The Chess Club Needs To Raise Money For Tournament Uniforms

The Chess Club Needs To Raise Money For Tournament Uniforms

The ... is being organised to raise money for the new hospital​

Daftar Isi

1. The ... is being organised to raise money for the new hospital​

the (charity) is being organised to raise money for the new hospital

2. To:RaihanCongratulations on your success to be the winner of the school chess tournament this year.You've made it! Am so proud of you.Mr.Hartono2.What is the purpose of the text above?a.To congratule someone on his victoryb.To ask someone to join a chess tournamentc.To invite someone to practice chess togetherd.To support someone at the chess tournament ​


a. to congratulate someone on his victory


A. To congratule someone on his victory


karena Surat di atas ditujukan untuk mengucapkan selamat pada Raihan atas kemenangan di turnamen catur di sekolah

3. how about holding a charity a condert to raise money for the charity program artinya​

bagaimana kalau mengadakan konser amal untuk mengumpulkan uang dalam rangka program amal

NB: Condert diganti concert

4. 5. Jimmy wants to participate in the chess match. He says to me,"SureA. Congratulation on your winning in the chess matchB. I'd like to congratulate for the chess matchC. I hope you can win in the chess matchD. Wish me luck in the chess match​


C. I hope you can win in the chess match


D. Wish me luck in the chess match


Karena disini yang akan mengikuti chess match adalah "Jimmy" bukan "me"

Semoga membantu

5. ANNOUNCEMENT The board of Directors unanimously decided on the following adjustment to cope with the present needs of the Club for its maintenance and operations. a. Efiective October 1, 2017 NO F & B CONSUMABLE up to December 31, 2017 b.Effective January 2018 increase in monthly dues by P500.00 with F & B consumable Thank you for continuous support and cooperation Club Management 22. What is the topic of the text? A . The changes of maintenance and operation of the club B. The meeting of the board direction of the club. C. The increase of the F & B consumable price. D. The support and cooperation for the club. E. The operational time of the club. 23. Why did the board of directors decide to make adjustment for the club maintenance and operation? A. To decide the regulation of the club. B. To support the development of the club. C. To cope with the present needs of the club. D. To cooperate among the board of directors. E. To increase the price of F & B consumable.


22. A. the changes of maintenance and operation of the club

23. C. To cope with the present needs of the club

6. woman: Do you like playing chess?man:well,you night thing about joining the chess club .i belong to it and i think you night really enjoy it toohow the woman seem to feel about the chess club?​


She likes the chess club' and she enjoys it.

7. Last week,an 18 years old student won the world's chess tournament

Minggu lalu, seorang siswa 18 tahun memenangkan turnamen catur duniaminggu lalu, seorang siswa berusia 18 tahun memenangkan turnamen catur dunia

8. to receive money for the work you do​


menerima uang dalam pekerjaan

salary = gaji/ upah


work and you get a salary


maaf kalau salah


9. 1.putri wants to get her money back she goes to the2.Mr.paijo wants to urinate he goes to3.Mr.parma needs somebody to hold this suitcase the needs a

1. Bank
2. Restroom / toilet
3. Office boy

10. 1. andi friend want to see the tournament, what should they do?2. to whom the announcement for ? ​


imi di apain? di terjemah ato apa?

11. 1. What is the purpose of the text above?A. to invite someone to practice chessB. to congratulate someone on his victoryC. to ask someone to join a chess tournamentD. to support a chess tournament2. Why does Anton congratulate Seno? Because ........ A. Seno wins the school chess tournamentB. Anton wins the tournamentC. Anton is Seno's friendD. Seno loves his father and mother3. Who sends the congratulations card? 5 poinA. SenoB. AntonC. Seno's fatherD. Seno's mother 4. When does Anton send the congratulations card? A. Before Seno wins the school chess tournamentB. When Anton wins the chess tournamentC. After seno wins the school chess tournamentD. When Seno meets Anton 5. “Congratulations on your success to be the winner of the tournament this year.’ What is the synonym of the word success? A. ScoreB. RecordC. PrestigeD. Achievement​


1. B

2. A

3. B

4. C

5. D

Semoga membantu~


1. B

2. A

3. B

4. July 30, 2017

5. D

12. how important do you think it is to encourage young people to raise money for charities?​


very important


semoga benar

13. mother wants to make soup for the family.she needs ..meat for it?

