Short Story Analysis Worksheet Answers

Short Story Analysis Worksheet Answers

the dollhouse short story character analysis

1. the dollhouse short story character analysis


the dollhouse short story character analysis


Analisis karakter cerita pendek rumah boneka

2. Analysis short story of ali baba and the forty thieves

Analisis cerita pendek ali baba dan empat puluh pencurianalisa cerita pendek alibaba dan 40 pencuri

3. Song Lyrics Analysis Worksheet

title: back to december

artist: taylor swift

speaker: for poeple who are we loved

POV: the artist and some man

subject: telling we are regret to someone

setting; in a house, in the middle of city, and when a winter

mood: sad, i felt the lyrics

musicaly: yes, cause the lyrics was touching my heart

others: yes, a man who act to being the artist ex

conflict: a relationship problem, yes

symbols: there is no

there: yes, that song learned to loved someone

evidence of theme:

maaf, untuk yang ini saya gak ngerti maksud nya

semoga membantu, jangan lupa follow yaa ^-^

4. Short story tentang expressing compliment?

Expressing Compliment
– Well done!
– Fantastic!
– That’s great!
– I like ….
– That/Those …. is/are nice.
– ….. look/looks nice on you.
– You do look nice in ….
– You have a beautiful hair.
– You have a nice voice.
– Mary got nine for English. What a clever girl.
– How beautiful flower is.
– What a beautiful flower.

5. complete the questions and give short answers​



1. Is she working on her homework? No,

she isn't.

2. Am I sitting in your seats? No, you aren't.

3.Are the students mopping the floor? Yes,

they are.

4. Is our mother looking for us? No, she


5. Are you listening to me? Yes, I am.

6. Is Alia cooking an omelet for me? No,

she isn't.

7. Are they cleaning the swimming pool?

Yes, they are.

8. Is my cat sleeping on your pillow. No, it


9. Are we waiting for someone? Yes, we


10. Am I doing something wrong? No, you



She/He/It > Is

They/We/you > You

#maaf klo salah

#Semoga membantu (。>‿‿<。 )

6. short story conditional sentence

kalimat kondisional pendek

7. short story itu seperti apa? yang pernah buat short story tolong massage saya ya..pliss mohon bantuannya

Short Story ---> Cerita pendek ( Cerpen ) , sebuah karangan yang telah dirangkum menjadi sebuah cerita yang lebih pendek

semoga membantu ^_^Bobo

I first came upon Bobo one day when I was out walking on acountry road. I happened to look down at my feet and therewas a baby bird. He was a tiny thing, and quite bare, except for afew pin-feathers pricking through. His skin looked too large for him andwas all wrinkly and purplish. In fact, he was rather an ugly baby. “Oh,” Ithought, “he must be a baby bluejay. That’s just what he must be!” I hadheard, of course, that the fi rst thing you ought to do after fi nding a babybird on the ground is to look for the nest from which he has fallen. SoI looked up into the tree above, trying to see into the highest branches.I could see no nest at all. From where had he come?

I looked at his funny, ugly little face. “Hello, Bobo!” I said.
His beak was very yellow and big. He openedit wide and a loud squawk came out of hima very loud squawk for such a baby! I held Bobo highup with my hand, so that his parents might see him.But if they were there, they took no notice.I tried putting him up in the groove of the tree.But he fell down again and flopped over into the road.In the end, I decided to take him home with me. SoI made my hands into the shape of a little house forBobo, and returned home. But oh, all of a sudden Ithought of Peedie! He is my cat, a very proud Persian.He has long, silvery fur and a bright pink nose andlarge, shiny green eyes. Of course, he was only a kittenthen. But just the same, I had heard tales of what kittensmight do to little birds! So, you may be sure, I was verycareful to keep them apart. At night, I locked Peedieout of my room, while I slept with Bobo beside meon the pillow, cuddled up against my neck to keephim warm. I was afraid of rolling over on him and soused to keep waking up once in a while to make surehe was still alive.

But one morning I found that I had evidentlybeen sleeping more soundly than usual. Bobo was safeand perfectly happy in his place beside my neck. ButPeedie was fast asleep on the other side of the pillow.The door, strangely enough, stood wide open. Well,just to see what would happen, I put Bobo over closebeside the sleeping Peedie. With a yawn and a purr,Peedie awoke and began to lick Bobo. He gave him agood washing, up his little breast and down his back. Then he put his pink nose up against Bobo’s funnylittle wing and that was his way of kissing Bobo. Atany rate, Peedie and Bobo became good friends.

