Enter Your Answers As A Comma Separated List

Enter Your Answers As A Comma Separated List

l ( be) ... very grateful if you ( send) ... me your brochures and price list as soon as possible

1. l ( be) ... very grateful if you ( send) ... me your brochures and price list as soon as possible

I (will be) very grateful if you (send) me your brochures and price list as soon as possible

I (would be) very grateful if you (sent) me your brochures and price list as soon as possible

I (would have been) very grateful if you (had sent) me your brochures and price list as soon as possible

2. i__(be) very grateful if you__(send) me your brochures and price list as soon as possible​


I Will (be)

If you send me


I will be very grateful if you send me your brochures and price list as soon as possible.

sorry if I was wrong but thank you :)

3. i would ... very grateful if you would send me your brochures and price list as soon as possoble

S + would + V1 + O

I would ... very grateful
very grateful adalah kata sifat, jadi sebelum kata sifat adalah V1

I would BE very grateful
atau juga bisa begini
I would FEEL very grateful

NB : Semoga benar semua ya. Diperiksa lagi ya ^^ Good luck
Maaf kalau salah :)Jawabannya i would be

4. Apa arti your answers are all correct


artinya "semua jawaban Anda benar"


semoga membantu:)


arti : jawaban-jawabanmu semuanya benar.


your. : mu (kepemilikan)

answers: jawaban (jamak)

are. :adalah

all. :semua

correct. : benar

5. penjelasan garis dan sudut?- enter your answer-​


-Garis adalah susunan titik-titik ( dapat tak terhingga ) yang saling bersebelahan dan juga memanjang bersebelahan ( kanan / kiri atau juga atas / bawah )

- Sudut adalah sebuah daerah yang dibentuk dari adanya dua buah garis yang pangkalnya saling berhimpit atau saling bersekutu

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu:)

maaf kalau kurang jelas:")

6. Make a list of people you greeted today, as the example below share your findings with the class​


table myself, who, what time, what did you say

7. Make a list of professions at your shool. The first one has been done for you as an example

- Teacher
- Janitor
- Principal
- Student

8. What is your list name

Siapa nama anda?

Sorry klau slahapa nama daftar kamu ????

SMG bener ya

9. What a good mark Your composition very good Your answers areall corrack

"Apa tanda yang bagus"
"Komposisi anda sangat bagus"
"Jawaban Anda benar semua"
Smoga membantu^^

10. what your friends are doing? observing the activities going on in your class, then write it in a neat handwriting and accurate list as 20.

the following are what my friends doing in our class:
1. they are talking to each other
2. some are sitting
3. while others are grouping in one desk
4. some are doing nothing
5. some are busy with their cellphones
6. myself is downlisting these activities
7. they are wearing scout uniform
8. they are boys and girls
9. they are waiting for their teacher to step in
10. some are doing their homework
11. they are junior high school students
12. the lesson they are going to have is english
13. the teacher is probably still in the teacher's room
14. the next class is so quiet
15. the leader of the class is cleaning the whiteboard
16. they are happy because english is their favorite subject
17. the teacher is coming
18. some are returning to their desk
19. i am done with the list
20. me and my classmates are ready to listen to the teacher

11. arti enter your usernar​


Artinya masuk nama penggunamu (ID)

enter your username

masukkan nama pengguna kamu

12. Like a few of your points to field the answers


seperti beberapa poin anda untuk menjawab

maaf kalau salah :)

13. i....(be) very grqteful if you....(send me your brochures and price list soon as pasible

I will be very grateful if you send me your brochures and price list as soon as possible

I ( Will be) very grateful if you ( send) me your brochures and price list as soon as pasible.

Conditional sentence type 1.

14. A. ilham: look!here ia your name on the list

Apakah tidak ada soalnya? Soalnya mana?

15. Enter your pin or personal identification number and press"enter"then....."clear"if you make a mistake

sepertinya maaf kl salah

16. arti enter your usernar​

Artinya: ketik nama pengguna

Jawaban: masukkan nama pengguna


17. apa arti dari write a things list of your classroom

yg benar tulisannya: write the things of your classroom. shg artinya: tulislah benda2 di kelasmu.menulis daftar hal hal kelasmu

18. what makes a great leader? write down a list of characteristics compare your list with other groups

Good leader
Easy to mingle
Can United
Don't forget to give me like

19. Arti please enter your age

tolong sesuaikan dengan umurmu

=> Please Enter your age
(Tolong tulis/masukan umurmu)

=> Please Enter your age
(Silahkan masuk sesuai dengan umurmu)


20. enter otp received your email

masukan otp terima email anda

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Enter Your Answers As A Comma Separated List Enter Your Answers As A Comma Separated List Reviewed by Romano on November 25, 2022 Rating: 5

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