Is Our World Better Or Worse Because Of Digital Representation

Is Our World Better Or Worse Because Of Digital Representation

tolong artikan "The Crisis Is revolved, for better or worse"!

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1. tolong artikan "The Crisis Is revolved, for better or worse"!

" The Crisis Is revolved , for better or worse " Artinya = ..... Krisis teratasi ,
untuk lebih baik atau lebih buruk

2. Showing the way of participant to solve the crisis, better or worse, sad or happy is calledpls di jawab cepat coin banyak nih​


Ambivalence means “feeling both good and bad

If you have bipolar disorder, your emotions range from extremely happy to extremely sad

maaf kalo salah saya sedikit bingung :c

3. real human communication is getting worse because of computer ​


Technology is more than an abstract concept associated with advanced tools and systems used by businesses and end-users for convenience and automation of complex tasks. It also shapes the way societies and people behave, grow, evolve, and develop, both within their own lives and in their relationships with others. While technology has developed over the millennia that humans have existed - from simple tools such as the wheel, irrigation systems and chariots, to complex tools such as computers, cell phones, the Internet and airplanes - the last century has seen an explosion in technology that has influenced subtle but crucial changes in how humans see the world and interact with others. Specifically, the Internet and mobile devices (i.e. smartphones, tablet computers, mobile gaming systems, etc.)


4. The damage of our forest is getting worse,don't you think ?

The damage of our forest is getting worse, do not you think? yes it is because many people who lack the awareness to protect the environment, and the lack of concern for the forest.yes, because many poeple cutting down trees illegally.

5. Be careful ! Smoking is bad, but smoking in public is .... . According to me, Life without smoking is much better. As students , we must not smoke, because smoking gives negative effects to our healthbetterthe bestworstworse​




6. the domage of our forest is getting worse,dont you think?

yeah, i think so. many people damage our forest for personal gain. hehe #sokdewasa -_-

7. Complete the sentences with "as good as, better, the best, worse, or the worse!​


10. the worst

11. better | as good as

12. worse

13. best

14. better

8. 11. If everyone takes care of the environment well, our world...a. Would be much betterc. Will be much betterb. Has been much betterd. is much bettere. Is being much better​


seharusnya jawabannya I am the pearl of words for you tapi gk ada jawaban nya b. has been much better


C. Will be much better

sorry if im wrong.i hope it helps :)

9. real human Communication is getting worse because of computers​


Komunikasi manusia nyata semakin buruk karena komputer


real human Communication = Komunikasi manusia nyata

is getting worse = semakin buruk

because of computers​ = karena komputer

10. the opposite of greatest isa. worstb. betterc. bestd. worse​

~ Answer:

The opposite meaning is...

a. worst


~ Introduction:

Antonym menunjukkan kata yang memiliki artisebaliknyaatau bertentangandengan kata yang dimaksud (opposite). Apabila terdapat kata kemudian dibandingkan dengan kata lain yang memiliki keterkaitan setara namun berbeda maksud, itulah disebut antonim.

—> contohnya:

I think you did a goodjob.

Kebalikan dari kata good (baik) adalah bad (buruk). Sehingga, the opposite of good is bad.

—> I think you did a badjob.

~ Discussion:

Halo dan salam kenal. Mari kita amati katanya.


Kata sifat di atas menunjukkan superlativedegreedengan sufiksasi -est. Kata dasarnya adalah great. Kebalikan dari great (hebat) adalah worse (payah). Persamaan kata (sinonim) dari great adalah good. Greatest sama artinya dengan best.

Kita nyatakan dalam kebalikannya, jadi jawabannya adalah worst karena dalam superlative degree

—> (great -> greatest X worse --> worst)


~ Thank you and hope this answer may be helpful.

Good luck! ✿

11. The Indian variety of crocodile is the most widely researched crocodile in the world ........ anatomical structure is so unusual. (a) because its (b) because of its (c) it is because (d) is because

The correct answer is:

The Indian variety of crocodile is the most widely researched crocodile in the world because its anatomical structure is so unusual.

