A Voucher System Is A Set Of Procedures And Approvals:

A Voucher System Is A Set Of Procedures And Approvals:

1. Which of the following sounds is the most correct to describe the term of language? a. a sets of signal which has system in communication b. a set of arbitrary symbols which have meaning c. a set of symbols which are transmitted and used arbitrarily in communication d. (a) and (b)​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. Which of the following sounds is the most correct to describe the term of language? a. a sets of signal which has system in communication b. a set of arbitrary symbols which have meaning c. a set of symbols which are transmitted and used arbitrarily in communication d. (a) and (b)​


b. a set of arbitrary symbols which have meaning


i think sih b

2. Every set is a............. of itself. * Empty set Sub set Proper set


Every set is a Sub set of itself.

Sorry if my answer is wrong:(

3. A jewelry set consisting of a ring, a pendant, and earrings is listed at $120. A trade discount series of 20/10/5 is offered. Find the final net price of the set ?



Trade discount seriesstep by step:

$120 × 0.2 = $24

$120 - $24 = $96

$96 × 0.1 = $9.6

$96 - $9.6 = $86.4

$86.4 × 0.05 = $4.32

$86.4 - $4.32 = $82.08

4. why is horizontal power sharing also called a system of checks and balance​


Horizontal distribution of power or system of 'checks and balances': Horizontal distribution of power is also called as a system of 'checks and balances' because the power is divided horizontally among organizations in government such as Executive, Legislature, and legislative.

5. 1. What are the procedures of a good presentation ? 2. What is the social function?

1 apa prosedur presentasi yang baik
2 apa fungsi sosial
kalo salah maaf yah

6. 1. Which of the following group is a a set and not a set?a. Group of the girls who wear shoes d. Group of thin studentsb. Group of natural numberse. Group of reptile animalsC. Group of big tablesf. Group of big cities2. What is the set of the letters "LEAHJANNAHHALL"? How many subsets of the set?3. Is the set below an empty set? If not, find the members of the set!a. Set of whole numbers less than 0b. Set of female teacher in SMPIA Cairo Banda Aceh who teach Religionc. Set of even numbers less than 2d. Set of odd numbers which is divisible by 6 pkak tolong aku ngk ngerti​


1. f 2. 3     3. d

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

7. The set of integers between - 4 and 4 is


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Thus from (1.0), (1.4) and (1.6), we find that all the integers between -4 and 4 should be -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 which is the required answer.


8. He has a set of computer the computer is .............


He has a set of computer the computer is


dia memiliki seperangkat komputer

9. a piece of writing inverse that is set out in a certain length and rhyme is called? saya kurang mengerti


a piece of writing inverse that is set out in a certain length and rhyme is called? saya kurang mengerti

artinya: sebuah tulisan yang dirangkai sedemikian rupa dengan panjang dan rima tertentu disebut apa?

Jawaban: Puisi alias Poetry (atau bisa juga Poem)


Semoga membantu,

10. Quiz MathGiven [tex] (a,b,c) [/tex] is a set of integers and all of them are greater than 1. Find the number of solution set(s) of [tex] a+b+c=15 [/tex]


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

11. ....Is a background with a set of sound , icons and other elements that helps you in customizing your compute



kalau tidak salah jawabannya seperti itu

12. which of the following procedures is true.....?​


mana dari prosedur berikut ini yang benar ?

13. Which of the following procedures is true ​


mana dari prosedur berikut ini yang benar


itu artinya,semoga bermanfaat dan maaf kalau salah


Which of the following procedures is true ​

Translate :Manakah dari prosedur berikut ini yang benar

Maaf jika ada yang salah

Semoga membantu O(≧▽≦)O

14. 9.Label is put in the following things, except ....a. cupsb. foodsc.medicinesd. drinks10. The common structure of a drink label isa. product's ingredients and proceduresb. product's quality and ingredientsc.product's weakness and proceduresd.product's warning and qualityplis jawab ya kk ​


9. A. Cups

10. A. product's ingredients and procedures


9. Label is put in the following things, except cups (A)

=> Label dimasukkan dalam hal-hal berikut, kecuali cangkir.


Opsi b. foods (makanan), c. medicines (obat) dan d. drinks (minuman) diberi label atau keterangan, misalnya halal.Sedangkan yg ditanyakan adalah kecuali

10. The common structure of a drink label is product's ingredients and procedures (A)

=> Struktur umum label minuman adalah bahan dan prosedur produk.


Label yg tercantum pada barang atau makanan biasanya adalah bahan/komposisi dan prosedur produk seperti aturan pakai.

=== Semoga Membantu ===

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Multiple Choices

Level: JHS

Kode Mapel: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 7.5

15. The mean of a set of 6 numbers is 2 and the mean of another set of 10 numbers is x. If the mean of all 16 numbers is 7, find the value of x.

[tex] \frac{(6.2 +10.x )}{16} = 7 \\ \\ 12 + 10x = 7.16 \\ 12 + 10x = 112 \\ 10x = 112 - 12 \\ x = \frac{100}{10} \\ x = 10[/tex]

16. 1. It is a modern game. We need joystick and a set of computer or TV to play itIt is a ....​




karna console butuh joystick & 1 set computer atau TV

maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu

kalau benar jangan lupa jadikan jawaban tercerdas

17. there is a tv set ,a..........and bathroom​




maaf kalo salah.

18. The human movement system is made of ..... and ......​


Sistem gerak pada manusia atau yang dalam bahasa medis disebut juga sebagai sistem muskuloskeletal, terdiri dari tulang, otot, sendi, serta organ-organ lain seperti ligamen dan tulang rawan.

Semoga membantu

19. the mean of a set of numbers p, 2p,3p,4p and 5p is 6. calculate the standard deviation of the set of numbers​

To find the mean of a set of numbers, we need to add all the numbers in the set and then divide the sum by the number of numbers in the set. In this case, the sum of the numbers is 15p, and since there are 5 numbers in the set, the mean is 15p/5. We are given that the mean is 6, so we can set up the following equation:

15p/5 = 6

Solving for p, we get p = 2.

Once we know the value of p, we can calculate the standard deviation of the set of numbers. To do this, we need to first calculate the difference between each number and the mean, square each difference, and then average the squared differences.

The numbers in the set are 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, and their mean is 6, so the differences between each number and the mean are -4, -2, 0, 2, and 4. Squaring each difference, we get 16, 4, 0, 4, and 16. Averaging these squared differences, we get 10.

Finally, to find the standard deviation, we need to take the square root of the average squared difference. The square root of 10 is approximately 3.16227766, so the standard deviation of the set of numbers is approximately 3.16227766.

20. The mean of a set of numbers p, 2p, 3p, 4p and 5p is 6. Calculate the standard deviation of the set of numbers.​


I don't know

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalo salah

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A Voucher System Is A Set Of Procedures And Approvals: A Voucher System Is A Set Of Procedures And Approvals: Reviewed by Romano on April 29, 2023 Rating: 5

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