What Is The Tone Of This Excerpt

What Is The Tone Of This Excerpt

what is the tone of the song above​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the tone of the song above​


what is the tone of the song above ....



because the song tells about melancholy that is being faced by the songwriter.

2. What is the tone of the song? of sunday best​


yg im feelling good bukan si

3. what is the song about what is the tone of the song what is the social funtion of the song what does chorus nean

Jawaban:The chronicle space


4. Tolong bantu di jawab wahai suhu b.Inggris1. What is the subject of the poem?2. What is the theme of the poem?3. What does writer compare on his poem?4. What words help develop the tone of the poem?5. Paraphrase the poem in your own words in a fee sentence?


first of all I wanna ask you. Where's the poem? we can't answer those questions if you don't add the poem

5. the tone of the song is​


artinya;nada lagunya..


please follow me


what song tone,


you can comment later I will answer in the comments

6. I am particularly suited to this position what ia tone of this sentence?

the tone of the sentence mentioned above is ambitious tone because the person seems confident enough that she deserve the position, having in context, "suited".

7. Write lyrics of a song. then answer these following questions:1. what is the theme of the song?2. What is the tone of the song?3. What does the song tell you about?4. if there is, what message do you get from the song? 5. Do you enjoy the song? why?​

Lyrics of the song:

Runaway - AURORA

I was listenin' to the ocean

I saw a face in the sand

But when I picked it up

Then it vanished away from my hands, down

I had a dream I was seven

Climbing my way in a tree

I saw a piece of heaven

Waiting impatient for me, down

And I was runnin' far away

Would I run off the world someday?

Nobody knows

Nobody knows, and

I was dancing in the rain

I felt alive and I can't complain

But now take me home

Take me home where I belong

I can't take it anymore

Question and answer:

1. what is the theme of the song?

Answer: The theme of the song is about escape and "realizing you want to get home again."

2. What is the tone of the song?

Answer: The tone of the song is high

3. What does the song tell you about?

Answer: The song tell me about someone who is running away from somewhere

4. if there is, what message do you get from the song?

Answer: For me, the song has no message at all.

5. Do you enjoy the song? why?

Answer: Because the song is really calming and the singer's voice is so tunable.

8. Questions1. which line on sentence conveys the tone of both poems?2. explain the tone of both poems in your own sentences3. what sentences develop the tone​


1. Second row (Binding them in your big hands of loneliness.)

2. weariness with the same old issues that you’ve always had—the same boring flaws and anxieties you’ve been gnawing on for years.

3. Binding them in your big hands of loneliness. You cruel intentions make many suffer.


Hope it helps, have a nice day :)

9. the symbol of first tone is ​

symbol : -

example word : ā

definition : Mandarin Pinyin First Tone is called 一声 (yī shēng) in Chinese, literally meaning "the first sound". It starts high and maintain the same high pitch the whole process. So it sounds high and flat. That is why it is also known as "The High Level Tone".


-KhasandraBi's Answer-

10. Answer the following questions. 1. What is refrain ? 2. What is stanza ? 3. Mention the social functions of songs. 4. What do you know about bridge ? 5. If the song theme is friendship, what may be a possible tone ? “ a tone is more specific than theme. “


-Refrain is a verse, a line, a set, or a group of lines that appears at the end of stanza, or appears where a poem divides into different sections. It originated in France, where it is popular as, refraindre, which means “to repeat.” Refrain is a poetic device that repeats, at regular intervals, in different stanzas.


a group of lines forming the basic recurring metrical unit in a poem; a verse.

a group of four lines in some Greek and Latin meters.

-Teh social function of song are: To entertain the listeners. To teach moral value through the lyrics of the songs. To provide a way of managing the realitionship between our public and private emotional life.

-A bridge is a structure built to span a physical obstacle, such as a body of water, valley, or road, without closing the way underneath. It is constructed for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle, usually something that can be detrimental to cross otherwise

-The Toy Story franchise and its theme song, You've Got A Friend In Me offers another bittersweet take on friendship. The song — written by Randy Newman and performed as a duet by Newman and Lyle Lovett — is a perfect tribute to friends helping each other when times get tough.22 Des 2017

11. . What is the tone of the song?10 poina. Whimsicalb. Melancholyc. Provocatived. BoastfulTolong jawab yaa:v​



#maaf kalau salah

#semoga membantu

12. what is the tone of the song aboveA. sadB. melodicC. happyD. melancholyE. lazyserta penjelasan Terimakasi ​

▶️ l'ts time for English song! •

what is the tone of the song above?

A. sadB. melodicC. happyD.Melancholy✔️E. lazy



MELANCHOLY MUSIC is a type of music that gives off theimpression of being sad, serene, sad, sentimental, gloomy, slow, gloomy and so on . This type of music can be recognized by the tempo used which tends to be slow with minor harmonies.

