The Equation And Graph Show The Cost To Rent Movies

The Equation And Graph Show The Cost To Rent Movies

Problem 3 : The shipping fee via US Priority Mail includes a $5 insurance fee and $6 per kilogram of the package. If an equation is made to calculate the shipping charge, Write the equation that represent this situation Draw the graph of the equation Calculate the total cost of 25 kilograms of the packages What would be the value of the slope?

Daftar Isi

1. Problem 3 : The shipping fee via US Priority Mail includes a $5 insurance fee and $6 per kilogram of the package. If an equation is made to calculate the shipping charge, Write the equation that represent this situation Draw the graph of the equation Calculate the total cost of 25 kilograms of the packages What would be the value of the slope?


Maaf saya kurang mengerti

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Maaf ya

2. make the graph of this equation : 2x + y = 2!

Semoga Bermanfaat

3. ##Quiz #13 ##• english edition• big point• no spam• show the way and graph Use the Parabola tool to graph the quadratic function.f(x) = 2x² + 8x + 10Graph the parabola by first plotting its vertex and then plotting a second point on the parabola​

Answer and the explanation with steps:

Vertex is the lowest/highest point of a curve = titik puncak

Second point could be when the value of x = 0, or if the value of y = 0


Find y if x = 0

y = 2·0² + 8·0 + 10

y = 10

Point = (0, 10)

Find another point if the y = 10, because a curve has multiple pairs of coordinates with the same value of y.

10 = 2x² + 8x + 10

2x² + 8x = 0

Factor it!

2x(x+4) = 0

x = -4

Point = (-4, 10)

Then find the vertex of the curve

Find the x with the equation [tex]\displaystyle\sf-\frac{b}{2a}[/tex]

from the quadratic equation 2x² + 8x + 10,

a = 2, b = 8, c = 10

Therefore x of the vertex point = -8/(2×2) = -8/4 =


Find the y

y = 2·-2² + 8·-2 + 10 = 8 - 16 + 10 =


The vertex point = (-2, 2)

Which makes the vertex point of the curve the lowest.

The left side of the curve from the vertex point has the same size with the right side of the curve from the vertex point, plotted as in the picture below. Mark those three points: (-4, 10), (-2, 2) and (0, 10). Connect those points by drawing a downward line from the left and upward line to the right, ensure that the line is curvaceous enough to form a curve...

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#Jenius - kexcvi


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

parabola tool mungkin artinya bikin parabola dengan alat graphing (misal geogebra)

f(x) bisa diubah jadi bentuk vertex nya dengan kuadrat sempurna

[tex]f(x) = 2x^2+8x+10 = 2(x^2+4x+5)\\\\f(x) = 2((x+2)^2 + 1)\\\\f(x) = 2(x+2)^2 + 2 \to \text{ vertex : } (-2,2)[/tex]

titik kedua : misalkan x = -1 => y = 4 => (-1,4)

sebenarnya cukup dengan 1 titik (dan diketahui koefisien kuadrat) saja yaitu vertex nya sudah cukup untuk menggambar grafik f(x), karena hanya ada 1 parabola yang memiliki 1 titik puncak jika diketahui koefiesien kuadratnya.

dengan geogebra ini bisa langsung dilakukan dengan mengetikkan :

[tex]f(x) = 2(x+2)^2 + 2[/tex]

pada bagian algebra

Cara 2 menggambar f(x) di geogebra : mencari titik fokus dan garis direktrix f(x)

f(x) memiliki 1 titik fokus F(a,b) dan garis direktrix y = k

kedua informasi tersebut bisa dicari dengan persamaan :

[tex]y = \dfrac{1}{2(b-k)} (x-a)^2 + \dfrac{b+k}{2}[/tex]

[tex]f(x) = 2(x+2)^2 + 2 \to a = -2\\\\\dfrac{1}{2(b-k)} = 2, \dfrac{b+k}{2} = 2\\\\b-k = \dfrac{1}{4}, b+k = 4 \to b = \dfrac{17}{4}, k = \dfrac{15}{8}[/tex]

lalu untuk membuat grafik f(x) dengan opsi parabola :

