Rank The Following From Most To Least Acidic

Rank The Following From Most To Least Acidic

integrity, courage, capacity to see beyond, intelligence, wisdom. Rank from most to least important and why?

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1. integrity, courage, capacity to see beyond, intelligence, wisdom. Rank from most to least important and why?

Kategori Soal: Bhs Inggris
Kelas: SMP

In my opinion, the most important one is wisdom. It is important for us to have wisdom as it shall enable us to respond or react wisely. Someone with wisdom is normally someone with the great intelligence because wisdom can only be achieved by think everything profoundly along with your good conscience till you grasp the main idea of everything plus the essence of every issue. Next one is integrity. It is essential in life as it is related to ethics. A man will not be a true human without ethics, no matter how smart or courageous or even creative he is. Then, what is necessary in life is courage. It is the will to act, which would be crucial once you have those first two. Without courage, nothing will happen. Yet, if courage is accompanied by wisdom and integrity, something ideally good will happen. After that, capacity to see beyond. This skill is quite related to creativity. If you have such capacity, you will see things differently that others don't. That's one thing that makes you special. Last but not least is intelligence. The reason why it is put in the last order because intelligence can be trained and lots of people have them. It can be reached quite faster than the others.

2. Which is the least important? Rank them 1-5, with 1 as the most important.Infant Warmer, Water Container, Portable Clay Cooker, Health Detector, Solar Wi-Fi Light1.)Write the rank from the most important to the least important. 2.) Explain your reason for the most important innovation and the least innovation. ​

The rank from most important to least important :

1. Health Detector (Detektor kesehatan)

Why did I put the health detector to number 1? Because health is most important. So, that's the reason I put down here.

2. Infant Warmer (Penghangat badan bayi)

Why did I put the infant warmer to number 2? Because babies need warmth when their body is cold. So, that's the reason I put down here.

3. Solar Wi-Fi Light (Wi-Fi menggunakan kekuatan tata surya)

Why did I put the Solar Wi-Fi Light to number 3? Yeah because it's very most important if the electricity is down. So we can use the Wi-Fi using the power of solar.

4. Water Container (wadah buat air)

Why did I put the water container to number 4? I thought that this water container was not very usable, so that's why I put it in number 4 .

5. Portable Clay Cooker (pemasak tanah liat portable)

Why did I put the portable clay cooker to last number? I think, this is very the least important. because I was thinking, is this thing really useful? I thought not at all.

Afwan klo ada kesalahan, semoga terbantu

3. which of the following correctly list substances from least permeable to the most permeable across a lipid bilayer?

Which of the following correctly list substances from least permeable to the most permeable across a lipid bilayer?

(Dari daftar berikut dari yang paling tidak permeable ke paling permeabel dalam menembus lapisan lipid bilayer adalah?)

D. Potassium ions, glucose, glycerol, water, oxygen


Permeabilitas adalah ukuran mudah atau sulitnya suatu partikel menembus suatu lapisan membran.

Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi permeabilitas adalah:

Ukuran partikel: Semakin besar ukuran partikel maka semakin susah menembus lapisan membran pemeable. Sementara partikel berukuran kecil mudah menembusnya. Muatan partikel: Ion bermuatan lebih susah menembus lapisan membran pemeable, bila dibanding partikel bermuatan netral. partikel bermuatan psotif semakin susah lagi menembus lapisan ini, dibanding, partikel bermuatan negatif. Sifat hidrofobik: Gas terlarut seperti O2 dan CO2, yang bersifat hidrofobik (biasanya adalah partikel tidak bermuatan dan berbentuk simetris), akan memiliki permeabilitas tinggi.

