Scott Needs To Replace A Broken Window

Scott Needs To Replace A Broken Window

23. They ought to have ....... Replace the brokenwindow.a. Somebodyb. Somebody toSomebody to getSomebody have beene. Somebody to fix24 She needs to have her car renaired We may​

Daftar Isi

1. 23. They ought to have ....... Replace the brokenwindow.a. Somebodyb. Somebody toSomebody to getSomebody have beene. Somebody to fix24 She needs to have her car renaired We may​


[tex]23.somebody \: have \: been \\ \\ itu \: jawabannya \: maaf \: kalau \: salah \: aku \: gk \: bisa \: jawab \: nomor \: 24[/tex]

2. Asih : Would you like to........the window,please? This room needs some fresh air. Kinas: Sure.A. lock B. open C. close D. replace​

A. Lock


Would you like to lock the window,please this room needs some fresh air.

Apakah Anda ingin mengunci jendela, tolong ruangan ini membutuhkan udara segar.

3. The kid has broken the window. Passive voice is: A. The window has been broken by the kid. B. The window will be broken by the kid. C. The window is being broken by the kid. D. The window is broken by the kid.


A.the window has been broken by the kid

4. we had our landlord.... the broken window a. to fix b. fixing c. fixed d. fix

jawabannya a. to fix
sorry kalau salah hehe

menurut saya jawaban yang benar adalah yang a to fix

5. the childern have (broke/broken) the window

The childern have broken the window

the children have broke the window

6. Jackets were being worn by them in the classA. window is broke by her yesterdayB. The window is being broken by her yesterdayC. The window was broken by her yesterdayD. The window were broken by her yesterday​​


C.the window was broken by her yesterday

maaf klo salah

7. father needs my help to move a couch in the living room..... intends to replace it with a new one​




Father = male/boy = he

8. repair broken glass window

memperbaiki jendela kaca pecah

9. put the near the sunny window...... the plants needs the sunlught to grow​


letakkan dekat jendela yang cerah ...... tanaman membutuhkan sinar matahari untuk tumbuh.

Semoga membantu


put the plant near the sunny window because the plant needs the sunlight to grow

10. Fatner needs my help to move a couch in the living room.___________(they,I,he)intends to replace it with anew one




yg punya intensi adalah ayah dan kata ganti ayah adalah he

Father needs my help to move a couch in the living room. They intends to replace it with a new one


Maaf kalo salah:v

11. the window ... by my big brother last weeka is brokenb was brokenc were brokend brokee has broken​


B. Was broken


Simple past tense

Smg membntu


B. was broken

The window was broken by my big brother last week

(=Jendela dipecahkan oleh abangku minggu lalu)

*kenapa bukan 'in broken'? karena ada time signal 'last week'(minggu lalu) sehingga menggunakan past tense.

*mengapa bukan 'were broken' karena 'window' = singular

*mengapa bukan 'broke' karena 'broke' adalah past tense dari kalimat aktif sedangkan kaliman di atas adalah kalimat pasif

*mengapa bukan 'has broken' karena 'has broken' adalah Present perfect tense untuk kalimat aktif

semoga membantu ^-^

12. Jamal's brake is broken. He needs to apply ... such as oil or wax to reduce the friction


supaya tidak terjadi percikan api dari gesekan tersebut :)


Rem Jamal rusak. Dia perlu menerapkan ... seperti minyak atau lilin untuk mengurangi gesekan = arti soal

maaf kalau salah :)

13. terjemahkan ya the window is broken =

arrinya :kaca jendela pecahJendela itu pecah/rusak

14. is broken. i will replace it​


jangan nge rokok, kalo di tempat umum


itu rusak akan saya ganti


semoga membantu

15. The children have (broke/broken) the window

the children have broken the windowThe children have (broken) the window (pada present perfect, have + v3)

16. The window...last night.A. Was brokenB. Has brokenC. BreakingD. Broken​




sorry if wrong thank you and hope it helps

A. Was broken
The window= it
Karena bentuk lampau maka to be nya “was”

17. look!some body broken that window

the meaning is : lihat! seseorang memecahkan jendela ituLihat seseorang memecahkan jendela itu

18. 1. The children ____ a window in the school last week. Broke Broken Is breaking Have broken


broke past tense




maaf kalo salah:v

19. chynty's computer is broken she needs to comolete an assignment immediately​


Komputer chynty rusak, dia harus segera menyelesaikan tugas

maaf klo bukan yg dimksd

20. It is broken . I will replace it artikan b.indonesia


ini rusak.aku akan menggantinya

maaf kalo salah:D

Jawaban:ini sudah tidak baik,aku akan memperbaikinya

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Scott Needs To Replace A Broken Window Scott Needs To Replace A Broken Window Reviewed by Romano on November 04, 2022 Rating: 5

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