Did You Hear About The Trees Birthday

Did You Hear About The Trees Birthday

did you hear the voice​

Daftar Isi

1. did you hear the voice​


apakah kamu mendengar suara itu


what sound,I didn't hear it


thank you for me

2. did you hear the new song ... the noah​


made by? (dibuat oleh)


3. did you hear that?| think (the baby cry)....

Apakah kamu mendengar itu? Saya rasa bayinya menangisApakah kau mendengar itu ?! Ku rasa (bayinya menangis)

4. Here is the situation that we have to complete Siti:"Lina,I called you when.............. ...........................yesterday,but you did not hear me". Lina:"Really?I'm sorry I did not hear you........................................................................................................................."

Siti : " Lina I call you when I SEE YOU ON THE MARKET yesterday, but you did not hear me "

Lina : " Really ? I am sorry I don't not hear you BECAUSE ON THE MARKET VERY NOISE YESTERDAY. "

5. You will hear someone talking about the life of WR Supratman.Can you guess how the man became well known? How did the man contribute to society or his country?​


Anda akan mendengar seseorang berbicara tentang kehidupan WR Supratman. Dapatkah Anda menebak bagaimana pria itu menjadi terkenal? Bagaimana orang itu berkontribusi pada masyarakat atau negaranya?

6. You are talking about the registration to the taekwondo class, and you don't hear about his/her speaking and you ask him /her to repeat

kau berbicara tentang pendaftaran kelas taekwondo, dan kau tidak dengar apa yg ia bicarakan dan kau bertanya kepada dia(cowo/cewe) untuk mengulanginyakamu berbicara tentang pendaftaran kelas taekwondo, dan kamu tidak mendengar tentang apa yang dia katakan dan kamu meminta dia untuk mengulang.

kamu dapat mengatakan PARDON ME

7. When did the writer celebrate the birthday


Kapan si penulis merayakan ulangtahunnya


8. complete the table based on the dialogues you hear what do they syay about the animals?​

hii ty for asking!!

2) Ants : it's so small

3) ladybugs : it's so cute

thank to me later, have a great day <3

9. how did romeo hear about juliet's death?

bagaimana romeo mendengar tentang kematian juliet ini?

10. siti: "Lina,I called you when............... .............yesterday ,but you did not hear me. "Lina: "Realy? I 'm sorry I did not hear you.....................................................*​


Siti: “Lina, I called you when you were walking out of the bank yesterday, but you did not hear me.”  (= Lina, saya memanggilmu ketika kamu sedang berjalan keluar dari bank kemarin, tetapi kamu tidak mendengar saya.)

Lina: “Really? I’m sorry I did not hear you. I was listening to music with earphones." (= Beneran? Maaf saya tidak mendengarmu. Saya sedang mendengarkan musik dengan pelantang telinga.)


Soal di atas berhubungan dengan dialog sebelumnya, yaitu

Lina: “Hey, that’s Dayu. Dayu! Dayu!”

Siti: “I don’t think she can hear you. She has earphones on her ears and she’s singing. Maybe she’s listening to her favorite songs.”

Kosakata baku dari earphone adalah pelantang telinga.

Pelajari lebih lanjut soal yang berhubungan dengan soal di atas pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/25144777


11. "did you hear the news about what happened..........?a. since Februaryb. for todayc. todayd. this monthe. last monthmohon penjelasannya :)​


b. for today


hope it can help you!!


apakah kamu mendengar berita tentang apa yang terjadi ..........?

a. sejak Februari

b. untuk hari ini

c. hari ini

d. bulan ini

e. bulan lalu ✓

Jawabannya e


Tandai sebagai terbaik ya

12. 1)Who is the writer ? 2)How did the writer hear ? 3)what did the writer hear ? 4)Did the writer see ghost ? 5)Who did the writer see ? Tolong dijawab^_^

1) the writer is hadi's friend and classmate

2) the write was scary hear the voice

3) the writer hear hadi's voice

4) the writer does not see ghost

5) the writer see her friend and classmate

^-^ hope this answer will help you

13. Did you hear about the robbery at the supermarket last night? One of the shopkeepers is the victim. Oh that was terrible! Im so happy to hear that. Carau kata yang salah lalu benarkan


benar semua kok kak


14. hey, did you hear about monika's party this sunday? penjelasan dri video trsb apa​


video yang mana? kalimat atau video nya yg diartikan ke bahasa Indo?

15. What will you say if you did not hear dearly what the speaker just said

sorry, can you talk more loudly, I did not hear it

16. Complete the tabke based on the dialogues you hear what do they say about the animals?​



they have white and black tone skin


they have a big ear and big body


they have a shap fang

17. the compliments about thank you. you remember my birthday when nobody does

Pujian tentang terima kasih. Anda ingat ulang tahun saya ketika tidak ada orang tidak

18. Steve : it was great to hear about you weddingAlex : ....what did alex answer?​


thank you

maaf kalau salah

19. Tell me about your last vacation. Where did you go? What did you do?What did you do for you last birthday?Who was your first crush?What was the last really difficult thing you had to do? What did you eat for you last meal?Who did you meet last week? What did you do together?Tell me about what you did for the last 24 hours. When was the last time you were really excited aboutsomething?Tell me about where you lived as a child. Talk about the last time you were really scared.​

My last vacation is in sea, im going to sea for seeing a sunset. I'm celebrating my birthday with my bestfriends.My firtst crush is a guy when i meet in 7th grade.Make a special menu for my mom, for last ning i meat a meatball.I meet with my friend for shopping together.I'm doing night workout, last night i'm really exited to see my father.Pembahasan

Cerita merupakan salah satu jenis prosa yang berisi tentang kejadian nyata maupun kejadian yang tidak nyata yang dirangkai dengan kata-kata sehingga lebih mudah dipahami. Cerita merupakan salah satu jenis prosa yang berisi tentang kejadian nyata maupun kejadian yang tidak nyata yang dirangkai dengan kata-kata sehingga lebih mudah dipahami.  Cerita terdiri dari banyak jenis, terdapat cerita fiksi, cerita non fiksi dan cerita fantasi. Cerita fiksi adalah cerita yang ditulis oleh seorang penulis yang mana tulisan tersebut hanyalah karangan penulis. Sedangkan cerita non fiksi adalah cerita yang mungkin pernah terjadi dalam masa lampau.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang pengertian gambar cerita pada brainly.co.id/tugas/14345306




20. Tell me about your last vacation. Where did you go? What did you do?What did you do for you last birthday?Who was your first crush?What was the last really difficult thing you had to do? What did you eat for you last meal?Who did you meet last week? What did you do together?Tell me about what you did for the last 24 hours. When was the last time you were really excited aboutsomething?Tell me about where you lived as a child. Talk about the last time you were really scared.​

Berikut jawaban yang tepat:

went to the beach. I played sand with my brothers.I celebrated my last birthday with my classmates.My first crush was Lutfiantoro.I didn't pass examination.I ate pempek and fried rice.I met my English teacher last week.We went to book store.I went to school, ate, slept and played in my last 24 hours.I really excited when I won speech competition.


Kalimat-kalimat di atas menggunakan simple past tense. Tenses tersebut digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau dan telah selesai. Dalam menulis kalimat kita menggunakan kata kerja bentuk kedua atau verb 2.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang simple past tense https://brainly.co.id/tugas/703346

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Did You Hear About The Trees Birthday Did You Hear About The Trees Birthday Reviewed by Romano on November 18, 2022 Rating: 5

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