7 2 Additional Practice Similarity Transformations

7 2 Additional Practice Similarity Transformations

jenis jenis transformations

1. jenis jenis transformations

maksudnya Transformation pada software Desain? seperti transformation pada corldraw?

yaitu : Position, Rotate, Size , Skew, dan Scale...

jadikan jawaban sebagai terbaik yajj...

2. mandiri kelas 7 b.inggris hal 34practice 1 dan practice 2​


1. books

2. butterflies

3. glasses

4 knives

5. boys

6. students

7. babies

8. cars

9 Errasers

10. apples

11. Umbrellas

12. envlopes

13. foxes

14. houses

15. policemans

16. fishes


18. beaches

19. shelfs

20 flies

3. Jelaskan fungsi menu mirror pada kotak dialog transformations


fungsinya untuk mencerminkan objek

nanti objeknya kayak ada dua tapi berhadapan

4. Tolong artiin ya.. yang PRACTICE 7

buat tanahnya tetap basah dengan menyiram biji sambil bijinya berkecambah, biji akan bekecambah sekitar 10-14 hari.... gitu lah :v Berkecambah Benih Petunia

Berkecambah benih petunia

Anda akan perlu:
- Sebuah paket benih petunia
- Nampan benih atau pot kecil
- Tanah gembur liat atau pot campuran
- Air
- Pupuk

1. Isi nampan benih dengan tanah
2. Masukkan pupuk ke dalam tanah
3. Sebarkan benih di permukaan tanah
4. Tutup biji dengan lapisan 3 mm dari tanah. tekan dengan kuat
5. Semprotkan air untuk membasahi tempat tidur benih
6. Taruh di tempat yang hangat, posisi cerah (setidaknya 25°C)
7. Jauhkan tanah lembab oleh air lembut sementara benih berkecambah. Benih akan berkecambah sekitar 10-14 hari

5. practice math tolong dijawab practice 1 sama practice 2​


Pratice 1

1. 13+(8+6)=(13+8)+6=27

2. (26+(-8))+12=26+((-8)+12=30

3. 75+((-110+24)=75+(-86)=-11

4. 9(12.5)=(9.12)5=540

5. (17.(-5))4=17((-5).4)=-340

Pratice 2

6. 12(3+6)=(12.3)+(12.6)=36+72+108

7. 25((-5)+3)=(25.(-5))+(25.3)=-125+75=-50

8. 8(9+(-2))=(8.9)+(8.(-2))=72+(-16)=46

9. 60(5-2)=(60.5)-(60.2)=300-120=180

10. 75((-2)-6)=(75.(-2))-(75.6)=-150-170= -330

semoga membantu, dan maaf klo salah


Pratice 1 :

1. 13 + ( 8 + 6 ) = (13+8)+6=27

2. ( 26 + (-8) ) + 12 = 26 + ( -8 + 12 ) = 30

3. 75 + ( (-110 ) + 24 ) = ( 75 + (-86)) = -11

4. 9 × ( 12 × 5 ) = ( 9 × 12 ) × 5 = 108 × 5 = 540

5. ( 17 × (-5)) × 4 = 17 × ( (-5) × 4) = 17 × (-20) =-340

Pratice 2 :

1. 12 × ( 3 + 6 ) = ( 12 × 3 ) + ( 12 × 6 ) = 108

2. 25 × ((-5) + 3 ) = ( 25 × (-5)) + ( 25 × 3 ) = -50

3. 8 × ( 9 + (-2)) = ( 8 × 9 ) + ( 8 × (-2)) = 56

4. 60 × ( 5 - 2 ) = ( 60 × 5 ) - ( 60 × 2 ) = 180

5. 75 × ( -20 - 6 ) = ( 75 × (-20)) - ( 75 × 6 ) = -1.950


6. Bahasa ingris practice 7 kelas 7

maksudnya apa toh yang jelas dong

7. tolong bantu practice 7 ?

Sepertinya text-nya seperti ini:

I saw a honor film at Galaxy cinema last night. It was “Pulau Hantu” playing on. I read the poster on newspaper yesterday. It made me curious to see the film.
I went to the cinema alone. I went there by a bicycle. I was 8.00 when I arrived there. There had been many people queuing up to get the tickets.
I came into the cinema soon after I got my ticket. I had my seat on the forefront. And at 8.30 the movie was played on.

