15. A ball of mass 0.5kg is thrown vertically upwards with a kinetic energy of 100J. Neglecting air resistance calculatea the initial speed of the ballb the potential energy of the ball at its highest pointc the maximum height to which the ball rises​



m = 0,5 kg

Ek = 100J


a the initial speed of the ball, Vo =?

b the potential energy of the ball at its

highest point, Ep max=?

c the maximum height to which

the ball rises, h max=?


a) Ek = ½.m.Vo²

100 = ½.(0.5).Vo²

100 = 0.25. Vo²

Vo² = 400

Vo = √400


b) Ep max = Ek max = 100J

c) Ep = m. g. h

100 = 0,5. (10). h

100 = 5 h

h = 100/5


16. A tennis ball is thrown upward with initial velocity of 30 m/s, if g = 10 m/s2. Determine: a. height of the tennis ball at the first 2 seconds.b. velocity of the tennis ball at the first 2 seconds.c. time required by the tennis ball to reach the highest point.​


a. 40m

b. [tex]40m/s[/tex]

c. 3 second



Known :

Vo = [tex]30 m/s[/tex]

g = [tex]10 m/s^{2}[/tex]

a. height at t=2


[tex]h= (30)(2) -\frac{1}{2}(10)(2)^{2}[/tex]


b. Vt at t=2

[tex]Vt= Vot-gt[/tex]

[tex]Vt = (30)(2) - (10)(2)[/tex]

[tex]Vt = 40 m/s[/tex]

c. time required to reach its highest point (t)

[tex]t= \frac{Vo}{g}[/tex]

[tex]t = 3s[/tex]

17. The bullet is fired upwards at an initial speed of vo m/s. The height of the floor after t seconds is expressed by the function h(t) = 100 + 40t – 4t2. The maximum height that the ball can reach is...~-~nt: next time Mashi. Charissa is busy ​

the answer is...

100 m

why 100m?


°"The bullet is fired upwards at an initial speed of vo m/s."

°"The height of the floor after t seconds is expressed by the function h(t) = 100 + 40t – 4t2."


The maximum height the ball can reach?

the answer is 100m.

hope it's useful ^^

18. 10 kg ball is thrown into the air. it is going 3.0 m/s when thrown. how much potential energy will it have at the top?

Energi potensial yang dimiliki bola bermassa 10 kg yang dilempar dengan kecepatan 3 m/s ke atas saat di titik tertinggi adalah sebesar 45 J.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah


m = 10 kg

v = 3 m/s

Ditanya: Ep di titik tertinggi


Asumsikan nilai percepatan gravitasi sebesar 10 m/s² (g = 10 m/s²). Pertama, hitung ketinggian maksimum yang akan dicapai bola. Karena arah gerak bola ke atas, percepatan gravitasi akan bernilai negatif (mengalami perlambatan). Saat di titik tertinggi, nilai kecepatan akhirnya adalah 0 m/s.

2gh = v[tex]_t[/tex]²-v₀²

2·(-10)·h maks = 0²-3²

-20h maks = 0-9

-20h maks = -9

h maks = 9/20

h maks = 0,45 m

Lalu, hitung besarnya energi potensial pada ketinggian tersebut.

Ep = mgh = 10·10·0,45 = 45 J

Jadi, energi potensialnya yang akan dimilikinya di titik tertinggi adalah sebesar 45 J.

Besarnya energi potensial dapat juga dicari dengan hukum kekekalan energi mekanik.

Em₁ = Em₂

Ep₁+Ek₁ = Ep₂+Ek₂

mgh₁+½mv₁² = mgh₂+½mv₂²

Pada kondisi pertama, bola masih berada di bawah. Asumsi dilemparkan dari tanah, maka ketinggian awalnya adalah 0 m (h₁ = 0 m) dengan kecepatan awal 3 m/s. Pada kondisi kedua, bola mencapai ketinggian maksimum sehingga nilai kecepatan akhirnya adalah 0 m/s (v₂ = 0 m/s). Mari hitung besarnya energi potensial pada kondisi kedua tersebut.

10·10·0+½·10·3² = Ep₂+½·10·0²

0+5·9 = Ep₂+5·0

45 = Ep₂+0

Ep₂ = 45 J

Jadi, energi potensialnya yang akan dimilikinya di titik tertinggi adalah sebesar 45 J.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang Menghitung Perbandingan Energi Potensial dari Dua Objek Berbeda Kondisi https://brainly.co.id/tugas/241579



19. A ball is thrown vertically upwards and reaches its maximum height 2.0 s later a. What is the initial velocity of the ball? b. What is the maximum height that the ball reaches?

Given : Time taken to reach the maximum height t=2 s

a=−g=−10m/s ^2

The initial velocity of the ball can be calculated by,

Using v=u+at

∴ 0=u−10×2 ⟹u=20 m/s

Using S = ut + 1/2at^2

S = 20.2 + 1/2 (-10)(2)^2

S = 40 + (-20)

S = 20m (the maximum height)

20. If you lift a mass of 3 kg vertically through 2 m (Figure 1), you have to exert a vertically upward force equal to the weight of the body, i.e. 30 N (approximately) and the work done is ..........

W = F s
= 30N*2m
=60 J

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A Ball Is Thrown Vertically Upward After T Seconds A Ball Is Thrown Vertically Upward After T Seconds Reviewed by Romano on November 28, 2022 Rating: 5

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