During The Economic Boom Advertisers Apex

During The Economic Boom Advertisers Apex

What is the best headline for the text above? a.tik tok launched marketing program for advertisers b.tik tok launches marketing program advertisers c.tik tok is launching marketing program for advertisers d.tik tok attracts the advertisers e.tik tok was banned in us

Daftar Isi

1. What is the best headline for the text above? a.tik tok launched marketing program for advertisers b.tik tok launches marketing program advertisers c.tik tok is launching marketing program for advertisers d.tik tok attracts the advertisers e.tik tok was banned in us


Apa judul terbaik untuk teks di atas?

a.tik tok meluncurkan program pemasaran untuk pengiklan


What is the best headline for the text above?

a.tik tok launched marketing program for advertisers

2. Beginning in world war ll and continuing through the period of economic boom the status of women in xanadu has changed remarkably.


artinya nya

dimulai pada perang dunia ll dan berlanjut selama periode ledakan ekonomi ,status perempuan di xanadu telah berubah secara luar biasa.

s'moga terbantu.

3. Discuss the importance of abiding by the australian national association of advertisers (aana)!


Discuss the importance of abiding by the australian national association of advertisers (aana)!

Discuss the importance of abiding by the australian national association of advertisers (aana)!

4. the hospital IS....the boom store?mohon bantuannya ​




karena bookstore bersebelahan dengan hospital, berarti jawabannya beside,artinya disamping :)

5. apa terjemahan dari cerita ini ?:and there is was... boom the parents died in the car

dan ada itu... boom orang tua meninggal di dalam mobillalu terdengar suara....
orangtuanya meninggal di dalam mobil

6. the boom and the pen.... in my bag



7. How can the company survice the from economic critis​

bagaimana perusahaan dapat bertahan dari krisis ekonomi

8. The underlined form is incorrect, write a correction for the underlined form in the blank at the end of the sentence. During a depression, economic conditions are far (WORST) than they are during a recession.

"Worst" diganti "Worse"
Worst artinya paling buruk, sedangkan worse artinya lebih buruk.

"...far worst..." = Jauh paling buruk (gk enak didengar)

"...far worse..." = Jauh lebih buruk (sip kan?"

9. why do the landscapes affect the economic activity? ​

Jawaban: Inggris

Because natural conditions reflect the natural wealth (SDA) they have.


Karena kondisi alam mencerminkan kekayaan alam (SDA) yang dimiliki.

-Maaf Kalau Ada Yang Salah Di Bagian Bahasa Inggris..

10. apakah fungsi boom dan daerah mana yang sering kena boom​


fungsi boom untuk menentukan kekuatAn boom lain dengan lainnyadaerah yg sering kena boom adalah jepang.

maaf ya kalau jawabannya salah.

terimakaaih atas bantuannya

11. Siska and Wulan (go) the boom store every fridays evening(+)(-)(?)​



+) Siska and Wulan (go) the boom store every fridays evening

-) Siska and Wulan do not(don't) go the boom store every fridays evening

?) Do Siska and Wulan go the boom store every fridays evening


-Untuk kata Siska and Wulan bisa diganti dengan kata They yang berarti mereka

-disini kata go tidak ditambahkan kata -es karena disini menggunakan subjek they bukan nama orang. Jadi bila suatu kata kerja yang ditambahkan kata -es adalah jika kata kerja tersebut bertemu dengan subjek orang ketiga tunggal (nama orang,He,She,It).

-"Do" digunakan untuk subyek: I,You,They,We di kalimat Negatif dan Interogative

semoga membantu:)


12. the economic recovery programme .... by the new government has encouraged the real economic grow

Ekonomi pemulihan program ... oleh pemerintah baru telah mendorong nyata ekonomi tumbuh. (maaf gak tau jawaban titik titiknya)

13. what make up the economic system

to be a better again cause we must to repaired our economic system in our country and with steps build a skyscraper and have many legal job.
maaf kalok salah...

14. the government ... the new economic policy to handle the crisis​


looking for/ found


im sorry if thats false

15. ap itu water boom and the best​







water boom adalah tempat untuk berenang yang dibuka umum dengan harga yang bervariasi



16. fungsi apex of the bladder

Apex of Bladder artinya puncak pada kandung kemih. Fungsi utama kandung kemih adalah untuk melayani sebagai reservoir untuk menyimpan urin yang dihasilkan ketika produk limbah ginjal yang difilter dari darah.

Ga puas tanyakan lagi ya kakak (^^)/

17. so don't put on boom boom boom​


You grazy


Thank you T-T

18. Refer to the statements below. 1. Someone moves from one store to the other to get the best quality of goods. 2. The volunteers help the victims of floods sincerely. The statements above are the examples of …. a. economic motive b. economic action c. economic problem d. economic principle

A. Motif ekonomi.
Motif ekonomi adalah dorongan untuk melakukan kegiatan ekonomi seperti ingin membantu sesama dan memperoleh Kemakmuran.

19. Whatis the definition of Economic ? ​


definitonofEconomics is an action to obtain goods or services of good quality but at a minimal price.

20. According to the Financial Times, the prime rate ….. up slightly even without the housing boom.

Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: describing trend

In describing trends, one uses present continuous as it is still in progress of happening at the present time.
example: - The number of students is increasing a lot more this year.

In the sentence above, the blanks can be filled with ' going / rising '. It becomes as follows:
The prime rate is going/ rising up slightly even without the housing boom.

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During The Economic Boom Advertisers Apex During The Economic Boom Advertisers Apex Reviewed by Romano on November 18, 2022 Rating: 5

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