After the movie was over, I left the cinema quickly. My watch showed 11.30 pm as I got on my bicycle. I pedaled hard on my bicycle and was soon speeding home. My thought went back to the movie I had just seen. It was a scary story. I could remember clearly a woman screaming as she was being attached by a ghost. Somehow that frightful scene stayed in my mind. And I could not forget it.
The road was dark and quiet. I had to pass a graveyard on the way home. As I approached the graveyard. I heard some sounds behind me. I was frightened and began to cycle faster. The sound came nearer and nearer. Then I heard a familiar voice calling me. I looked back and saw Hadi, my classmate. He had also seen the movie and was frightened too. He had cycled after me so that she would not be alone. Both of us laughed out loud over our behavior.We went home together. We pedaled our bicycle calmly. We both went not scared any more.

1. what time did the writer watch the movie?
⇒ the writer watched the movie at eight o'clock.

2. what kind of movie did the writer watch?
⇒the writer wated horror movie.

3. why did the writer begin to cycle faster?
⇒ because the writer heard some sounds behind him.

4. why did Hadi cycle after the writer?
⇒ because he had also seen the movie and was frightened too, so that he would not be alone

8. tolong di jawab ya practice 7

1. Putri going To Bima's Birthday Party tonight
2. The one with black suede color and two side pockets.1. to Bima's party
2. a clutch bag. it has black suade colour and two side pockets.

9. Additional information


informasi tambahan = additional information


My include civic activitis, awards and recognitions voluenteering orcultural skills like language or travel

Dan arti dari additional information adalah informasi tambahan

10. Tolong dong,, pliss.. yg Practice 7.

Membenihkan bibit Petunia

Untuk membenihkan bibit Petunia.

Anda akan membutuhkan:

- Satu paket / bungkus biji Petunia
- Nampan untuk benih / pot kecil
- Tanah liat gembur / campuran tanah untuk pot
- Air
- Pupuk


1. Isi nampan / pot kecil dengan tanah.
2. Campur pupuk dengan tanah.
3. Sebarkan benih di atas permukaan tanah.
4. Tutupi benih dengan 3 mm lapisan tanah. Tekan dengan kuat.
5. Semprotkan air untuk melembabkan tanah dengan benih.
6. Letakkan nampan atau pot berisikan benih di posisi yang hangat, cerah. (Setidaknya 25 derajat selsius).
7. Biarkan tanah selalu lembab dengan menyiraminya dengan lembut pada saat bibit mulai bertumbuh. Bibit akan mulai bertumbuh sekitar 10-14 hari.

11. Tolong dong terjemahkan.. pliss. Yang practice 7

What's the question?

12. Bantu practice 7 dikumpulkan hari ini:")


pertanyaan ini sebenarnya menanyakan kepribadian kamu bersama keluarga saat melakukan perayaan


contoh yang saya


time of year:2017

activities:enjoying berbuka with my famillies

description of activites: prever for not answering

13. Bahasa ingris practice 7 kelas 7​


practice itu artinya latihan. terus soalnya apa?? .....

14. pengertian dan beri contoh 1.showing similarity 2.adding example

1. menunjukkan kesamaan
2. menambahkan contoh

15. tolong kerjakan practice 6 dan practice 7

practice 6:

16. Practice 2 and Practice 3?​


Practice 2:

2) Ours

3) Theirs

4) Yours

5) Hers

6) Hers

Practice 3:

1) her

2) her

3) her

4) our

5) her

Semoga membantu. Maaf kalau salah.

17. bantu practice 7, dari no.1-7 makasihh​


1. A. learning

2.B.Is sleeping


4.A. is rolling


6. D. Was beating

7.B. Did-laugh


1. A. learning

2. B. Is sleeping

3. B. Gives

4. A. Is rolling

5. C. Let's

6. D. Was beating

7. B. Did-laugh


mohon dijadikan jawaban yg terbaik ya kak/dek ^^

18. Tolong di jawab practice 7


maaf ka bukan apa² .Tapi kalau bisa tambahin fotonya jdi orng tau hrs jwb gmn,atau gk di ketik pertanyaan nya,terima kasih☺️.

19. Pengertian dan contoh dari showing similarity

Similarity : kemiripan/ showing similarity berarti menyatakan kesamaan

Contoh : Tito's book looks like Ann's book, both have same colour and ribbon

20. yang practice 7, tolong yaaaa​

1. I went to the beach, but I don't go to the lake.
2. We watched a horror film, but we don't watch an action movie.
3. Amora visited the museum, but she didn't visit the zoo.
4. Andre spoke to Yudi, but Andri didn't spoke to Anita.

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7 2 Additional Practice Similarity Transformations 7 2 Additional Practice Similarity Transformations Reviewed by Romano on Mei 04, 2023 Rating: 5

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