1) pada bagian algebra :

- buat titik fokus dengan mengetikkan : (2, 17/8)

- buat garis direktrix dengan mengetikkan : y = 15/8

2) pergi ke bagian tools => conics => klik Parabola

Untuk menggunakan opsi Parabola pertama klik titik fokus, lalu klik garis direktrix nya

4. arif:my hobbies are watching movies and listening to the music

artinya ya?
kalau artinya adalah

arif : hobiku adalah menonton film dan mendengar musikarif : kesukaan2 sy adl menonton film2 dan mendengarkan musik.

5. What is the difference between expresssion to show ability and expression to show willingness​


Madang is my modyar



6. what is the difference between "the show to me had brought" and "the show brought to me"

the show to me had brought = pertunjukan yang telah saya bawakan. jadi saya yang membawa pertunjukan

the show brought to me = pertunjukan itu membawaku. jadi saya dibawa pertinjukan Past perfect is used to talk something that happened earlier than past simple

So, "The show to me had brought" happened earlier than "The show brought to me".

7. Look at the map and answer the questions }1. Can you show me theway to the bank ?2.Can you show me theway to the supermarket? 3. Can you show me theway to the cinema?4. Can you show me the way to the hotel? 5. Can you show me the way to the museum?​


1. Go straight and follow this Mangga road until your reach the crossroad, then turn left to Durian road. The bank will be on your right.

2. Go straight and turn right to Durian road, and go on a little more. The supermarket will be on your left, after you pass the school.

3. Follow this Mangga road and before you reach the crossroad, the cinema will be on your right.

4. Go straight and follow this Mangga road until your reach the crossroad, then turn right to Durian road. Go straight until you pass the supermarket and the left turn to Apel road. The hotel will be on your left, beside the supermarket.

5. Go straight and follow this Mangga road until your reach the crossroad, then turn right to Durian road. Go straight then turn right to Apel road. Go on until you passed the bookshop on your left. The museum will be beside the bookshop on your left, facing the park.  


Semoga benar ya :)

8. You will go to the local supermarket to pick up veggie burgers and sausage. four packages of veggie burgers and 2 packages of sausage cost $44. two packages of veggie burgers and 6 packages of sausage cost $72. how much does one package of veggie burgers and one package of sausage cost? for this project you will need to: read the word problem above carefully. create either a poster, a booklet, or an edu-creations that includes the following: title of this project choose which will become x and y (veggie burger and sausage), then create the algebra equations based on the problem provided in terms of x and y. show your working solution and graph the equation on the cartesian plane, clearly step by step from order pairs until creation of the graph. show the intersection point between the two linear equation graphs. from the intersection points that you’ve got, state the cost of one package of veggie burgers and one package of sausage. explanation/discussion. explain th

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

we will substitute veggie burgers with x

and substitute sausages with y

4x + 2y = 44

2x + 6y = 72

first, we need to match the variable x. we can do that by multiplying 2x with 2 and multiply 4x with 1.

4x + 2y = 44

4x + 12y = 144

------------------ (subtract)

-10y = -100

y= -100 ÷ -10

y = 10

we can now substitute y with 10 into one of the equations above.

4x + 2y = 44

4x + 2(10) = 44

4x + 20 = 44

4x = 44 - 20

4x = 24

x = 24 ÷ 4

x = 6

that means, 1 veggie burger is 6$ and 1 pack of sausages is 10$.

