Gala Company Is A Manufacturer Of Laptop Computers

Gala Company Is A Manufacturer Of Laptop Computers

Make a report outline about the condition ofcomputers in a company.​

Daftar Isi

1. Make a report outline about the condition ofcomputers in a company.​



artinya ;

''membuat laporan secara garis besar tentang kondisi komputer di suatu perusahaan''

Jawab :

1. report ,, the condition of the computer at Abelia's company is not given enough attention ;

lapor ,, kondisi komputer di perusahaan abelia kurang diperhatikan

2. report, 5 computers at Abelia's company were damaged ;

lapor, komputer di perusahaan abelia rusak 5 buah

semoga bermanfaat buat anda

semoga berkah ya^π^



2. Make a report outline about the condition of computers in a company ​



artinya ;

''membuat laporan secara garis besar tentang kondisi komputer di suatu perusahaan''

Jawab :

1. report ,, the condition of the computer at Abelia's company is not given enough attention ;

lapor ,, kondisi komputer di perusahaan abelia kurang diperhatikan

2. report, 5 computers at Abelia's company were damaged ;

lapor, komputer di perusahaan abelia rusak 5 buah

semoga bermanfaat buat Kaka

semoga berkah ya^π^

3. Three laptops are for sale. The sum of the price of laptop A and B is $2185. The sum of the price of laptop A and C is $2571. The ratio of price of laptop B and C is 5 : 7. What is the price of laptop A?


Price of laptop A = $1220

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Sum of the price: A + B = 2185

Sum of the price: A + C = 2571

B : C = 5 : 7

B = 5/7 × C

So, replace the B:

A + 5/7 C = 2185

A + C = 2571

Eliminate by subtracting the first from the second: 2/7 C = 386

C = 1351

So, A = 2571 - 1351 = 1220

4. real human Communication is getting worse because of computers​


Komunikasi manusia nyata semakin buruk karena komputer


real human Communication = Komunikasi manusia nyata

is getting worse = semakin buruk

because of computers​ = karena komputer

5. . 1. Rafi repaired his computers. The passive form of the sentence above is ... A. Rafi repairs his computers. B. Rafi is repairing his computers C. The computers are repairing Rafi. D. The computers are repaired by Rafi.​


D. The computers are repaired by Rafi.

simple present tense (passive)


6. Boni...anew laptop computers it ...a greet performance​


have, was


semoga membantu


Boni have a new laptop computer it is a great performance

Boni punya laptop baru itu kinerja yang luarbisa


kalau salah, maaf

7. what is the name of the company ?

apa nama perusahaan tsb??

8. A chicago manufacturer of office equipment is desperately attempting to control its profit and loss statement answer

Hay, apakah bisa diterjemahkan?

9. # passive voice this company employs a lot of people .a. a lot of people is employed by this companyb. a lot of people are employed by this company C. a lot of people is employed by this company ​


b. a lot of people are employed by this company


semoga membantu ya

10. what is the name of the company​


Q: What is the name of the company?​

A: The company name is Walmart


T: Apa nama perusahaannya?​

A: Nama perusahaannya adalah Walmart


O yakunitateba saiwaidesu (* ^ ▽ ^*)

11. huixian mother buys some shares of company A on day 0. on day 7, the share price of company a is $4.60. if she sells all her shares pf company A and buys 2000 shares of company B on day 7, she would receive $7400. on day 12, the share price of company A is $4.80 and the share price of company B is $0.50 less than that on day 7 If she sells all her shares of company A and buys 5000 shares of company B on day 12, she would have to pay $5800. find a. the number of shares of company A huixian mother has. b. the share price of company B on day 12

Jawaban: $3987

Penjelasan: Caranya the number of shares of company A huixian mother has.

12. What is function of Laptop?​


Usually, the main function of a laptop is portable in simple word laptop is portable Pc. All function of the laptop is the same any time you. The function of a laptop as a medium is very helpful for someone's work routine, especially for those with high mobility

13. Mohon dibantu ya! a) Give the example of Utility Software! (2) b) What is Secondary Memory of computers? c) How are computers classified on the basis of their size & speed? d) Explain the Types of memory in computers? Thanks!

Jawaban dan Penjelasan :

A. notepad ,microsoft office ,smadav ,winamp ,nero,norton

B.Menyimpan data bersifat tetap (non volatile), baik pada saat komputer aktif atau tidak. Memori sekunder biasa disebut juga memori eksternal yaitu perangkat keras untuk melakukan operasi penulisan, pembacaan dan penyimpanan data, di luar memori utama.

