To support his opinion mentioned in the thesis statement, the writer present ……. argumentations in the text.
1. To support his opinion mentioned in the thesis statement, the writer present ……. argumentations in the text.
Maaf kalau salah, semoga bisa membantu
2. write the prosedural teks bassd on your opinion,look the example in chapter 1V
tulis prosedural teks berdasarkan pendapat anda, lihat contoh di pasal 1V
maksudnya di terjemahkan
3. Now,name the things in the picture as the are mentioned on the song lyrics
Now,name the things in the picture as the are mentioned on the song lyrics
Sekarang, beri nama benda²/hal² dalam gambar seperti yang disebutkan pada lirik lagu
kalau salah report aja
semoga membantu
4. What is not mentioned in the text
What is not mentioned in the text
Apa yang tidak disebutkan dalam teks
semoga bermanfaat dan membantu:)
5. What animal are mentioned as the example of reptiles
komodo and lizard, maybe
6. what is the congtatulation expression mentioned in the dialogue
Jawaban: The robot was selected at the robot event in Jakarta
Hope it helps, thank you
7. What season is mentioned in the dialogue
sorry, but where is the dialogue?
8. What is the congratulating expression mentioned in thedialogue?
Untuk mengucapkan selamat, kita bisa menyampaikan melalui ungkapan-ungkapan berikut:
Congratulations! (Selamat!)
Please accept my warmest congratulations (Terimalah ucapan selamatku)
Let me offer you my congratulations. (Aku ucapkan selamat)
I’d like to congratulate you on … (Aku ingin memberi selamat atas …)
Let me congratulate you on… (Biar aku memberi selamat atas…)
Congratulations on your … (Selamat atas…)
I should compliment you on your… (Aku harus mengucapkan selamat…)
I’m glad for you! (Aku amat bahagia atasmu!)
Good for you! (Selamat!)
Selain ucapan selamat di atas, kita bisa juga menambahkan pujian atas pencapaian yang dilakukan.
Great job! (Usaha yang bagus!)
Nice work! (Kerja yang bagus!)
Well done! (Baik sekali!)
How great of you! (Kamu hebat!)
That was amazing! (Mengagumkan sekali!)
What a great performance! (Penampilan yang hebat sekali!)
You really deserved that (Kamu sangat pantas mendapatkannya)
Dan jika kita menerima ucapan selamat, kita bisa membalas dengan kalimat-kalimat berikut.
Thank you! (Terima kasih)
Thanks for your support (Terima kasih atas dukunganmu)
Thanks for your kind words (Terima kasih atas ucapan baikmu)
Thanks for saying that! It means so much (Terima kasih sudah mengatakannya! Itu sangat berarti)
I appreciate that (Aku mengapresiasi itu)
It’s very nice of you (Kamu baik sekali)
Selanjutnya, simak dialog Expressing Congratulation berikut ini agar lebih mudah memahaminya. Selamat belajar!
Dialogue I
A: I heard you got promoted today (Kudengar kamu dipromosikan hari ini)
B: I did. I’ve been waiting for this day to come (Ya. Aku sudah menunggu-nunggu datangnya hari ini)
A: Congratulations, then. Wish you all the best luck! You deserve it (Selamat. Semoga kamu mendapat banyak keberuntungan! Kamu pantas mendapatkannya)
B: Thank you so much. Good luck for you, too (Terima kasih banyak. Semoga kamu beruntung juga)
Dialogue II
A: Congratulation on your graduation! I’m really proud of you (Selamat atas kelulusanmu! Aku sangat bangga padamu)
B: Thank you. You’re the one who always made me believe I’d get to finish my study in 3,5 years. And here I am today, I made it! (Thank you. Kamu yang selalu membuatku yakin untuk bisa menyelesaikan pendidikanku dalam waktu 3,5 tahun. Dan di sinilah aku sekarang, aku berhasil!)
A: We have to celebrate this (Kita harus merayakan ini)
B: Yes, we should. What about dinner? Are you free tonight? (Ya, harus. Bagaimana kalau makan malam? Apakah kamu luang malam ini?)
A: That sounds great (Kedengarannya bagus)
B: Alright, I’ll see you at 7 (Baiklah, sampai jumpa jam 7)
Dialogue III
A: I have good news to tell you (Aku punya kabar bagus untukmu)
B: What’s that? (Apa itu?)
