Why Did The Pirate Have A Paper Towel Hat

Why Did The Pirate Have A Paper Towel Hat

Why should we put the banana into a plate covered with paper towel?.

Daftar Isi

1. Why should we put the banana into a plate covered with paper towel?.


To let the paper towel absorb the oil.


mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan,saya cuman ingin membantu!(jadikanlah jawaban terbaik<3)

2. dispose of the paper towel ini a waste container ,not ini the sinkkkata lain dari dispose

kata lain/sinonim dari kata dispose adalah discard

3. apa artidari 1. is bagus hat new 2. where did bagus buy the hat ? 3. does wina like the hat ? 4.why does bagushave a lot of hats at home ?

Jawaban :

1) Apakah topi Bagus baru?
2) Dimana Bagus membeli topi?
3) Apakah Wina menyukai topinya?
4) Kenapa Bagus mempunyai banyak topi di rumah?

semoga membantu^^1. Apakah topi Bagus baru?
2. Di mana Bagus membeli topi itu?
3. Apakah Wina menyukai topi itu?
4. Mengapa Bagus mempunyai banyak topi di rumah?

4. 59. The Students brought their hat last Monday for flag ceremony The interrogative form of the sentence above is…… A. Did the students brought their hat last Monday for flag ceremony? B. Do the students bring their hat last Monday for flag ceremony? C. Did the students bring their hat last Monday for flag ceremony? D. Were the students brought their hat last Monday for flag ceremony?


C. Did the students bring their hat last Monday for flag ceremony?



Untuk menyatakan perbuatan atau peristiwa yang telah terjadi


Positive:S + V2 + O/A

Negative:S + did not + V1 + O/A

Interrogative:Did + S + V1 + O/A?

5. .. you can paper towel to squeeze it ( step2)whatdoes the word it refer to


Anda bisa menggunakan handuk kertas dan memerasnya dengan langkah langkah


u can wear a tissue lap and taplak meja

6. Lanjutan teks:Damar: l see. what did you do then?Sheila: l put the bamboo sticks on the paper and taped each edge of the paper. then, l made a hole in each corner of the paper and insterted twine into each hole. after that, I tied the paper with the sticksDamar: how did you make the tail of the kite?sheila: l used ribbon. l cut the ribbon, the glued it to the kitesoal:8. why did Sheila not answer damar's call?a. she flew a kiteb. she made a kitec. she bought a kited. she decorated a kite9.what did Sheila do right after making a hole on each corner of the paper?a. she glued a ribbon on the paperb. she inserted twine onto the holec. she cut a ribbon to make taild. she put bamboo sticks on the paper10. why do you think Sheila's kite is attractive?a. she used colorful paperb. she drew a picture on the kitec. she made a kite in a beautiful shaped. she used a ribbon to make the body of the kitetolong ya kak:')​


8. b. she made a kite

9. b.she inserted twine onto the hole

10. c.she made a kite in a beautiful shape


semoga membantu ya :)


8.b. she made a kite

9.b. she inserted twine onto the hole

10.d. she used a ribbon to make the body of the kite


Maaf kalau salah^^

7. the somalian pirate are the.......pirates among all pirate in bands africa a.more dangerous b.most dangerous c.danger​


b.most dangeroust


karena kata "most" dipakai untuk "paling". Jadi kalau di artikan dalam bahasa Indonesia menjadi

"Bajak laut Somalia paling berbahaya dari semua bajak laut di Afrika"

Kurang lebihnya begitu, maaf kalau salah & semoga membantu

Jawaban:Piracy off the coast of Somalia occurs in the Gulf of Aden, Guardafui Channel and Somali Sea, in Somali territorial waters and other surrounding areas. It was initially a threat to international fishing vessels, expanding to international shipping since the second phase of the Somali Civil War, around 2000.

After the collapse of the Somali government and the disbandment of the Somali Navy, international fishing vessels began to conduct illegal fishing in Somali territorial waters. This depleted local fish stocks, and Somali fishing communities responded by forming armed groups to deter the invaders. These groups, using small boats, would sometimes hold vessels and crew for ransom. This grew into a lucrative trade, with large ransom payments. The pirates then began hijacking commercial vessels. With the region badly affected by poverty and government corruption, there was little political motivation at the local level to deal with the crisis. Large numbers of unemployed Somali youth began to see it as a means of supporting their families.

International organizations began to express concern over the new wave of piracy due to its high cost to global trade and the incentive to profiteer by insurance companies and others. The Somali government has been active in policing the area, though some believe that it wants to collaborate with the pirates as a bulwark against others and for financial gain. In the late 2000s, anti-piracy coalition known as Combined Task Force 150, including 33 nations, established a Maritime Security Patrol Area in the Gulf of Aden. By 2010, these patrols were paying off, with a steady drop in the number of incidents. By November 2017, there were no major vessels or hostages remaining in pirate captivity. Earlier in 2017, a few incidents of piracy were reported as the navies of Asian and European nations began to more actively rescue hijacked ships, including the bulk carrier OS35.[1]

Penjelasan: jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

8. 16. Why .....you ..... this hat? It looks bad.A. were / buyB. was / buyC. did / buyD. did / bought​


C. did / buy


Why did you buy this hat? It looks bad.