Dalam soal ini, urutan dari yang memiliki permeabilitas paling kecil adalah:

Potassium ions: Ion potasium adalah ion K+. Sebagai partikel bermuatan positif, maka partikel ini memiliki permeabilitas sangat rendah. Karena ada resistensi terhadap ion K + dalam melintasi membran, diperlukan transpor aktif untuk memindahkan ion ini. Glucose: Glukosa memiliki rumus C6H12O6, dengan kata lain, partikel ini berukuran besar sebab jumlah atom penyusunnya yang banyak. Selain itu, glukosa juga bersifat polar, atau memiliki muatan akibat strukturnya yang tidak simetris. Ini membuat glukosa memiliki permeabilitas rendah. Glycerol: Gliserol memiliki rumus C3H8O3. Ukuran partikel gliserol lebih kecil dari glukosa. Sehingga permeabilitasnya lebih besar dari glukosa Water: Air memiliki rumus H2O. Ukuran partikel air lebih kecil dari gliserol dan glukosa. Sehingga permeabilitasnya lebih besar dari gliserol dan glukosa. Oxygen: Oksigen memiliki rumus O2. Ukuran partikelnya yang kecil, ditambah lagi karena oksigen bersifat hidrofobik, membuat oksigen sangat besar permeabilitasnya.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan impermeabel, semipermeabel dan permeabel ?  


2. Gas O2, CO2,dan N2 melewati membran sel dengan cara…


Detail Jawaban:  

Kode: 9.4.2  

Kelas: IX

Mata pelajaran: Fisika    

Materi: Bab 2 - Sistem Ekskresi pada Manusia

Kata kunci: Permeabilitas    

4. Layers of the earth in order from most dense to least dense: atmosphere, crust, inner core, mantle, outer core, water.


inner core, outer core, mantle, crust, water, and atmosphere.


The lowest layer of the atmosphere is denser than the upper layer.

crust is the lightest of all rock-based and the least dense. the others are just liquid and gas

5. find the meaning of the following words! then arrange the frequency from the least​


1. every time

2. in the way that most often happens

3. frequently

4. not often

5. rather than all of the time

6. at no time in the past or future

7. regularly or habitually

8. in most cases

9. not often

10. now and then


always,usually,generally,often,frequently, sometimes,occasionally, rarely,seldom,never

6. play and then to the following picture and Describe the most active animal​


mainkan kemudian ke gambar berikut dan jelaskan animan paling aktif

7. The most appropriate expression to complete the following dialogue is...​


B. I hope you arrive home safely.


Saya harap anda tiba di rumah dengan selamat.

Tolong jadikan Brainliest answer / Jawaban terpintar ya.. hehe


I hope you arrive home safely


Semoga ini membantu

8. the cheapestthe most expensivethe least expensivethe cheap one​

the most expensive

karena kata superlative

9. Apa yg dimaksuf think of most suitable responses to the following phrases Pleased to meet you

Yang dimaksus adalah carilah response yang paling cocok utk menjawab frasa tersebut. jawabannya bisa:

Very pleased to meet you too
Very nice to meet you too

10. think of the most suitable responses to the following sentences or expression artinya​


Pikirkanlah respon paling cocok dari kalimat atau ungkapan tersebut


pikirkan tanggapan yang paling cocok untuk kalimat atau ungkapan berikut


Semoga jawabanmu benar.... :D

11. Answer the following question clearly and correctly! • Arrange the following adverbs of frequency from the least frequency! Usually, often, rarely, seldom, always, sometimes, never.

Subject : English
Category : adverb of frequency

Adverbs of frequency are adverbs that tell how often something is done.

The list from the least (paling jarang) frequency is :
1. never = tidak pernah
2. rarely = hampir tidak pernah
3. seldom = jarang
4. sometimes = kadang-kadang
5. often = sering
6. usually = biasanya
7. always = selalu

12. what is the most and least effective powder to neutralize hydrochloride acid?


The most effective powder to neutralize hydrochloric acid is sodium hydroxide (NaOH), also known as lye. Sodium hydroxide is a strong base and can effectively neutralize hydrochloric acid to form sodium chloride (NaCl) and water.