When Bobo was old enough to hop about, he usedto pretend that Peedie was a hill and would climb uponto his back. And Peedie used to pretend that Bobowas a ball and would roll him around with his paws verygently, of course. Then, when the hill and the ball felttired of play, they would go to sleep together. AfterBobo had grown some feathers, Peedie used to washthem with his tongue very carefully every day andBobo, to return the kindness, would preen Peedie’slong tail with his beak. Bobo loved other kinds ofbaths, too. He had his own bathtub,of course. But if acup of tea were left standing, Bobo would take a bathin it. A dish of soup, or a pitcher of cream, or a glassof ginger ale all would be the same for Bobo. He wasreally very naughty. I couldn’t scold him because heloved to be scolded and would squawk with joy eachtime I began. I couldn’t spank him either as it didn’tseem quite right to spank a bird.

Bobo grew larger, until he became a large bird.He had been an ugly baby, but as his bright feathersgrew, he became more and more beautiful. Little bylittle Bobo learned how to fly. When he was able tofly very well, then I knew that he was old enough togo into the woods and fend for himself. So, very sadlyone day, I walked far into the woods, carrying Boboin my hands. I said good-bye to him and let him go.He flew up into the top of a tree.

“Be happy, Bobo!” I called to him.

Then, very sadly, I started back.And what do you think I saw when I gothome?

Peedie was lying on the doorstep sound asleep in the sun. And between his paws slept Bobo, looking as if nothing had happened! After that, of course, Bobo stayed with us. When he was very young, I used to feed himbread and milk with the end of a match. How he squawked and fl apped his funny little wings as each bite went down! I soon learned that he expected a large dinner just about every hour. And I used to think how pleasantit would be, the day when Bobo was old enough to feed himself. Bobo loved to go with me wherever I went. When he was a little bird, he used to hop along after me, upstairs and down-stairs and into the garden. Then, after he knew how to fl y, he used to go down to the village with me, flying along from tree to tree, squawking with joy as he went.
The end of summer came all too soon, and the time to go back into the city. I knew that something would have to be done about Bobo. The city was no place for a bluejay. So I gave him to a very kind man who loved birds. Now, all I know is that Bobo is living there still, probably taking bath in the kind man’s teacup!

8. short story cinderella

Maaf kalo salah

9. what is short story ?


A short story is a type of prose in which the contents of the story are not real events and are only made up. The number of words in a short story is no more than 20,000 words. Writing short stories using a narrative style.

terjemahan nya

Cerita pendek adalah salah satu jenis prosa yang isi ceritanya bukan kejadian nyata dan hanya dibuat-buat. Jumlah kata di dalam cerita pendek tidak lebih dari 20.000 kata. Penulisan cerita pendek menggunakan gaya bahasa yang naratif.


#semoga membantu

#jadiin brainles answer



#tetap semangat


: an invented prose narrative shorter than a novel usually dealing with a few characters and aiming at unity of effect and often concentrating on the creation of mood rather than plot. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About short story.


jadikan jawaban yang terbaik

10. write short answers to the following questions

1. yes, i am.
2. no, i am not.
3. no, it is'nt.
4. no, i am not.
5. yes, i am.


11. pengertian short story

short story (b.inggris) = cerpen (cerita pendek).

semoga membantu :)short = pendek
story = cerita
atau bisa disebut cerita pendek [ short story ] adalah jenis karya sastra yang memaperkan kisah atau cerita tentang manusia atau seluk beluknya lewat tulisan pendekatan
* maaf jika salah kak >_<...

12. Dina basa inggris mah carpon teh disebut A. Short storyB. Story tellingC. Short massageD. Story short​


A. Short Story


Cerpen : Cerita Pendek

Cerita Pendek in english is Short Story.

Thank You ^_^

13. short story the necklace

i went to the small market in my town
i saw a necklace hanging in one of the shop
the necklace was not fancy but it reminded me with someone
after looking at the necklace then i decided to buy it
i brought the necklace home and keep it in a nice fancy box wrapped with a ribbon
i am going to give the necklace to my grandma
said myself

14. contoh short story dengan tipe moral story

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Once upon a time there lived a lion in a forest. One day after a heavy meal. It was sleeping under a tree. After a while, there came a mouse and it started to play on the lion. Suddenly the lion got up with anger and looked for those who disturbed its nice sleep. Then it saw a small mouse standing trembling with fear. The lion jumped on it and started to kill it. The mouse requested the lion to forgive it. The lion felt pity and left it. The mouse ran away.

