What Does Cate Often Call Her Sister

What Does Cate Often Call Her Sister

1.what do you call your parents son ? 2.what does meta call her gathers sister?

Daftar Isi

1. 1.what do you call your parents son ? 2.what does meta call her gathers sister?


apa kamu panggila kamu


2. Why does fajri call her sister?

bisa tambahin teksnya?biar bisa dijawabBecause fajti leave the book on the table

3. what does her mother usually call her?​


my daugther atau my son


4. your sister is married. what do you call her husband?​


brother in law


kakak ipar artinya brother in law dalam bahasa inggris

maaf kalo salah, good luck!!


I call her by the name sister- in- law

5. why does laila call her brother

konteksnya apa?
klo jawaban bebas, mungkin ini bisa membantu: laila calls her brother because she wants him to pick her up at school.

6. 1. who looks so happy? 2. why does she feel happy? 3. does her sister come back from jakarta today? 4.what will her sister do after she graduates? 5. what does her moher do to welcome her sister? 6. does lola invite mega to come to the dinner? 7. what does lola say to invite mega? 8. what does mega say to respond lola's invitation?

1. lola
2. Because her elder sister has graduated from university
3. Yes she does
4. She find a jod
5. She cooks a lot of food and invites my big family to having dinner at home
6. Yes she does
7. She say " I'd like to invite you for having dinner with us tonight "
8. She say " that would be wonderful " and then say " sure "

7. Questions:1.Where does Olive live now?2What are her parents' names?3.What do her father and mother look like?4.How old are her parents now?5. What does her sister look like?​



1.where does Olive live now?=in madrid

2.what are her parents names?=Jennifer and freddy

3.what do her farher and mother look like?=Mother:beutiful,well-dressed,and elegant...Father:quitel tall, and hard-working person

4.how old are her parents now?=Mother:45 year old and Father 49 years old

5.what does her sister look like?=her sister is black-haired and green eyed.she has long wavy hair,she is taller tan the write

6.what are Nadine personalities?=Nadine is introvert but she is very sensible,smart and cooperative

7."He"has bright blue eyes.(paragraph one) what does the underlined word refer to?=The word "he" refers to write's Father

8."she"is definitely taller than me.(paragraph two) what does the underlined word refer to?=the word "she" refers to writer's sister,Nadine

9.What languange does Nadine Speak fluenty?=Nadine know arabic,spanish and french

10.how long did they live in paris?=we lived paris for 5 years

Jadikan jawaban yg terbaik ya semuanya><Semangat belajar^^

8. why does Anita call her brother?​


artinya: kenapa Anita memanggil kakaknya?


gini bukan?


why does Anita call her brother? (kenapa Anita memanggil kakaknya?

because maybe Anita needs something. (karena mungkin Anita membutuhkan sesuatu.


maaf klo salah y:)

9. Questions.1. What does her mother do in the morning?2. What does her mother like and dislike?How old is her father?Tell the activities of her father!What are her brother and sister's names?What is her sister?What is her brother?8.Tell the personality of her sister and her brother?Why does her dog never catch other cats?What does her dog like and hate?​


1. Agar anak anak nya bangun

2. gak tau nieh

10. Why does rara call?what happens to her

im sorry i dont know why rara calling you

11. does your sister often (swim) ?​

no i don't have sister

12. 1 What di her parents usualy call her

English To Indonesian :

1.) apa orang tuanya biasa memanggilnya


Semoga Membantu :D


What does her parents usually call her?

Her parents usually call her name.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Simple Present Tense karena menjelaskan aktivitas kegiatan sehari hari.

Simple Present Tense:

(+) Subject + Verb-1 S/ES + Object

Semoga membantu ya.

13. Who is Sabina Jenn?What does the writer call her?Where does she come from?Where does she live?What does she look like?What is the main idea of paragraph two?What is her hair like?apa artinya​


Siapakah Sabina Jenn? Apa nama penulisnya? Darimana dia datang? Di mana dia tinggal? Dia terlihat seperti apa? Apa gagasan utama paragraf dua? Seperti apa rambutnya?



14. Which sentence is correct? * 4 poin How often do he call his client? How often does he calls his client? How often does he call his client? How does often he call his client?.


how often do he call his client

15. artinya how does you call her ?

Bagaimana kamu memanggil dia?kenapa kamu menelpon dia?

16. 1.what do you call your parents son? 2.what does Meta call her gathers sister? 3.what do you parents call yuor sister dougther? 4.what do you call your uncles children? 5.what do you call your mother's husband?


1. Apa yang Anda sebut anak orang tua Anda?

2. Apa yang disebut Meta dia mengumpulkan saudara perempuan?

3. Apa yang orang tua Anda sebut sebagai saudara perempuan Anda?

4. Apa yang Anda sebut anak paman Anda?

5. Apa yang kamu sebut suami ibumu?

Answer :

1. Brother

2. Brother / sister

3. Children

4. Cousin

5. Father

17. Questions.1. What does her mother do in the morning?2. What does her mother like and dislike?How old is her father?Tell the activities of her father!What are her brother and sister's names?What is her sister?What is her brother?8.Tell the personality of her sister and her brother?Why does her dog never catch other cats?What does her dog like and hate?​


1. Her mother cooks in the morning.

2. She like to cook and she doesn't like cats.

3. Her father age is 50.

4. Her father is riding a bicycle.

5. Her brother name is Andi , Her sister name is Nurul.

6. Her sister is her family and a human.

7. Her brother is her family and a human.

8. Her sister personality is humble and kind, her brother is anger and selfish.

9. Because her dog is a kind dog that doesn't hate vays.

10. Her dog's like to eat , and hate to catch cats.

Itu aja jawabannya!!

Semoga membantu!!

Belajar terus yuk!!

18. what does Stella think about Stanley's thought toward her sister , Balanche​?


ad ceritanya gak? atau keterangannya? biar bisa aku bantu jawab

19. what does she do after carrying up her little sister?

go to work

semoga membantu

20. I have a sister. Her full name isResha Ramadina. I usually callher Echa. What is hernickname?​


Her nick name is Echa

Karena panggilan yang biasa digunakan adalah kata lain dari nickname.

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What Does Cate Often Call Her Sister What Does Cate Often Call Her Sister Reviewed by Romano on November 05, 2022 Rating: 5

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