is occupatie on his pilot the correct sentence isis occupatie on his pilot the correct sentence is
1. is occupatie on his pilot the correct sentence isis occupatie on his pilot the correct sentence is
my answer is, Wdym?
it doesn't make any sense at all ;')
2. Life on the mississippi was written by mark twain the active is
Kalimat aktif dari "Life on the mississippi was written by mark twain" adalah..
Karena kalimat pasif nya bentuk simple past, dimana setelah subject "Life on the mississippi" ada to be (was) dan langsung verb-3 "written". Maka rumus aktif dari simple past nya adalah sbb :
Active : S + V2 + O
Passive : S + To be (was/were) + V3 + by..
Perubahan kata kerja
Write => Wrote=>Written
3. Life on the mississippi was written by mark twain the active is
Life on the mississippi was written by mark twain
the active is
Mark twain wrote Life on the Mississippi
* Life on the mississippi = judul buku
* was = To Be Past Tense
* Verb 3 = written
* By (agent) = by mark twain
Berdasarkan Structure di atas, bisa disimpulkan bahwa kalimat tersebut adalah Passive dari Past Tense. Diketahui melalui:
(+) S + To Be (was/were) + VERB 3 + By
= Life on the Mississippi + was + WRITTEN + By Mark Twain
Maka kalimat Active dari Past Tense:
(+) S + VERB 2 + O
= Mark Twain + WROTE + Life on the Mississippi
=== Semoga Membantu ===
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Level: JHS
Kode Mapel: 5
Materi: Active dan Passive Voice
Kode Kategorisasi: 9.5
4. The cub is playful? What does the underilined mean?
maksud dari the cub is playful adalah anak itu lucu
lalu yang what does the underlined mean artinya apa maksud kata yang digaris bawahi
5. the pilot flies the plane carefullya.the pilot is flown by the plane carefullyb.the plane is flown by the pilot carefullyc.the pilot are flown by the plane carefullyd.the plane are flown by the pilot carefully
Active→The pilot flies the plane carefully.
Passive→ B. The plane is flown by the pilot carefully.
Active:S + verb-1 + O
Passive:S + to be (is/am/are) + verb-3 + by + O
Active:The pilot flies the plane carefully.Passive : The plane is flown by the pilot carefully.Active : My father drinks a cup of coffee this morning.Passive : A cup of coffee is drunk by my father thid morning.Active: We play football every sunday.Passive: Football is played by us every sunday.Catatan:
→ Subject pada kalimat active merupakan object pada kalimat passive yang sebelumnya didahului dengan "by".Dan object pada kalimat active merupakan subject pada kalimat pasaive.
6. pilihan ganda:.....the Adisucipto International Airport, Yogyakarta, killing the two pilot on board.A) onB) atC) underD) fordibantu ya kak...
Transelet :
.... Bandara Internasional Adisucipto, Yogyakarta, menewaskan dua pilot di pesawat. A) aktif
B) di
c) di bawah
D) untuk
dibantu ya kak ...
B) di ( at )
7. Whats the meaning of mississippi queen song?
About a seductive women
The song is about a seductive woman who teaches the singer a thing or two about the ways of love, but with the success of "Proud Mary" a year earlier, it almost sounds like this could be another song about a riverboat. In 1976, the "Mississippi Queen" riverboat was put into service by the Delta Queen company, taking its last cruise in 2008.
8. Where does the pilot put the Burner?A. In the burner frame.B. On the basket.C. On top of the poles.D. On top the basket .Tolong Bantu Ya kak
A.In the burner frame.
Pilots always put the burner in the fuselage of the fuselage.
Thank you, sorry if I'm wrong, hope it helps.
■ no copas
■ no ngasal
■ no bhs alien
9. whats the meaning of mississippi queen song mean?
the song is about a seductive woman telling a man the ways of love.
komen kalo kurang panjang ya..
10. Cub a is_____ island near the united statos
Cuba is an island near the United States.
11. 1. > Correct the words in the bracket into Present Continous Tense! a. The elephant (carry) the cub on its trunk accross the street.. b. The lion (walk) together with the elephant which helps him.
A. The elephant is carrying the cub on its trunk accross the street.
B. The lion is walking together with the elephant which helps him.
menggunakan to be (is) karena subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal
A. the elephant is carrying the cub on its trunk across the street
B. the lion is walking together with the elephant which helps him.
12. Life on the mississippi was written by mark twain." the active is…. *2 poin
Mark Twain wrote "Life on the mississippi"
Rumus kalimat aktif subject + verb + objek
Menggunakan wrote karena kejadiannya lampau dan bentuk kata kerja ke 2
13. My sister is s... .she works on a plane.she helps the pilot to take care of the... (9)
scientist, airplane
scientist artinya ilmuwan airplane artinya pesawat
14. The plane is flown by pilot twice a week.Active voice:a. Pilot flies the plane twice a weekb. Pilot flied the plane twice a weekc. Pilot is flying the plane twice a weekd. Pilot has flied the plane twice a week
A. Pilot flies the plane twice a week
Maaf kalau salah, ini menurut saya ya.
15. whats the meaning of mississippi queen song?
The song is about a seductive woman who teaches the singer a thing or two about the ways of love, but with the success of "Proud Mary" a year earlier, it almost sounds like this could be another song about a riverboat. In 1976, the "Mississippi Queen" riverboat was put into service by the Delta Queen company, taking its last cruise in 2008.
16. piala beregu campuran bulutangkis dinamakan piala....a.thomas cub b.uber cub c.sudirman cub d.all-england e.davis
Jawabannya. C.sudirman cub.
klu thomas cub regu putra.
klu uber regu putri.Semoga membantu
jdkn jwbn tercerdas ya agar poinmu kmbl sbgian
17. what are the function of cub board
untuk menaruh baju, untuk menyimpan harta yang pentil ke dalam lemari
BRAINLY is Internasionalapa fungsi dari lemari ( itu artinya )
1. Untuk menyimpan pakaian
2. Untuk menyimpan celana
3. Untuk meyimpan barang-barang yang berharga, misalnya ;
- harta warisan
- sertifikat rumah
- perhiasan
- sertifikat tanah
18. What is the synonym of cub?
cub = anak
child = anak
Child or Kid
Cub = anak
Child = anak
Kid = anak
19. Cub a is_____ island near the united statos
Cuba is a Caribbean island located near the United States.
20. Life on the mississippi was written by mark twain.``the active is
Passive : Life of the Missisipi was written by Mark Twain (past tense
Active : Mark Twain wrote Life of the Missisipi (past participle)
Perubahan verb pada kalimat active-passive selengkapnya ada di gambar.
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