Vivaforever[songby;Alice girls]

Do you still remember

How we used to be

Feeling together

Believe in whatever

My love has said to me

Both of us were dreamers

Young love in the sun

Felt like my saviour

My spirit I gave ya

We'd only just begun

Hasta mañana

Always be mine

Viva forever

I'll be waiting

Everlasting like the sun

Live forever

For the moment

Ever searching for the one

Yes I still remember

Every whispered word

The touch of your skin

Giving life from within

Like a love song never heard

Slipping through our fingers

Like the sands of time

Promises made

Every memory saved

As reflections in my mind

Hasta mañana

Always be mine

Viva forever

I'll be waiting

Everlasting like the sun

Live forever

For the moment

Ever searching for the one

Back where I belong now

Was it just a dream

Feelings unfold

They will never be sold

And the secret's safe with me

Whatis thethemeofthe Viva forever song?

“Viva Forever” mainly captures the emotion felt after losing a loved one either through death or a broken relationship.

13. 1. What does the singer want?2. What does the white feel when he'sInside the house?3. Who is Jason marz?4. What is the massage can be found in thetex above ?5. What is the tone of the song above​

The singer wants to go outside.When he is inside the house, the writer feels trapped.Jason Mraz is a singer.The message is that it is important to live an adventurous life. The tone of the song is happy.



by: Jason Mraz

All day I’ve been inside

And I’ve got the feeling

I’m trapped between the walls

And underneath the ceiling

I feel a bit off track

And I’m trying to get back

Back in the cool, cool air where the sun is shinning

Nothing’s going to stop me

It’s all in the timing

It’s finally again my turn

It’s time to return

‘Cause I won’t stay inside no more

No more

I can’t wait to go


Well open up your door and be like me

Open up your door and then breathe free

And look at all the beauty you’ll feel

Loved, loved, loved, loved

Listen to the music of the wind and the brides sing

We’re just one big family

And all of nature deserves to be

Loved, loved, loved, loved,


So, I won’t stay inside no more

No more

It can’t wait, I’m sure

There’s need to run and hide

Let’s go explore

It feels so great let’s go outdoors

(Don’t cha do)

Everyone come on

come on out there

where the air is fresh and clear

So, I won’t stay inside no more

No more

It cannot wait

Let’s go outdoors

Well, open up your door and be like me

Open up your door and then breathe free

And look at all the beauty and you’ll find

The earth and the sky is yours

So please go, there’s no need,

There’s no need to hide inside

Let’s go explore

This will, this will feel so great

Let’s go outdoors


14. Soalnya :How is the tone of the memo?

the tone of the memo is very clean. i think.

15. 13. What is the tone of the song above?a. Happyb. Sadc. MelancholyLazyMelodicooo​

The tone of the song above is happy (A). The song’s tittle that related to this question is Outdoors by Jason Mraz.


Jawaban yang benar untuk soal di atas adalah happy (A) sebab suasana dari lagu Outdoors Jason Mraz memang riang gembira dan menyenangkan. Namun agar lebih yakin dengan jawaban terpilih, silahkan simak uraian semua opsi jawaban yang ada berikut ini:

A. TRUE. Jawaban ini benar karena suasana (tone) lagu dari Outdoors yang dibawakan Jason Mraz memang diiringi dengan nada-nada musik yang ceria yang sama persis dengan musik yang mengiringi lagu ‘I’m Yours’.B. FALSE. Jawaban ini salah, musik pengiring lagu Outdoors adalah musik yang bahagia, ceria dan riang gembira. Musik ini disesuaikan dengan lirik lagu yang juga mengandung letupan semangat seseorang untuk memulai hari baru, berjalan-jalan ke luar di mana udara segar menyambut dan hangat matahari memeluk.C. FALSE. Jawaban ini salah, nada pada lagu Outdoors sangat riang dan membangkitkan rasa senang. Nadanya cepat dan menggunakan suara petikan gitar sebagai instrumen utama. Nada lagu jelas tidak melankolis, tidak lambat dan tidak mengandung perasaan muram atau sedih.D. FALSE. Nada lagu Outdoors justru mengandung semangat dan kegembiraan dalam menyongsong hari. Liriknya mengajak kita untuk keluar rumah menghirup udara segar dan menyapa matahari. Nada lagu tidak membuai seseorang dalam kemalasan atau rasa murung.E. FALSE. Jawaban salah. Jenis musik pada lagu Outdoors memang melodis karena diiringi petikan gitar. Namun fokus pertanyaan adalah suasana yang muncul dari lagu yang dibawakan.