On another day, the lion was caught in a net by a hunter. The mouse came there and cut the net. Thus it escaped. There after, the mouse and the lion became friends. They lived happily in the forest afterwards.

15. Grammar worksheet story order


Urutan cerita tata bahasa lembar kerja


translate: urutan cerita tata bahasa lembar kerja


ini cuman suruh translate atau dijawab?

16. Write sentences and finish the short answers.

a. Does school finish at four o'clock? Yes, it does.
(Apakah sekolah selesai pada pukul 4? Ya, itu benar)

b. Do students eat in the canteen?
(Apakah para murid makan di kantin?)

17. exercise 7 make questions. give short answers​



A : Where did you and Beniro go last night?

B : A party.


A : Did Yoko and Ali do their homework last night?

B : No, they didn't.


A : When did you see Gina?

B : At dinner last night.

Semoga membantu

18. short story about Soekarno


Dr. (HC) Ir H Soekarno was called Bung Karno. Born in Surabaya on June 6, 1901, from the couple Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo with Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. He school in Hoogere Burger School (HBS), and then proceed to the Technische Hoge School (now ITB) in Bandung. 1927 founded the Indonesian Nationalist Party (PNI). Because of his activities, he was arrested and imprisoned Netherlands.

Sukarno joined the Party of Indonesia. He was re-arrested and exiled to Flores. 1938 to 1942 Sukarno was exiled to Bengkulu. The new Soekarno really free after the Japanese occupation in 1942. On August 16, 1945, the youth leader of PETA demanded that Sukarno and Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence soon. On August 17, 1945, Indonesia memplokamirkan independence. On August 18, 1945, Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta was appointed President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia.



Bung Karno. Born in Surabaya on June 6, 1901, from the couple Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo with Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. He school in Hoogere Burger School (HBS), and then proceed to the Technische Hoge School (now ITB) in Bandung. 1927 founded the Indonesian Nationalist Party (PNI). Because of his activities, he was arrested and imprisoned Netherlands.

Sukarno joined the Party of Indonesia. He was re-arrested and exiled to Flores. 1938 to 1942 Sukarno was exiled to Bengkulu. The new Soekarno really free after the Japanese occupation in 1942. On August 16, 1945, the youth leader of PETA demanded that Sukarno and Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence soon. On August 17, 1945, Indonesia memplokamirkan independence. On August 18, 1945, Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta was appointed President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia.

The Allied forces did not recognize the independence of Indonesia, and want to re-colonize Indonesia (Aggression War I and II). Pressure on the UN Security Council, the Netherlands / Allies finally stop the fighting. Soekarno was appointed President of the Republic of Indonesia (RIS). Due to popular demand, on August 17, 1950, RIS again changed to the Republic of Indonesia, Ir Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta became vice president

Rebellion G30S / PKI erupted in 1965, gave birth to a great political crisis. People demanded that the PKI was dissolved. But Sukarno refused. President issued Decree of March 11 (Supersemar) which is a command to Lt. Gen. Soeharto to take measures to maintain security and safety of the presidential administration.

The letter is used to dissolve the PKI. MPRS also provide assurance to Soeharto for every moment becomes president if the president previously absent. On June 22, 1966 President Sukarno's accountability speech was rejected and on February 20, 1967 Sukarno signed a Statement of Delivery Authority.

Sunday, June 21, 1970 President Sukarno died at the Army Hospital in Jakarta and was buried in Blitar, East Java. The government set the title Hero of the Proclaimers on 23 Oktober1986 and National Hero on November 7, 2012. Sukarno was a true hero. He is the father of a nation that is not replaceable



19. make a short story about love story?

penuh cerita didalam cerita cinta
rasanyamembuat cerita pendek tentang kisah cinta

20. Short-short story disebut cerpen?

Kalau dalam kamus Bahasa Inggris itu Short artinya pendek, sedangkan Story artinya cerita. Jadi, Short Story adalah Cerita Pendek.

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Short Story Analysis Worksheet Answers Short Story Analysis Worksheet Answers Reviewed by Romano on November 14, 2022 Rating: 5

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