Classify Each Statement About Electromagnetic Radiation As True Or False

Classify Each Statement About Electromagnetic Radiation As True Or False

Read the article. Check true or false for each statement about the future, then write true information for each false statement

Daftar Isi

1. Read the article. Check true or false for each statement about the future, then write true information for each false statement

Baca artikel yang di lampirkan lalu jawab pertanyaan berikut. Cek apakah setiap pernyataan benar atau salah, lalu tuliskan informasi yang benar berdasarkan dari artikle untuk setiap pernyataan yang salah.

2. true and false statement about persian pottery


3. state whether the statement is true or false



Maaf Kalo salah :''D

Semoga Membantu  ^^

4. part ll true falsestate true if the statemen is true ,or state false if the statement is false based on the dialogue! minta tolong apa artinyaa:)​


Bagian II benar salah

nyatakan benar jika pernyataan itu benar, atau nyatakan salah jika pernyataan itu salah berdasarkan dialog!

semoga membantu

thank you

5. Choose True, if the statement is correct or False if the statement is wrong​


the writer got it from his grandfather (false)

it's brown and looks like a toy car (true)

6. work individually. check☑ true or false to the statement below​


1. It will rain a lot during the rainy season. true

2. There will be drought during the dry season. true

3. You will have graduated in three years time. false

4. The sun will be setting by evening. true

5. The effect of global warming will be worse if people refuse to take actions. true

6. The earth will be cleaner if we limit the use of plastic bags. true


1. true






maaf kalo salah ;-;


True (benar)True (benar)True (benar)True (benar)True (benar)True (benar)


Practice 1

Kerjakan secara individu. Centang (✔) benar atau salah terhadap pernyataan di bawah ini.

1. Akan sering hujan saat musim hujan ✔

Benar akan sering terjadi hujan di saat musim hujan.

2. Akan terjadi kekeringan di musim kemarau ✔

Benar akan terjadi kekeringan di musim kemarau karena hujan jarang terjadi di musim tersebut yang menyebabkan air di dalam tanah berkurang atau bahkan habis.

3. Kamu akan lulus dalam kurun waktu 3 tahun ✔

Karena soal menunjukkan tingkat SMA, maka benar siswa-siswi SMA akan lulus dalam kurun waktu 3 tahun.

4. Matahari akan terbenam pada sore/malam hari ✔

Benar waktu terbenamnya matahari pada sore/malam hari.

5. Efek pemanasan global akan memburuk jika orang-orang menolak untuk mengambil tindakan ✔

Benar jika orang-orang tidak mengambil tindakan, maka pengaruh dari pemanasan global akan menjadi lebih buruk dari yang sudah ada sekarang.

6. Bumi akan lebih bersih jika kita membatasi penggunaan kantong plastik ✔

Benar karena sampah plastik butuh waktu yang sangat lama untuk terurai, dan sebelum itu terurai tentu akan menumpuk di permukaan bumi selama puluhan bahkan hingga ratusan tahun. Mengurangi penggunaan kantong plastik membantu mengurangi hal buruk tersebut terjadi.

7. bahasa Indonesianya write true or false basket on the statementplisssssssssss jawab​


write true or false basket on the statement

tulis keranjang benar atau salah pada pernyataan

8. Choose these statement (Pernyataan benar atau salah)Pilot is someone who flies a plane. True or FalsePilot is someone who brings a plane. True or False​


1. Pilot is someone who flies a plane.

Answer: True

2. Pilot is someone who brings a plane.

Answer: False

9. are these statements true (T) or false (F) based on the text above? correct the false statement to be the true one​

1. Read the text below. Danang has been Andi's friend for over 10 years. They have known each other since they were children. They are now in grade 9. However, they go to the different junior high school. Recently Danang and his family have moved to a house on the same street as Andi, and now their brother play together almost every day. For the last two years, Danang and Andi have played for the same soccer team every Sunday. Danang is a better player in the team, but in the last few months he has had some trouble with his left knee, and he has found it hard to play a full game. He has seen the doctor several times about his knee, but the doctor doesn't know what causes his pain. Danang has decided to take a break from soccer for a while, so that his knee can recover. 2. Are these statements true (T) or false (F) based on the text above? Correct the false statement to be the true one. Apakah pernyataan ini benar (T) atau salah (F) berdasarkan teks di atas? Koreksi pernyataan yang salah menjadi yang benar.PEMBAHASAN

1. Danang has been Andi friend since ten years ago. (True / False)

Jawaban: TrueCorrect: -PenjelasanTidak perlu koreksi karena Danang dan Andi sudah berteman sejak 10 tahunHal ini berdasarkan Kalimat awal dalam paragraf pertama

2. They have known each other since they were in grade 7. (True / False)

Jawaban: FalseCorrect: They have known each other since they were childrenPenjelasanKarena salah jadi perlu koreksi karena bukan dari kelas tujuh mereka kenalnya tapi dari saat mereka kanak-kanakHal ini berdasarkan Kalimat kedua dalam paragraf pertama.

