If you had the chance to be someone else,who would you choose to be? Explain what would be good About being that person,and what might be difficult.
1. If you had the chance to be someone else,who would you choose to be? Explain what would be good About being that person,and what might be difficult.
If i had the chance to be someone else, i would be myself. Because when everyone wants to be everyone else it means they are ungrateful. The good thing about being myself is, there is always unique thing in ourselves and not everyone that you adored to be are having it. What is the difficult about being myself is learn to grateful and apreciate ourselves the way God does.
2. What item do we need to put our clothing that need to be washed?.
To put clothing that needs to be washed, we need a laundry basket or hamper. A laundry basket or hamper is a container used to store dirty laundry until it is ready to be washed. It is usually made of durable materials such as plastic or wicker, and is often equipped with handles or a lid for easy carrying. Laundry baskets and hampers come in a variety of sizes and styles to suit different needs and preferences.
3. What would you say to show agreement?
That's right.
I agree.
I agree with you.
I think you are right.
Yes, I think so too.
I see what you mean.
That is a good point.
That's exactly how I fell.
That is what I think too.
I agree with you 100%.
I couldn't agree more.
(=I agree 100%.)
You could say that again!
(used when emphasizing)
4. young people need to be healthy so that ?
They will have longer life expectancy and more energy.
young people need to be healthy so that ?
so that they can be more productive in their lives.so that they can help the government build a better country.so that they can study seriously and be successful in their lives.Penjelasan:
Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan Giving Opinions (memberikan pendapat) dalam Bahasa Inggris.
anak muda perlu sehat agar ?
sehingga mereka bisa lebih produktif dalam hidupnya. sehingga mereka dapat membantu pemerintah membangun negara menjadi lebih baik. agar mereka bisa belajar dengan sungguh-sungguh dan sukses dalam hidupnya.Semoga membantu ya.
5. .Fritz : I am going to have a few friends over on Tuesday .Would you like to come over too ? Maya : ___________ I’ve already made plans for that day. * You would like to That would be fine I ‘ really like to but You don’t need to
Maya: Of course I will come. I've already made plans for that day. You would like to that would be fine. I really like to but you don't need to
Sorry if it's not quite right. Hope it helps, friends!
6. What do people need to be healthy?
People need a good rest and a balance nutritious meal ofcourse, don't forgetabout exercise and a good hygiene too.
artinya :
Orang butuh istirahat yang cukup dan makanan yang bergizi seimbang tentunya, jangan lupa olahraga dan juga kebersihan yang baik.
7. Hi, Intan. There will be a great show tonight. It's about Art Show. Would youlike to go to the show with me?
Hai, Intan. Akan ada pertunjukan hebat malam ini. Ini tentang Pertunjukan Seni. Maukah kamu
ingin pergi ke pertunjukan dengan saya?
semoga membantu :)
8. what else does a plant need for photosynthesis to take place
what else does a plant need for photosynthesis to take place
(apa lagi yang dibutuhkan tanaman untuk fotosintesis berlangsung)
= water, minerals, and carbon dioxide. Sunlight,sun( air, mineral, dan karbondioksida. Cahaya matahari, matahari )
9. Quiz...23²×32⁴×32²=??Note:Why do you need to be jealous?he deserves to love someone else :)
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
Pangkat adalah notasi yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bentuk perkalian berulang
2² = 2 × 2
4³ = 4 × 4 × 4
9⁴ = 9 × 9 × 9 × 9
semoga membantu :)
[tex]\huge{\red\purple\boxed {\green {\green\blue\boxed {\red {\boxed {\purple {@Nafisa}{\orange {najwa}{556}}}}}}}}[/tex]
Hasil dari 23² × 32⁴ × 32² adalah 568.009.424.896.
PembahasanBilangan adalah satu unit dalam matematika yang digunakan dalam pengukuran atau perhitungan. Bilangan pangkat adalah bilangan yang terbentuk dari bilangan pokok dan pangkat. Nama lain pangkat adalah eksponen. Pangkat pada suatu bilangan nilainya bisa positif atau nol. Bilangan pangkat bisa ditulis seperti berikut.
