Bob Has 36 Candy Bars He Eats 29

Bob Has 36 Candy Bars He Eats 29

Bob have 36 candy he eats 29 candy how much candy he is have​

Daftar Isi

1. Bob have 36 candy he eats 29 candy how much candy he is have​


Bob have 7 candies

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


2. Bob has 37 candy he ate 26 candy how many candy she left


Bob has 11 candies left


37 - 26 = 11





maaf kalau salah

3. bob has a headache he.....take medicine​



semoga membantu

4. Luke has ______ the candy and _______ soo he must go to _______.


Luke has eat the candy and chocolate soo he must go to dentist.


5. the children.. given some candy bars by the clowns in the birthday party yesterday

the children were given some candy bars by the clowns in the birthday party yesterday.

passive voice past tense: S + to be (was/were) + V3

The children( were) given some candy bars by the clowns in the birthday party yesterday

Karena keterangan waktu yesterday maka bentuk passivenya pun lampau yaitu menggunakan " was/were" karena subject ya plural yaitu the children maka to be yang paling pas adalah "were"

6. Joseph has lunch in the school canteen ..... . he usually eats a hamburger


Joseph has lunch in the school canteen and he usually eats a hamburger.


Joseph makan siang di kantin sekolah dan dia biasanya makan hamburger.



7. ipul has got a ... . Because he eats too much chili sauce artinya adalah​


bahasa inggris


ipul mules atau sakit perut / diare karena dia memakan terlalu banyak saus cabe

maaf kalau ada kekurangan

8. B. He has got toothache. He ... candy.a. Shouldc. should eatb. Should notd. should not eat​

Jawaban:D should not eat

Penjelasan:semoga membantu stay safe:D


D. Should not eat


pada persoalan tertulis bahwa laki-laki tersebut sakit gigi, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah dia seharusnya tidak memakan permen.

semoga membantu^^

9. abi eats gado-gado. he sometimes eats lotek.(would rather)

Abi would to eat gado-gado, he rather eat lotekAbi would rather eats gado-gado than eats lotek

10. Begin here Has Bob finished his work yet? Yes,he



Yes,he has finished is job

11. I'm have 170 box of candy in truck every box has 370 candy Someone Buy 73 Box how many he order candy?​


we known if:

you have 170 box of candy.

each of the box contain 370 candy,

Then someone just buy 73 box

The question is :

How many he order thecandy?

The answer is :

formula :






12. Situation · Your brother has an allergy · Every time he eats peanuts, he has bad cough Create conditional sentence based on the situation above! ...............................................................................................................


If my brother eats peanuts,he has bad cough

Maaf kalo salah

13. Bob is upset because he saw the bad accident ..... this morninga. was happeningb. has happenedc. happenedd. happen


C. happened


happened adalah past tense dari happen. karena terjadi 'this morning', bukan sekarang, jadi pakai past tense.

14. Larry has 824 stamps.He has 30 more stamps than Bob.John has 60 fewer stamps than Bob.How many stamps does John have? tolong di jawab sama rumusnya ya ​


824 + 30

= 854 stamps


maaf kalau salah




15. Malik eats three bars of chocolates himself ganti ke kalimat positif?


Malik Eats Chocolates Himself Of bars

16. Andi likes candy very much.Now,he gets....

Andi likes candy very much.Now,he gets toothache.

17. malik eats three bars of chocolates himself (+)__________________​


(+) Malik eats three bars of chocolate himself

(-) Malik does not (doesn't) eat three bars of chocolate himself

(?) Does Malik eat three bars of chocolate himself?

Maaf jika ada yang salah

18. My lovely cat 4. a. this my cat, he has brown and………………………….. b. he has………………………………………………………..eyes c. he eats………..…………………………………………………… d. he can………….…………………………………………………..

Jawaban:My lovely cat 4. a. this my cat, he has brown and white fur b. he has blue eyes c. he eats fish and meat d. he can jump very high


ga ada teks yg jelasnya

19. sardi has five=................. , but he only eats one apple?plis di jawab ya

maaf kalo salah

20. 8.He has a toothache because he eats chocolate too much 9.He has stomachache because he doesn't his hand before eating 10.He has cold because he plays football in the rain

kalau terjemahannya itu
8. dia (laki-laki) sakit gigi karena memakan cokelat terlalu bannyak
9. dia (laki laki) sakit perut karena tidak mencuci tanggannya sebelum makan
10. dia (laki-laki) sakit flu karena dia bermain sepak bola di tengah hujan

semoga dengan jawaban ini dapat membantu

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Bob Has 36 Candy Bars He Eats 29 Bob Has 36 Candy Bars He Eats 29 Reviewed by Romano on Mei 02, 2023 Rating: 5

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