3. History is the study of events that occured___the past​
1. 3. History is the study of events that occured___the past​
History is the study of events that occured in the past
2. History is the study of events that occured _______ the past Mohon dijawab kaka
History is the study of events that occurred in the past.
semoga membantu ^^
History is the study of events that occurred "in" the past
3. Arrange a good personal letter from the topic bellow. You may choose one of these topics.​
Susunlah surat pribadi yang baik dari topik di bawah ini. Anda dapat memilih salah satu dari topik ini.
4. write one of the 'useful phrases' as an appropriate reaction to each of the following events from the script.
In making an appropriate response or reaction, you need to look carefully at the expression or sentences used as well as its tone, whether it is meant to be humorous or serious one. Then, you can respond it in a creative way too, instead of just ordinary ones so long as appropriate. Here's the possible phrases to respond
- The cruel king has threatened to invade!
(Really? Then we'd better prepare ourselves. for normal reaction)
(What else is new? He's just bluffing. for unusual reaction)
- We are still alive; the soldiers are gone!
(Then we shall pray for them. They have fought bravely to protect us. (normal reaction)
(That's rather ironic for them. They should've been alive instead of us, who aren't trained for war. (uncommon reaction)
- The riddle is solved!
(At last! after a while - normal)
(Are you kidding me? what took you so long to solve such easy riddle - uncommon )
- We need a drum that sounds when nobody beats it!
(Such is impossible! - normal)
(Really? are you still in wonderland? - uncommon sardonic)
- Will the paper drum with the bee work?
(Huh, I don't get it - normal as it's unclear in meaning)
Kelas: SMP
Mapel: English
Kategori: expression and response
5. arrange these words into a good sentece! the-choice-varieties-products-provide-of
The varieties of products provide choice.
6. artikan menjadi bahasa indonesia,history is the study of events that occured in the past
sejarah adalah studi tentang kejadian yang terjadi di masa lalu.
maaf klo salahSejarah adalah studi tentang kejadian yang terjadi di masa lalu
7. 9.find the words from these letter! 10.arrange the words into good sentences!
9. a. report text
b. present tense
c. adjective
d. adverb
10. a. there are many students in the classroom9.A maaf kurang tau
b presenttense
c adjective
d adverb
10.a there are many students in the classroom
b the man was walking home from scholl
mudah mudahan membantu y
8. find the meaning of the following words! then arrange the frequency from the least​
1. every time
2. in the way that most often happens
3. frequently
4. not often
5. rather than all of the time
6. at no time in the past or future
7. regularly or habitually
8. in most cases
9. not often
10. now and then
always,usually,generally,often,frequently, sometimes,occasionally, rarely,seldom,never
9. complete these sentences with correct from of words from the box​
1. submarine, environment
2. virus , inject , cure
3. prediction, reproduce, organ
4. nightmare, shrink , size
5. consume, entire
6. marble, invisible
10. Arrange these words into correct sentences Rani-pool-the-swimming-was-when-called-her mom - from the house
rani was swimming the pool when her mom called from the house
maaf kalau salah
11. Arrange a good personal letter from the topic bellow. You may choose one of these topics.Tolong di bantu di buatkan​
1. Tell your friend about something fun you recently did.
Hi Putri!
I hope you and your family are doing well during this moment of time. Since I can't tell you about this in person, and I have no idea how to operate an online video call, I thought I'd write you a letter instead. All right so remember the time when I told you about my grandmother's old villa? I went there a week ago with my parents! I can't believe my dad found the key, the place was actually abandoned for good, quite dusty with a few mess here and there. I explored the area and it was such fun! I felt like a detective while I was there. Oh and we're planning on rebuilding the entire villa, my mom said it will probably take a few months, up to half a year considering that they planned on extending a land for farming. When the construction is done, and this pandemic is over, let's go there! I can't wait for you to see the villa! Okay, that is all for now, please write me back ASAP.
Yours truly,
(ini nama kamu)
Yours truly,
12. Now write down the sequence of events of the biography above.you may add the information/events that you have got from other sources.steve jobs's personal life​
nih terjemahannya ke indonesia.
Sekarang tuliskan urutan peristiwa biografi di atas. Anda dapat menambahkan informasi/peristiwa yang Anda dapatkan dari sumber lain. kehidupan pribadi steve job
maaf, nih maksutnya apa
maaf kalo salah
13. Arrange these words into good sentences! of - second - two-twenty - the - March - thousand​
two thousand twenty the second of March
artinya dua ribu dua puluh tanggal 2 maret
14. Arrange these sentence Black - the uniform - of - black -is
the uniform is black of black
15. What we learn from the text history of bandung as sea of fire
The Bandung Lautan Api incident is a major fire incident that occurred in the city of Bandung, West Java province, Indonesia on March 23, 1946. Within seven hours, around 200,000 residents of Bandung set fire to their homes, left the city for the mountains in the southern area of Bandung.
tolong jadikan jawaban tercerdas1Ă—aja plis
16. Arrange these words into good sentence! (Susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat yang benar!) Semarang - is - food - Lumpia - special - the-of - from​
Lumpia is special food the of from semarang
Maaf kalo salah,semoga membantu :)
The is of from sepecial lumpia from semarang
Maaf Jika Salah
17. what is the history of indonesia firstly referenced from? ​
Book Of Sutasoma About Of Nusantara
Semoga Membantu hihi
18. is-reading-not-the-history of jali-jali song-he arrange the worlds into the correct sestence​
he is not reading the history of jali-jali song
semoga membantu ya
19. Arrange these words into the correct sentences! city - Indonesia - The - capital - Jakarta - is - of​
The capital city of Indonesia is Jakarta
20. arrange the sentences (history today is)
Today is history.
Hopefully helps☺Today is history.
maybe it'll be a correct sentence if "today" change with "yesterday" hehe
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