A: Jeremy just proposed me yesterday. We’re getting married next month (Jeremy melamarku kemarin. Kami akan menikah bulan depan)
B: Are you kidding me? Oh my God, congratulations! I’m so speechless (Kamu bercanda kan? Ya Tuhan, Selamat! Aku tidak bisa berkata-kata)
A: Thank you. I will need you to be my bridesmaid (Terima kasih. Aku ingin kamu menjadi pengiring pengantinku)
B: Sure! Once again, congratulations! I’m so happy for you (Tentu! Sekali lagi, selamat! Aku amat berbahagia atasmu)
Dialogue IV
A: What a great job you’ve done! Congratulations, Joe! How do you feel now? (Hebat sekali! Selamat, Joe! Bagaimana perasaanmu sekarang!)
B: This is unbelievable. Did I really beat him? God, this feels unreal (Ini sulit dipercaya. Apakah aku benar-benar telah mengalahkannya? Ya Tuhan, ini seperti tidak nyata)
A: What are you talking about? You played so well on the match! (Apa yang kau katakan? Kamu bermain dengan amat baik dalam pertandingan!
B: I’d never be able to do this without you, Coach. Thank you! (Aku tidak akan pernah bisa melakukan ini tanpamu, Pelatih. Terima kasih !)
A: Don’t thank me. Now let’s celebrate this! (Jangan berterima kasih padaku. Sekarang mari kita rayakan ini!)
B: It’s very kind of you (Anda baik sekali)
Dialogue V
A: Have I told you that I’m pregnant? (Sudahkah kuberi tahu kau bahwa aku hamil?)
B: Really? Congratulations! You’ve bee
maaf kalo salah harap di maklumi •>•
9. Opinion can be expressed in two ways, mentioned it!
personal point of view and general point of view
10. mentioned the sevend subject in english
11. what's pets are mentioned in the text
binatang apa yang disebutkan dalam teks
12. what is your opinion about smoking? mentioned in three3 word.
what is your opinion about smoking? mentioned in three3 word.
arti: apa pendapatmu tentang merokok? disebutkan dalam tiga3 kata.
Jawaban :
Jangan (1)
Sering (2)
Merokok (3)
"Don't smoke frequently"
udah kan 3 kata aja.
"semoga membantu"
"Maaf kalau salah :v"
"jangan lupa like"
13. What is not mentioned in the email
Our personal information such as bank accounts number
14. as already mentioned in my previous email
as already mentioned in my previous email
seperti yang sudah disebutkan di email saya sebelumnya
[tex]\red{Ar} \: \red{3213698}[/tex]
15. What animals are mentioned as the example?
give me the picture so I can answer it
16. The following expressions are expressions of giving an opinion, EXCEPT.... Pilih jawabanmu. 1 In my point of view .... 2 As far as I’m concerned, .... 3 In my opinion, .... 4 As far as I go, ....
3. in my opinion
itu mungkinKarena kecuali Itu jawabannya yg D. As far as i go,.. karena artinya sejauh aku pergi... toh masak memberikan pendapat pake kata" gitu :)
17. ______ impressive chapter in the book was the chapter on stuart’s scientific theories
The most impressive chapter in the book was the chapter on stuart’s scientific theories.
Dari kalimatnya kita bisa menyimpulkan bahwa yang dimaksud oleh kalimat itu adalah bahwa Bab yang paling mengesankan di dalam buku itu adalah Bab tentang teori sains dari Stuart.
Ini adalah superlative degree.
Semoga bermanfaat
18. -------- impressive chapter in the book was the chapter on the desktop publishing theories. a. It was the most b. Most of the c. As d. The most e. Most
D. the most
19. In my opinion the new terminator film wasn't as good as the older ones
Jawaban:cara jawabnya gimana?
20. describe the animals mentioned in the dialogs in activity 22,orally
1. Koala
2. Panda
3. Horse
4. Owl
1. Koalas are well-known for their large round head, big furry ears and big black nose. Their fur is usually grey-brown in colour with white fur on the chest, inner arms, ears and bottom. They have no fur on their nose or the palms of their paws.
2. Pandas have a distinctive black and white coat, with black fur around their eyes and on their ears, muzzle, legs and shoulders. Their thick, wooly coat helps to keep them warm in their cool mountain homes.
3. Horses are ungulates — mammals with hooves. They also have long tails, short hair, muscular torsos, long thick necks and elongated heads. Due to domestication, they are found all over the world.
4. Owl feathers are velvety thick and soft, absorbing a lot of the sound of their flight.
Their wings are big for their weight, allowing them to beat slowly as they fly, which makes their flight even quieter. And their primary feathers (the wing feathers that stick out like fingers) have a comb-like edge, breaking the whoosh of each wing-beat into hundreds of tinier whooshes. Owls can see in the daytime. Their pupils don't get as small as ours in bright light, so to block out the extra light, they often close their eyes half-way or more. They may look sleepy or even half asleep when really they are wide awake and alert. This helps them hunt on the ground.
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