Mengapa kamu membeli topi ini? Terlihat jelek.

-semoga membantu, maaf kalau salah-

9. what did the woman do after receiving the paper

apa yang wanita lakukan setelah menerima kertasapa yang wanita itu lakukan setelah menerima surat/kertas ?

10. change the sentences. I have a nice red hat. ( - )_______​

opinio on movies this is a conversation between two friends


I don't have a nice red hat.


I don't have a nice red hat.

11. .. you can paper towel to squeeze it ( step2)whatdoes the word it refer to


you can squeeze paper towel to dry it

12. fitri, did you tear the paper? artinya​

Fitri, apakah kamu (telah) merobek kertasnya?

Did = kata kerja bantu, menunjukkan masa lampau

You tear = kamu merobek

The paper = kertasnya

13. she doesn't have the hat with

She doesn't have the hat with HER.

14. what is the last activity we do to have the paper fan?A folding the paper​


fold fold n fold more to get the enough size

15. what is the function of paper towel?Where can you place the styrofoam?jawabnya complite sentence

1. the function of the paper towel is for wiping the mug.
2. we can place the styrofoam in the mug.

16. paper, the pieces of paper attrached towards it. What does this observation indicate ? a. The plastic and the paper are oppositely-charge b. A plastic acquired a charge c. The plastic and the paper have the same charges d. All of the above


halo aku juga bingung

17. no don't thet try my hints first put a paper towel under the stain then spray the stain with hair spray bahasa indonesianya

Tidak jangan coba coba dengan petunjuk saya, pertama tama taruh handuk kertas di bawah noda dengan semprotan rambut

18. I have wondered why are we running out of paper for the photocopir, kalimat ini sudah sesuai atau belum dalam standard written english??

Menurut Saya, Belum Sesuai
Makassih :)

19. Lanjutan dialogDamar: i see. What did you do the then? Sheila: i put the bamboo sticks on the paper and taped each edge of the paper. Then, i made a hole in each corner of the paper and inserted twine into each hole. After that, i tied the paper with the stickDamar: how did you make the tail of the kite? Sheila: i used a ribbon. I cut the ribbon, the glued it to the kite8. Why did sheila not answer Damar's call? A. She flew a kiteB. She bought a kiteC. She made a kiteD. She decorated a kite9. What did sheila do right after making a hole on each corner of the paper? A. She glued a ribbon on the paperB. She inserted twine onto the holeC. She cut a ribbon to make a tailD. She put bamboo sticks on the paper10. Why do you think Sheila's kite is attractive? A. She used colorful paperB. She drew a picture on the kiteC. She made a kite in a beautiful shapeD. She used a ribbon to make the body of the kite​




10. a


Jawaban:8. C. 9. B.10. A.


8. Mengapa sheila tidak menjawab panggilan Damar?

A. Dia menerbangkan layang-layang B. Dia membeli layang-layang C. Dia membuat layang-layang ✅ D. Dia menghias layang-layangPenjelasan:

Sheila tidak menjawab telpon Damar karena dia membuat layang2 dengan adiknya

9. Apa yang sheila lakukan tepat setelah membuat lubang di setiap sudut kertas?

A. Dia menempelkan pita di kertas B. Dia memasukkan benang ke dalam lubang ✅ C. Dia memotong pita untuk membuat ekor D. Dia menaruh tongkat bambu di atas kertasPenjelasan:

Setelah membuat lubang dalam layangan adalah memasukkan benang

10. Menurut kamu, mengapa layang-layang Sheila itu menarik?

A. Dia menggunakan kertas berwarna-warni ✅ B. Dia menggambar di layang-layang C. Dia membuat layang-layang dalam bentuk yang indah D. Dia menggunakan pita untuk membuat tubuh layang-layangPenjelasan:

Yang membuat layangan buatan Sheila menarik adalah kertas yg ia gunakan berwarna-warni. Hal ni Berdasarkan kalimat dia “I chose colorful paper”

=== Semoga Membantu ===

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Menjawab berdasarkan percakapan:


Detail JawabanMapel: Bahasa InggrisMateri: ReadingLevel: JHS Kode Soal: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 8.5


20. soal how to make a paper boat or hat

How to Make a Paper Boat:

- HVS/Rectangle Paper

1. First, fold the paper in half.
2. Second, fold the right and left corner into a triangle.
3. Next, fold the bottom of the triangle to the top. Do the same for the back until it looks like a hat.
4. Then, open the folds of the triangle into a square.
5. After that, fold the bottom part of the square to the top. Do it again for the back.
6. Next, open the fold into another square.
7. Finally, pull the ends of right and left to form a boat with a triangle in the middle.
8. Voila! Your boat is ready to sail ^_^

have a nice day : )

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Why Did The Pirate Have A Paper Towel Hat Why Did The Pirate Have A Paper Towel Hat Reviewed by Romano on November 28, 2022 Rating: 5

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