C. a. Komputer analog

Merupakan satu jenis komputer yang bisa digunakan untuk mengolah data kualitatif.

Data yang ada bukan merupakan simbol, tetapi masih merupakan suatu keadaan

seperti keadaan suhu ataupun kelembaban udara, ketinggian ataupun kecepatan

adalah merupakan suatu keadaan yang oleh komputer kemudian ditetapkan

sehingga menjadi suatu ukuran.

Contoh: komputer penghitung aliran BBM dalam SPBU.

b. Komputer digital

Merupakan suatu jenis komputer yang bisa digunakan untuk mengolah data yang

bersifat kuantitatif. Data dari komputer digital biasanya berupa simbol yang memiliki

arti tertentu, misalnya: simbol alfabetis yang digambarkan dengan huruf A s/d Z

ataupun a s/d z, simbol numerik yang digambarkan dengan angka 0 s/d 9 ataupun

simbol-simbol khusus, seperti halnya: ?/+*&!. Komputer digital merupakan komputer

kebanyakan yang kita kenal.

c. Komputer hibrid

Merupakan jenis komputer yang bisa digunakan untuk mengolah data yang bersifat

kuantitatif ataupun kualitatif. Hibrid komputer juga bisa dikatakan sebagai gabungan

dari analog dan digital. Komputer jenis ini banyak digunakan oleh berbagai rumah

sakit yang digunakan untuk memeriksa keadaan tubuh dari pasien, yang pada

akhirnya komputer bisa mengeluarkan berbagai analisa yang disajikan dalam bentuk

gambar, grafik ataupun tulisan.

D.Jenis-jenis memori

Register prosesor.

RAM atau Random Access Memory.

Cache Memory (SRAM) (Static RAM)

Memori fisik (DRAM) (Dynamic RAM)

Perangkat penyimpanan berbasis disk magnetis.

Perangkat penyimpanan berbasis disk optik.

Memori yang hanya dapat dibaca atau ROM (Read Only Memory)

Flash Memory.

Maaf Klo Sala Di Otak saya hanya ada itu......

14. Describe the different types of computers. what is the most common type? what are the types of personal computers?


There are 4 different types of computers.  

Supercomputers are the fastest computers,  but at the same time are the very expensive ones. This type of computer is usually used on scientific research centers.Mainframe Computers can cater numerous users and support programs happening at the same time. This type of computer is usually used by governments and large organizations.Minicomputers can cater to users ranging from 4 to 200 simultaneously. This type of computer is the mid-sized one.Microcomputers can cater to one user at a time. This type of computer is the most common type because they are not that costly.

The most common type of computer is the microcomputer or also known as the personal computer.  

Types of Personal Computers

Towel Model  

Handheld Model

Desktop Computer

Notebook Computer

Laptop Computer

Netbook Computer

Tablet PC Model


semoga membantu kak

15. What is function of Laptop?​​


for typing

making design

play music

for counting


searching information

Laptops are fully functional computers that are designed for portability and convenience. When compared to a desktop tower computer, laptops are smaller, weigh less, have fewer components and consume less power. Despite this, laptops can often match the performance and price of comparable desktops.

16. Why is she be a valuable asset of her company? ​


Mengapa dia menjadi aset berharga perusahaannya


bacaan nya mana

17. What is the name of the company


Your company's name" is an informal phrase which means "the name of the company that you own (in part or in full)" or possibly "the name of the company that employees you". This phrase is used in conversations among real people.


kalo salah tolong maaf kan saya

maksud kamu artinya kan. kalau artinya=perusahaan

18. what is the name of company​


apa nama perusahaan nya?


contoh namanya ; gucci , chanel , adiddas , Fila

tolong dijadikan jawaban tercerdas

Jawaban:the name of company is China Company

19. A company that makes something__________a. manufacturerb. buyerc. customerd. dummyTolong di bantu Cepat!!​

B. Buyer = pembeli

Semoga membantu ya


A. Manufacturer


Sorry if it was wrong -w-

20. noun clause of a company is, in general ​


klause perusahaan Ada ditempat umum

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Gala Company Is A Manufacturer Of Laptop Computers Gala Company Is A Manufacturer Of Laptop Computers Reviewed by Romano on November 21, 2022 Rating: 5

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