9. find the equation of the line through the -5.6 point and perpendicular to the line 3x-2y + 2 = 0



10. Graph each equation on the provided Coordinate Plane. If you need to scale your coordinate plane so that the points you elect to graph will fit, please label accordingly.​

Jawaban terlampir

Semoga membantu :)

11. Complete the sentences with the words below, and match each one to a graph. Mohonnn bantuannyaaaa!


1. His temperature was up and down all night, but now its stable at 37.5

2. Her heart rate fell to 20 bpm but now it's rising again

3. His blood pressure went up from 120/80 to 160/100

4. Her pulse rate was extremely low, but now it's up to 70

5. His respiratory rate varies between 10 and 25 bpm

6.  He was running a fever, but his temperature's back to normal now.

12. to find new quadratic equation if given an equation with the roots p and q and the roots are 2p+1 and 2q+1 (how to solved) pake bahasa indonesia nggak apa

kalo misal kasih cara tapi nanti pake cara panjang gak apa apa kan
aduhh.. maksudnya apaan sih gak ngerti....

13. If y is directly proportional to x and y = 20 whenx = 5,(i) find an equation connecting x and y,(ii) draw the graph of y against x.​

diketahui [tex]x\propto y[/tex]

maka [tex]x = ky[/tex]

dengan [tex]k[/tex] suatu konstanta

berdasarkan yang diketahui

[tex]20 = k\cdot 5[/tex]

bisa didapat bahwa

[tex]k = 4[/tex]


(i) [tex]y = 4x[/tex]

14. what is the difference between expression to show ability and expression to show wilingness.explain it based on the language feature​

Jawaban:Ability:Show everyone that we have ability(Kemampuan/Kelebihan)

Wilingness:To show expression to everyone how wilingness(Rela)Youa Are

Sonic EXE


15. my hobbies are watching movies and listening to the music

Terjemahannya adalah Hobi saya yaitu menonton film dan mendengarkan musik. (maaf kalau salah)hobiku adalah menonton film dan mendengarkan lagu

16. make a dialogue about " The truman show " Movies​

The Truman Show is a 1998 movie starring Jim Carrey. Truman Burbank lives a very normal life, he has a good job and a loving wife. That is until a studio light falls from the sky just outside his house, Truman begins to suspect something is amiss. Although nothing could ever prepare him for the truth: his life is a show watched by millions.

17. Algebraic and Graphicalquestion :The Cost, $C, of transporting goods is directly proportional to the distance covered, D km. The cost of transporting goods over a distance of 60 km is $100.1.Find an equation connecting C and D2.Find the cost of transporting goods over a distance of 45 km3.If the cost of transporting goods is $120, calculate the distance covered4.Draw the graph of C agains DHelp me please .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.​

안녕하세요 성함이 어떻게 되시나요


18. 3n and 3n+3 are the two consecutive multiples of three. the sum ofbthe number is 141.write down and equation to show thissolve the equation to find the value of nwork out the values two initial numbers​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

3n and 3n+3 are the two consecutive multiples of three.

The sum of the number is 141.


Write the equation:

3n + 3n + 3 = 141

6n + 3 = 141


Solve the equation to find the value of n

6n + 3 = 141

6n = 141 - 3

6n = 138

n = 138/6

n = 23


Find the value of the consecutive multiples of three.

3n = ...

3(23) = 69

3n + 3 = ...

3(23) + 3 = ...

69 + 3 = 72

19. A hot air balloon rises vertically. At time t = 0, a ball is released from the balloon. This graph shows the variation of the balls velocity v with t. The the ball hits the ground at t = 4.1s a. Describe the journey of the ball based on the velocity-time graphb. Explain how the graph shows that the acceleration of the ball is constant.c. Use the graph to: (i) determine the time at which the ball reaches its highest point(ii) show that the ball rises for a further 12 m between release and its highest point(iii) determine the distance between the highest point reached by the ball and the groundd. The equation relating v and t is v=15-9.81t. State the significance in the equation of (i) the number 15(ii) the negative sign​


this league Inggris me no

20. Lucy and Joey are going to the movies


the are going to the movies


semoga bermanfaat


They are going to the movies

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The Equation And Graph Show The Cost To Rent Movies The Equation And Graph Show The Cost To Rent Movies Reviewed by Romano on Mei 18, 2023 Rating: 5

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