which of the following statement is correct according to the text?
1. which of the following statement is correct according to the text?
sang-gwan eobs-eo geunyang pointeu man wonhae mianhajiman sang-gwan eobs-eo
eochapi doulyeoneungeoya sigan nangbi ya
ye, an halgeyo singo manhamyeon eobjang-iogo iss-eoyo
jjinja mianhe-!! jjinjayo na jjinja
2. which of the following statements is Not CoRRECT according to the announcement above adalah
artinya adalah manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang TIDAK BENAR menurut pengumuman di atas adalah
3. which of the following statements is Not CoRRECT according to the announcement above. ?
Only kindergarten students can attend class.
4. which statemen is not true according to the next?
statemen mana yang tidak benar menurut selanjutnya?
5. Which is TRUE according to the third paragraph?
Any words or sentence, including claims and fact written after the second paragraph and before the fourth paragraph if it exists.
your welcome
6. Which one is true according to the text?
Manakah yang benar menurut teks?
7. . Which of the step is the easiest according to you?
Step 1: Track your spending automatically
Budgeting is simple: Subtract your bills from what you earn; save or spend what's left.
Forget about manually tracking every beer and burger. The goal is to set up a system that keeps track of all of your spending electronically without any additional work from you so that you can access it if and when you need to.
You can do this easily by using the single-card method. This is when you use just a single debit or credit card for all of your purchases—or as close to all of them as you can—and let technology do the tracking for you.
One of the best ways technology can help our wallets is by eliminating the need to use cash, and therefore, eliminating the need to keep track of our cash expenses. Now this is counterintuitive to what a lot of old-school financial gurus say about cash helping you spend less.
While that’s partly true, the fact is cash can also get lost and stolen. And, more importantly, cash is on the way out.
Electronic payments are here, like it or not, and the times you need cash (for anything) over a debit or credit card are fewer and fewer. But the best thing about using a credit or debit card is that you automatically have a record of all of your spending.
So should you use credit or debit?
The age-old question. If you have a tendency to buy things first and figure out how you can pay for them later, stick to a debit card. But if you’re comfortable with a credit line and only charging what you can pay back in full each month, credit cards are more useful than most debit cards for tagging and categorizing your purchases.
With most cards, you can also export your transactions to spreadsheet…which, for the nerds like me, is where the fun begins.
Learn more: Find the best credit cards, how to choose the best card for you, and how to use credit cards responsibly
If a single card isn’t for you, use a personal finance management tool.
As an alternative to the single-card method, there are personal finance management (PFM) tools. These applications link to your credit and debit cards, aggregate your transactions, and can even categorize them automatically.
You set spending limits, and they can send an email or text when you hit them. These apps are powerful and effective…if, of course, you remember to login occasionally and make sure the categories are right, and view your tallies.
But even if you don’t, that’s OK. The important thing is that data is there if you need it.
Use Budgeting Apps
When it comes to budgeting, technology is on your side. There are apps that can walk you through the process of setting up a budget, then track your progress. Instead of manually evaluating your spending to make sure you stay on track, an app can monitor your spending and deliver the information to you.
One of our favorite budgeting apps is MoneyPatrol, which connects to all your financial accounts to help you monitor your spending. Just set a goal for each budget category each month and MoneyPatrol does the rest. If you reach your limit in a certain area, you’ll get an alert. At the end of the month, you can review your spending and use the information as you’re setting next month’s budget.
Personal Capital is another great budgeting app to check out. This app is especially useful if you want to add investing to your financial strategy. As with MoneyPatrol, you’ll link your financial accounts to Personal Capital and wait for the app to start gathering data from the money you’re spending. But while you’re budgeting and managing your money, you can also take advantage of Personal Capital’s expert advice to build an investment portfolio.
Step 2: Know your monthly “nut”
Setting up a personal finance app or downloading all of your credit card transactions is great for historical analysis of where all of your money goes. Looking forward, however, this data is less important.
What you need to know are your fixed monthly expenses. Things like:
Your rent or mortgage
Utilities and insurance
Loan payments (student, auto, etc.)
Minimum credit card payments
Desired savings, investments, or additional debt payments*
That last one is important. It’s vital that you calculate how much you want to save, invest, or use to pay down debt first.
To find what’s left, do the following:
Total your fixed monthly expenses (your Nut).
Figure out your net (take-home) pay, per month.
Subtract your Nut from your take-home pay.
8. Which is the following statement is true according to the story
Yang mana pernyataan berikut ini benar menurut cerita
semoga membantu dan sorry if wrong :)
9. Which statemen is correct according to the text Text about albert einstein
artiya "pernyataan mana yang benar menurut teks Teks tentang albert einstein"
10. Apa arti dari the statement which is true according to the label above is
pernyataan yang benar sesuai label di atas adalah
11. Arti Which sentence is TRUE according to the text
kalimat mana yang benar menurut teks
maaf kalo salah
12. Which statement is not According to the text?
Pernyataan manakah yang tidak sesuai dengan teks?
Maaf ya, aku cuma bisa menerjemahkannya saja (◍•ᴗ•◍)
13. Which one of these statements is correct according to the text above
the rabbit devided the cheese equally
maaf klo salah yaa :) :) :)
14. which statements is true according to the story?
Gabisa bahasa enggressss
15. Which is the following statement is true according to the story
according to the story book
16. Which of the statements is true according to the text
Where's the text?
17. According to the text,which statement is true?
Arti dari "According to the text, which statement is true?" adalah "berdasarkan teks, pernyataan mana yang benar?".
Karena pada soal tidak dilampirkan teks yang berhubungan dengan soal, saya hanya bisa menerjemahkannya saja.
Contoh pertanyaan yang sejenis adalah
1. which statement is TRUE according to the text?
a. the writer went around the city by bicycle.
b. Zaky learned how to play volleyball from the writer
c. the things displayed in the museums were boring
d. the writer and Zaky visited three museums during the vacation
Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai teks yang berhubungan dengan soal di atas pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/13779935
18. which statements are correct according to the text
1. Benar/centang
2. Salah
3. Benar/centang
4. Salah
5. Benar/centang
19. Which statemaent is TRUE according to the text?
20. which statement is TRUE according to the text?
B. the host will serve lunch to the guests
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