[tex]\boxed{\bold{Bilangan \ pangkat = a^{n}}}[/tex]
Dengan keterangan :
a = bilangan pokok
n = pangkat
Contoh bilangan bulat berpangkat dan cara mencari nilainya.
Semua bilangan yang dipangkatkan 0 hasilnya adalah 1.
⇒ [tex]1^{0} = 1[/tex]
⇒ [tex]23^{0} = 1[/tex]
Semua bilangan yang dipangkatkan 1 hasilnya bilangan itu sendiri.
⇒ [tex]12^{1} = 12[/tex]
⇒ [tex]7^{1} = 7[/tex]
Pangkat dua dan seterusnya ditulis seperti berikut.
[tex]a^{n} = a \times a \times a \times ... \times a \ (a \ sebanyak \ n \ kali).[/tex]
⇒ [tex]9^{2} = 9 \times 9 = 81[/tex]
⇒ [tex]10^{3} = 10 \times 10 \times 10 = 1.000[/tex]
⇒ [tex]2^{4} = 2 \times 2 \times 2 \times 2 = 16[/tex]
Penyelesaian[tex]= 23^{2} \times 32^{4} \times 32^{2}[/tex]
[tex]= (23 \times 23) \times (32 \times 32 \times 32 \times 32) \times (32 \times 32)[/tex]
[tex]= 529 \times 1.048.576 \times 1.024[/tex]
[tex]= 554.696.704 \times 1.024[/tex]
[tex]= 568.009.424.896[/tex]
Kesimpulan :
Dari penyelesaian di atas dapat disimpulkan hasil dari 23² × 32⁴ × 32² adalah 568.009.424.896.
Pelajari lebih lanjutBerapakah hasil pangkat dari 1 pangkat 2 sampai 50 pangkat 2 I brainly.co.id/tugas/18558667Apa itu bilangan berpangkat I brainly.co.id/tugas/6661348Detail jawaban
Kelas : 7
Mapel : Matematika
Materi : Bab 2 - Bilangan
Kode kategorisasi : 7.2.2
Kata kunci : Bilangan pangkat.
10. -Dowould you like...?- Do you need something ?you need anythingI would love to help you- i'd behelpglad toyou ..
- would you like to do something?
- do you need anything to help?
- I’d be glad to help you
11. What does the girl say to show that the undenstands
Yes, I understand.
I hope this helps:)
12. Bagaimana bentuk past perfect dari I need to you to show me, what the love is.
I had needed you to show me, what the love is
13. what situations/Conditions that we have to show care/symphaty ?
When our friend sad or have a problem We also can find the solutions
14. What would you say to show agreement?which is the sentence used to show agreement in the dialog
Jawaban •I agree with you .
•I couldn't agree with you more.
•That's so true.
•That's for sure.
•(slang) Tell me about it!
•You're absolutely right.
•That's exactly how I feel.
15. What do you say to show that you are paying attention to someone?
Be careful.
Take care of yourself
16. what would you say if you need help to someone?
"can you help me? "
semoga membantu
can you help me please
maaf kalo salah
17. what expression that we can use to show intention??
attention please tou know waht I meanyou get my point
18. What Would you need to prepare if you are about to apply the vacancies? tolong jawabannya
You need to prepare your stuff, such as clothes, shoes, jacket, ticket (if you traveling with a bus, train, plane, etc), and your personal medicine. And make sure that your parents know where you go, with who you go, and how long you go. You also need to know the emergency number for preparation if something happen to you, or to someone that travel with you.
19. attitudes that need to be practiced to develop their potential
confident and thorough about it
sorry if wrong
20. What issue that might cause misunderstanding among the viewers that the show program is supposed to be watched by all ages?
Isu apa yang mungkin menyebabkan kesalahpahaman di antara pemirsa bahwa program acara seharusnya ditonton oleh semua usia?
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