3. They are in grade 9 now and go to the same school near their house. (True / False)

Jawaban: FalseCorrect: They are now in grade 9. However, they go to the different junior high schoolPenjelasanKarena salah jadi perlu koreksi bahwa yang benar adalah mereka kelas 9 tapi sekolah berbedaHal ini berdasarkan teks kalimat ketiga dalam paragraf pertama

4. Danang and Andi have played soccer in the same team since they were in grade 7. (True / False)

Jawaban: True Correct: -PenjelasanTidak perlu koreksi karena benar bahwa sekarang kelas 9 dan 2 terakhir mereka bermain sepakbola di tim sama, berarti 9-2 = 7Hal ini berdasarkan Kalimat pertama dalam paragraf kedua

5. Andi and Danang have had some trouble with their left knee. (True / False)

Jawaban: FalseCorrect: Danang is a better player in the team, but in the last few months he has had some trouble with his left kneePenjelasanKarena salah maka perlu koreksi karena yang ada masalah lutut hanya DanangHal ini berdasarkan Kalimat kedua dalam paragraf kedua.

6. Doctor knew what is causing their pain. (True / False)

Jawaban: FalseCorrect: the doctor doesn't know what causes his painPenjelasanKarena salah maka perlu koreksi karena bukan mereka yang terluka melainkan hanya dia seorang yaitu Danang.Hal ini berdasarkan Kalimat dalam paragraf kedua.

7. Andi has decided to take a break from soccer for a while. (True / False)

Jawaban: FalseCorrect: Danang has decided to take a break from soccer for a while, so that his knee can recoverPenjelasanKarena salah maka perlu yaitu bukan Andi yang memutuskan untuk rehat bermain sepak bola yang benar adalah DanangHal ini berdasarkan Kalimat akhir dalam paragraf kedua

8. Danang does not want to take a break from soccer for a while. (True / False)

Jawaban: FalseCorrect: Danang has decided to take a break from soccer for a while, so that his knee can recoverPenjelasanKarena salah maka perlu yaitu Danang memutuskan rehat dari main sepakbolaHal ini berdasarkan Kalimat akhir dalam paragraf kedua

Detil JawabanMapel: B. InggrisMateri: ReadingLevel JHSKode: 5Kategorisasi: 8.5

Kata Kunci: True, False, Correct

10. tlg jwb utk yg "state the statement true or false "

1. bicycle
3. false
4. true
5. false

11. true or false about the pictures.​


True, False


1. True

2. False


1. true

2. false

semoga membantu

12. Say TRUE or FALSE! Fable is a kind of narrative story about animals. *TRUEFALSE​


Answer: True,

According to Oxford Dictionary,  Fable is defined as a traditional short story that teaches a moral lesson, especially one with animals as characters; these stories considered as a group.

13. Write true or false for the statement given.​



14. 1. I bought true or false 2.They run true or false 3.Susi and i went to Canada last week true or false? 4.when i was dancing,the telephone rang true or false? 5.the didn't knew the problem true or false? 6.i bought true or false? 7.andy and Ando doesn't know anything about a life true or false 8.when she had called me,the alarm rang true or false? dan call she later true or false? 10.yo dan join we soon true or false? the time you get this letter,i Will have left for Bandung true or false?


1. True

2. False

3. False

4. True

5. False-7

8. True

9. False-12


15. true or falsebenar(true) atau salah(false)mohon​

True Karena Komposisi Dan Takaran Sudah Sangat Lengkap

Terima Kasih Kak Semoga Membantu!



karena pil nya meningkatkan metabolisme gula sehingga tidak cocok untuk orang yang diabetes (kelebihan gula darah)

16. III. Make certain about this statement below is True or False."The fuction of procedure text is to entertainor amuse the readers."true or false?pls bntu​



we have to support the truth

17. true nor false = false or false = hasil dari logika di atas adalah A false, true B false, false C true, false D true true

kalo menurutt saya yg c

18. true or false about the pictures​

Jawab :

7. False

8. True

Penjelasan :

7. Karna banyak guru yang setuju adalah "yes but with limitation" bukan berarti semua guru menyetujuinya berarti false

8. Bila 200 guru dikali 15% maka = 15 orang berarti true

#Terimakasi sudah bertanya di brainly, semoga membantu!

#Semangat Hyung:'


8. true


bila 200 guru dikali 15% maka= 15 orang berarti true

19. Choose "True" if the statement is true or "False" if the statement is false. 1. Circulation is the transport of materials in living things. * True False 2. Life stops when circulation stops. True False





semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban terbaik

^_^  ^v^

20. mark the statement T (true) or F (false)​

1. True

2. False

3. False

4. False

5. True

6. True

7. True

8. False

9. True

10. False




They just befriendNo, it's their first timeHakim is his last nameShe comes from BandungShe isYes, he isThe number is 36What for?Yes, they areMaybe they are lived in the same housing area, but in different streets.

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Classify Each Statement About Electromagnetic Radiation As True Or False Classify Each Statement About Electromagnetic Radiation As True Or False Reviewed by Romano on Maret 16, 2023 Rating: 5

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