The sentence above use the possessive pronoun for third noun by using its.


Jawaban yang benar adalah (A), ini karena kalimat tersebut memerlukan possessive pronoun untuk subjek ketiga "it". Sebelumnya ada kata because sehingga setelah because diiringi dengan possessive pronoun. Maka dalam hal ini jawaban (B) salah karena dalam hal ini tidak perlu memakai of. Jawaban (C) salah karena bila ingin memakai it is because harus diikuti dengan article the untuk membuat frasa anatomical structure menjadi definite. Jawaban (D) salah karena tidak tidak lengkap grammarnya.

Pelajari lebih lanjutTentang cara memahami kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris:

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

12. Pearl's score is .... than Sybil'sscore.Obestgoodworsebetter​





Pearl's score is bertter than sybil's score


13. - good,better,best is specimen of ... verb - can,could,may,might,will,shall, these are kinds of several specimen of - superlative degree of bad worse is​


Good - better - best - is specimen of IRREGULAR verb.

Alasan :

Karena dari bentuk pertama sampai ketiga nya berbeda maka "Good, better and best" masuk ke dalam kategori Irregular verb (kata kerja tidak beraturan)

Can - Could - May - Might - Will - Shall - These are kinds of several specimen of AUXILIARY VERBS.

Alasan :

Karena kata-kata tersebut diletakkan di depan kata kerja utama yang digunakan untuk membentuk suatu tenses, maka kata-kata tersebut masuk kedalam kategori Auxiliary verbs (kata kerja bantu)

Superlative degree of Bad Worse is WORST

Alasan :

Bentuk perbandingan dari kata sifat "Bad" masuk ke dalam kategori irregular (tidak beraturan). Maka bentuk superlative dari "Bad" adalah "worst = Paling jelek".


Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : Vocabulary Exercises

Kelas : 8

Kode Soal : 8.5

Kode Kategorisasi : 8.5.4

14. Dina : ............................(asking opinion) Zisy :from my point of view,the damage of our forest is getting worse


Dina : What do you think about the damage of our forest?

Zisy : from my point of view, the damage of our forest is getting worse

15. People like the new hospital because its facilities … A. Is as good or better than the old hospital. B. Are as good or better than the old hospital. C. Are as good as or better than the old hospital. D. Are as good as or better than those of the old hospital.



feeling gw kadang kadang bener


sorry kalo salah

16. arti dari "our world is made up of many different materials"

dunia kita terbuat dari material yang banyak dan berbedadunia kita terdiri dari banyak yang berbeda
*maaf kalo salah

17. 30 Jinny:Which is worse, summer or winter?Jonny:A. I think, summer is worse than winterB. It is very hot in summerC. It is very cold in winterD. I don't agree, summer is betterpliss​


A. I think, summer is worse than winter


A. Saya pikir, musim panas lebih buruk dari musim dingin


B. Ini sangat panas di musim panas

B. It is very hot in summer


maaf kalau salah follow ya

18. The damage of our forest is getting worse,don't you think

the damage of our forest is getting worse, don't you think so?
"kerusakan di hutan kita semakin parah, tidakkah kamu berpikir begitu?

19. apa arti dari "The crisis is revolved,for better cor worse"!

krisis ini berputar, untuk lebih baik warna buruk

20. kak tolong jawab seperti contoh 1 menggunakan worse or better makasih

2. the fresh oranges tastes better than the rotten apples.

3. the old motorcycle is worse than the new motorcycle.

4. the cap with a logo is better looking than the plain cap.

5. the sandwich has better health than the burger.

6. the high heeled shoes has better price than the flat shoes.

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Is Our World Better Or Worse Because Of Digital Representation Is Our World Better Or Worse Because Of Digital Representation Reviewed by Romano on November 22, 2022 Rating: 5

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