The least effective powder to neutralize hydrochloric acid is baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3), which is a weak base. While it can partially neutralize hydrochloric acid, it may not neutralize it completely, and the reaction may produce carbon dioxide gas, making it less effective than sodium hydroxide.

Semoga Membantu!

13. Rank the materials 1, 2, 3 starting from 1 for the most flexible material. Record your results!


1 | 3 | 2


Because 1 and 3 is the flexible one and 2 is hardest material.




maaf kalo salah

14. Comparative noun exercise fewer, the fewest, less, the least, more, the most !



Kata benda komparatif menggunakan lebih sedikit, paling sedikit, lebih sedikit, paling sedikit, lebih banyak, paling banyak!


maaf kalo salah

semoga membantu


Fewer = comparative degree

The fewest = superlative degree

Less = comparative degree

The least = superlative degree

More = comparative degree

The most = superlative degree


klu bkn ini mksdnya, silakan komen di bawah biar aku perbaiki sebisa mungkin.

15. use the following adjective to make following sentences 1. least expensive 2. least talkactive 3. most enjoyable 4. british 5. attractive 6. complaining 7. most delicius 8. less deligent 9. adventures 10. hygenic help me please #thanks

1. I tried to find the least expensive one as possible, and this is what I found.
2. I can't believe how loud she is now, she used to be the least talkative person in the room.
3. relaxing in the beach is the most enjoyable thing I've experienced yet
4. Scone is one of British most favorite classic dishes.
5. I personally find that painting to be more attractive than the rest.
6. I don't want to go to that restaurant. I heard people always complaining about the service.
7. pizza is the most delicious food I've ever tasted
8. He is really lazy, he's even less diligent than I am.
9. I like the book which tells lots of adventures, like Robinson Crusoe
10. Scientist found that bee hive is more hygienic than surgery room1. leather bag is the most expensive in this store.
2. at least talking about what to do today
3. The most enjoyable holiday with your family.
5. a very attractive appearance.
6. rita complain discharged home from work.
7. The most delicious food of Lampung is the durian sauce.
8. children less diligent about his room tidy.
9.mountain adventure to add to our knowledge.
10. food was less hygienic if not washed

16. Write the Daily activities of yours at least 10 sentences from 4.30 to 14.30 !


I get up at 4.30. After this I pray to God. Than,i take a bath and breakfast. Before i go to my school,i excuse my parents first. After arriving at school i sat and took out a book. I listening my teachers. The bell goes home. I go to my home by car with my fathers. After arrive in home,i immediately change clothes. After that i have lunch with m family and go to tutoring until to 14.30

ok,don't forget to follow me

17. (a) Place the metals calcium, potassium and zinc in order of chemical reactivity towards water, from the most reactive to the least reactive. (b) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between the most reactive metal in (a) and water.

Hope this will help....hmm.... Chem sec 4 right ?

18. There are several purposws of taking part in a championship. Discuss with your friends and rank the following purposes from the most important to the least one! You can use the pattern below. I think the most important is... Because... The last is... Because... To be the winner To build good of a relantionship with other players To increase sportmanship To get money To develop a positive attitude

I think the most important is To be the winner because its the primary objective/target

The last is To get money because if you be the winner, you will get the money

19. using the graph order the lines from the steepest slope to the least steep slope


menggunakan grafik mengurutkan garis dari kemiringan paling curam ke kemiringan paling tidak curam


menggunakan grafik untuk mengurutkan garis dari kemiringan yang paling curam ke kemiringan yang paling tidak curam

20. apa bahasa indonesianya Think of the most suitable responses to thefollowing phrases.​

Pikirkan tanggapan yang paling cocok untuk

frase berikut.


Pikirkan Jawaban Yang Paling cocok untuk phrasesma berikut


Maaf klw salah, semoga membantu

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Rank The Following From Most To Least Acidic Rank The Following From Most To Least Acidic Reviewed by Romano on Mei 08, 2023 Rating: 5

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