What Is An Ethnic Community Apex

What Is An Ethnic Community Apex

what is the largest ethnic group in indonesia!

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1. what is the largest ethnic group in indonesia!

Java is largest ethnik group in indonesiaThere are over 300 ethnic groups in Indonesia.[1] 95% of those are of Native Indonesian ancestry.[2]

The largest ethnic group in Indonesia is the Javanese who make up about 40% of the total population. The Javanese are concentrated on the island of Java but millions have migrated to other islands throughout the archipelago because of the transmigration program.[3] The Sundanese, Malay, and Madurese are the next largest groups in the country.[3] Many ethnic groups, particularly in Kalimantan and Papua, have only hundreds of members. Most of the local languages belong to Austronesian language family, although a significant number, particularly in Papua, speak Papuan languages. The Tionghoa population makes up a little less than 1% of the total Indonesian population according to the 2000 census.[3] Some of these Indonesians of Chinese descent speak various Chinese dialects, most notably Hokkien and Hakka.

The classification of ethnic groups in Indonesia is not rigid and in some cases unclear due to migrations, cultural and linguistic influences; for example some may consider Bantenese and Cirebonese to be members of the Javanese people; however, some others argue that they are different ethnic groups altogether since they have their own distinct dialects. This is the same case with Baduy people that share many cultural similarities with the Sundanese people. An example of hybrid ethnicity is the Betawi people, descended not only from marriages between different peoples in Indonesia but also with Arab, Chinese and Indian migrants since the era of colonial Batavia (Jakarta).

2. Istana Maimun is in North Sumatera . What is ethnic Istana Maimun?jawabannya bukan terjemahannya​

Apart from the Malays and Karo as the initial inhabitants, the maimun palace was dominated by ethnic Javanese, Batak, Chinese, Minangkabau, Mandailing, and Indian. The majority of Medan residents work in the trade sector, so there are many shophouses in various corners of the city.


3. bantu jawab ya aku minta tolong bangett ini nomor 9 dan 10 nya 9.istana maimun is in north sumatra. what is ethnic istana maimun! 10.what is ethnic in north tapanuli. mohon bantuan nya ya

9. Istana Mainum adalah di nort Sumatera apa etnis Isyana Mainum

4. What is the traditional community referred to inparagraph one?

Traditional community in paragraph one are in the city of Banten which known as the Baduy People.

5. c. Reading for the detailed information1) What is the international community doing to limit corruption?2) According to the international community, how can corruption becurbed?​


1) the world Bank together with the United Nations Office of drugs and crime (UNODC) Launched a program called the stolen asset recovery initiative,it aims to help developing countries recover assets stolen by corrupt leaders.

2) -assisting countries that ask for help in curbing corruption

- participating in fighting against corruption,and

- endeavouring to prevent fraud and corruption in donor financed project.

6. what kind of invitation is thisA. A fundraisingB. A vistationC. A CommunityD. A Personality​




jawaban yang c community

7. 1. What is the ethnic group of people defined in the text?2. What do they look like?3. What features do they have?4. What other features do they have?​


yang nomor

1. apa kelompok etnis orang yang di definisaikan salad teks

2. seperti apa rupa mereka


tapi nggak tau kalau salah

baru bisa sampai 2

8. What is the international community doing to limit Corruption

》 Following up

》 Make a strict agreement

》 Prison sentence

》 Sentences are ostracized

》 death penalty


Good Luck.

9. What is the international community doing to limit corruption

apa yang dilakukan oleh komunitas internasional untuk membatasi korupsi

10. what is the advantages and disadvantages of community service?

Advantages: The world is easier with community service community service helps us to do our work and other stuff

Disadvantages: Sometimes people doesnt use the community services so the community services could left out.

Sorry kalo salah

11. what is another way you could help your community? do you do it? ​


apa cara lain yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk membantu komunitas Anda?

12. the major ethnic in Bangka Belitung is? a.sundase b.madurase c.batak d.malay​



Sundase - Sunda

Madurase - Madura

Batak - Batak


Terima Kasih untuk Mempercayai Jawabanku,

Maaf Jika Ada Kesalahan :)

Jangan Lupa Jadikan Yang Terbaik/Brainliest Answer Ya :)

Mapel: Inggris

Tanggal Pengerjaan: 19/02/21




14. Jawaban dari soal : What makes my community unique?

because of differences of opinion

15. 1. What time will community service be held?Answer:2. What day will community service be held?Answer:​


1. what time will community service be held: around 8 a.m.

2.maybe a normal day Monday-Friday

16. what is the traditional community referred to in paragraph one

apa masyarakat tradisional sebagai mana dimaksud pada ayat satu

17. Let’s start with an easy one: Which developer is behind Apex Legends?​

Apex legend is a online battle royale game developed by Respawn Entertainment

18. What is the traditional community referred to in paragraph one?

paragraphnya Mana?
gak ada gambarnya ya!?
whree is the paragraf ...?

19. Questions: 1. What time will community service be held? Answer: 2 What day will community service be held? Answer: 3. Where will community service be held? Answer: 4. Who is the head of household based on the text above? Answer: 5. What should the residents bring? Answer:​


sorry, where is the text?

20. what happens when there is no unity in a community?​


apa jadinya bila tidak ada persatuan dalam sebuah komunitas?


kek gini bkn si klo salah komen ya biar d bantu

if there is no unity in a community there will be divisions because everyone has different opinions and ways of thinking. So in a community must complement each other if you don't want there to be divisions

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What Is An Ethnic Community Apex What Is An Ethnic Community Apex Reviewed by Romano on Mei 02, 2023 Rating: 5

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