" a slice of meat "

semoga membantu:) sepertinya ada yang salah....

mother wants to make soup for the family.Does she need meat for it?

Maaf kalau salah

Salam Asean!

14. I suggest that we raise money for our,we don't have to ask for money from our parents.​


what is the question?


i didnt 7nderstand

15. U.Slle Will Ulldliye Tel Urealiis alu TOPITULUIT.The following text is for questions 3 to 5.Attention, students.It is expected that your new sports uniforms will bedistributed this week. However, the uniforms for theseventh grade students have not ready to bedistributed yet. You may wear any casual T-shirtsand trousers for P.E. class for the time being.The schedule for the uniforms distribution will beinformed later. Thank you.3. Why did the writer compose the text?A. To ask the seventh grade students to havea P.E. class in the field.To inform the students to wait for their sportsuniforms to be distributed.C. To tell all students that their uniforms are notavailable yet.D. To permit the seventh grade students to wearcasual T-shirts.​

To inform the students to wait for their sports uniform to be distributed

16. Text for numbers 3 to 4To: SenoCongratulation on your succsess to bethe winner of the school chesstournament this year.You've made it! I'm so proud of you.Anton3. Who send the greeting card?4. Why Anton write the card?​



4.Because anton want to make a greeting for seno achievement of the year in the school, and make anton proud.


Text for number 3 to 4

To: Seno

Congratulation on your success to be the winner of the school chess tournament this year. You've made it! I'm so proud of you

(From): Anton

Selamat atas keberhasilanmu menjadi pemenang turnamen catur sekolah tahun ini. Kamu berhasil! Aku sangat bangga padamu

(Dari): Anton


3. Who send the greeting card?

4. Why Anton write the card?


3. He is Anton

4. Because Anton wants to congratulate Seno on winning the chess tournament this year


Semoga membantuÊ•´•á´¥•`Ê”

17. Lisa= I sugeest that we raise money for our trip so we don't have to ask for money from our parents.

Lisa = aku sarankan kita kumpulkan uang utk kegiatan jalan2 kita jadi kita tidak perlu meminta uang kepada orang tua kita@Answer:

Saya menyarankan bahwa kita mengumpulkan uang untuk perjalanan kita jadi kita tidak harus meminta uang dari orang tua kita.

@Hope it helps you!
@Sorry if I am wrong!

18. Trul goes to the market to buya. daily needs c. motorcyb. schoold. money​


a. daily needs :))))))


a. daily needs

maaf kalau salah:)

19. To Tioer birthdayCongratulations on your success to be thewinner of the school chess tournament thisyearYou've made it! I am so proud of you. .ne hereIndah1. What is the purpose of the text above?a. To congratulate someone on his victory.b. To ask someone to join a chess tournament.c. To invite someone to practice chess together.d. To support someone at the chess tour-nament2. Which expression is used to show that Indahproud of Tio?a. You've made it.b. I am so proud of you.c. Congratulation on your success.d. The winner of the school chess tourna-ment.​


1. A



Semoga membantu..

20. 5. Jimmy wants to participate in the chess match. He says to me,"Sure"A. Congratulation on your winning in the chess matchB. I'd like to congratulate for the chess matchC. I hope you can win in the chess matchD. Wish me luck in the chess match​


D.wish me luck in the chess match

semoga membantu

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The Chess Club Needs To Raise Money For Tournament Uniforms The Chess Club Needs To Raise Money For Tournament Uniforms Reviewed by Romano on November 28, 2022 Rating: 5

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