Soal ini dijumpai dalam bahasa Inggris untuk SMA kelas 2 dan pembuat soal gagal membedakan antara ‘tone of the song’ dan ‘mood of the song’. Istilah musik yang sesuai dengan soal dan pilihannya di atas sebenarnya adalah mood atau suasana yang dimunculkan lagu yakni gembira (happy). Namun istilah yang mereka pakai malah ‘tone’ yang tidak diartikan sebagai suasana melainkan digambarkan sebagai warna atau timbre dari nada. Istilah yang digunakan menggambarkan tone lagu adalah ‘dark’, ‘warm’, ‘lush’, ‘strident’, ‘shrill’, ‘ringing’, ‘brilliant’ dan lain sebagainya.

Pelajari Lebih LanjutMateri tentang perasaan yang muncul saat menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya https://brainly.co.id/tugas/21654278Materi tentang apa yang dimaksud dengan lagu daerah https://brainly.co.id/tugas/601276Materi tentang isi dari lagu berjudul 'awan putih' https://brainly.co.id/tugas/26400480

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Detail Jawaban

Kelas      : 2 SMA

Mapel    : Bahasa Inggris

Bab        : -

Kode      : -



16. What kind of invitation do yu think is in the excerpt given above?how can you say that?

there is no an invitation here :))

17. Write lyrics of a song. then answer these following questions: 1. what is the theme of the song? 2. What is the tone of the song? 3. What does the song tell you about? 4. if there is, what message do you get from the song?5. Do you enjoy the song? why?​


Don't go tonight

Stay here one more time

Remind me what it's like, oh

And let's fall in love one more time

I need you now by my side

It tears me up when you turn me down

I'm begging please, just stick around

I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me

I know that your love is gone

I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy

Don't tell me that your love is gone

That your love is gone

I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me

I know that your love is gone

I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy

Don't tell me that your love is gone

That your love is gone

Don't tell me that your love is gone

That your love is gone

Don't tell me that your love is gone

That your love is gone

That your love is gone

I know this isn't easy (easy)

That your love is gone

1. Love is Gone

2. Slow

3. Someone who is abandoned by his lover because he has lost his love. Because there must be some reason someone can lose someone's love, whether it's because of disappointment or there is something else.

4. We must be able to move on and learn from the mistakes we have made.

5. Because the instrument is easy to hear and the language delivery is easy to understand, should listen this song!!! so deep.

18. Emily Dickinson There is no frigate like a book to take us lands away. Nor like coursers like a page Of prancing poetry. This traverse may the poorest take Without oppress of toll; How frugal is the chariot That bears the human soul! Questions. What is the subject of the poem? What is the theme of the poem? What does the writer compare in his poem? What words help develop the tone of the poem? Paraphrase the poem in your own words in a few sentences.


Emily Dickinson

There is no frigate like a book

to take us lands away.

Nor like coursers like a page

Of prancing poetry.

This traverse may the poorest take

Without oppress of toll;

How frugal is the chariot

That bears the human soul!


Emily Dickinson

Tidak ada kapal seperti buku

untuk membawa kita pergi.

Tidak suka courser seperti halaman

Dari puisi berjingkrak.

Jalur ini mungkin merupakan jalan termiskin

Tanpa menekan tol;

Seberapa hemat kereta itu?

Itu membawa jiwa manusia!


What is the subject of the poem?

What is the theme of the poem?

What does the writer compare in his poem?

What words help develop the tone of the poem?

Paraphrase the poem in your own words in a few sentences.



Apa pokok bahasan puisi itu?

Apa tema puisi itu?

Apa yang penulis bandingkan dalam puisinya?

Kata-kata apa yang membantu mengembangkan nada puisi?

Mengutip puisi itu dengan kata-kata Anda sendiri dalam beberapa kalimat.


betapa pentingnya buku

Emily Dickinson


Seberapa hemat kereta itu?

Tidak ada kapal seperti buku

Tidak suka courser seperti halaman

Dari puisi berjingkrak.

Seberapa hemat kereta itu?

Itu membawa jiwa manusia!

maaf kalau salah

19. Apa arti kalimat what is the tone of each letter?provide evidences from the letters

Apa nada dari setiap huruf? berikan bukti dari surat-surat itu

20. What is the excerpt of the song lyrics mainly about Imagine by John lennon

Jawaban: harmony and uniting with each other.


Full lyrics:

Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace, ooh

You may say I'm a dreamer

I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world

Will live as one

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world, ooh

You may say I'm a dreamer

I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world

Will be as one

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What Is The Tone Of This Excerpt What Is The Tone Of This Excerpt Reviewed by Romano on Desember 01, 2022 Rating: 5

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