Aggressive Drivers Two To Four Times More

Aggressive Drivers Two To Four Times More

2. is-what-four-two-times- ?The correct order is ...a. What is four times two?b. What four two times is?c. What is times four two?d. What times is four two?3. What is nineteen plus two?​

Daftar Isi

1. 2. is-what-four-two-times- ?The correct order is ...a. What is four times two?b. What four two times is?c. What is times four two?d. What times is four two?3. What is nineteen plus two?​

What is four times two?



Urutan yang benar adalah ...

a. Berapa empat kali dua?

b. Apakah empat dua kali itu?

c. Berapa kali empat dua?

d. Jam berapa empat dua?

jawaban :

a. What is four times two?

Maaf kalo salah

saya juga Manusia yang bisa Benar Bisa salah :'v

2. Three squared plus four times two.​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Three squared = nine

Three squared plus four times two = nine plus four times two = Seventeen

3. why the female more aggressive for sexuality to the male insects ?

artinya : Mengapa perempuan yang lebih agresif untuk seksualitas untuk laki-laki serangga?

4. d. 09.3020. Jam setengah tiga' means ...a. Half to fourb. Half past twoc. a quarter past twod. half to two21What​


b. half past two


Semoga membantu, jangan lupa jawaban terbaiknya ya ka


seharusnya jawabannya Half past three

Namun, pada pilihan Abc tdk ad pilihan trsbt

5. four to seven ,halfpast two tolong ya kalian anuin ke jam yang binggris


Four to seven ,half past two


Empat sampai tujuh, 02.30 ( 02 lebih 30 menit) [setengah tiga]


Four to seven :

Empat sampai tujuh

Half past two:

02.30 ( 02 lebih 30 menit) [setengah tiga]




6. 10. thirty two times twelve plussixteen plus forty two equals.....a. four hundred fifty fiveb. four hundred forty twoc. four hundred fifty fourd. five hundred fifty four​

Question =

thirty two (32) times (x) twelve (12) plus (+) sixteen (16) plus (+) fourty two (42) equals (=)

Answer =

32 x 12 + 16 + 42

= 32 x 12 = 384 + (16+42)
= 442 (four hundred fourty two)

= B.four hundred fourty two

7. penulisan Two four eight double nine two



maaf kalau salah

8. 34. Toni had to go to the doctor for more therapy in ... days. A. four C. two B. three D. one​


D. one


toni harus pergi ke dokter untuk terapi lebih dalam satu hari (translate)

9. The difference between two numbers is three. If the square of the smaller number is equal to four times the larger number, find the two numbers

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


x = smaller number

y = larger number

Difference between two numbers is three

x - y = 3

x = y + 3

Square of the smaller number is equal to four times the larger number

x² = 4y

4y = x²

4y = y² + 6y + 9

y² + 6y + 9 = 4y

y² + 2y + 9 = 0

Using the abc's formula, we know that y isn't real numbers. So we can't find the value of x and y.

10. Forty one plus twenty nine equals Twenty two plus twenty three equals .... Thirty four plus fifty five equals .... Seventy seven minus fourty one equals.... Eighty eight minus thirty two equals .... Nine times four equals ....Seven times five equals ... Four times six is equals .... Twenty one divided seven by equals .... . Thirty six divided six by equals ....tolong dong lagi ngenugas​


Forty one plus twenty nine equals 70 (seventy)

Twenty two plus twenty three equals 45 (forty five)

Thirty four plus fifty five equals 89 (eighty nine)

Seventy seven minus forty one equals 36 (thirty six)

Eighty eight minus thirty two equals 56 (fifty six)

Nine times four equals 36 (thirty six)

Seven times five equals 35 (thirty five)

Four times six equals 24 (twenty four)

Twenty one divided by seven equals 3 (three)

Thirty six divided by six equals 6 (six)

Semoga membantu, maaf kalau ada yang salah

11. The difference between two numbers is 10 and their sum is four times the smaller number. Find the two numbers.


a = 15

b = 5

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

a - b = 10

a + b = 4b

a + b = 4b

a = 4b - b

a = 3b

a - b = 10

3b - b = 10

2b = 10

b = 5

a + 5 = 20

a = 20 - 5

a = 15

12. 20.Rahadian eats regularly ... times a daya. threec. fiveb. fourd. Two​


d.two kayanya sorry kalau salah ya


a. Three


regularly = secara teratur

so makan yang teratur 3 kali sehari ( three times a day )

13. Tulis Jam tsb dalam Digital angka!1. Ten to four2. One to nine3. Eleven to two​






semoga membantu



hope this helps

14. The difference between two numbers is 10 and their sum is four times the smaller number. Find the two numbers


5 dan 15

misal: bilangan terkecil □ dan bilangan terbesar ■

□+■=□□□□ maka didapat ■=□□□

■-□=□□=10 jadi □=5

karena ■=□□□ maka ■=5+5+5=15

15. Andi : may I know your phone number?Budi : It is ... (424 347)a. Four three two four seven threeb. Four two three four three sevenc. Four two four three four sevend. Four two four three to seven​


c. Four two four three four seven


four = empat ( 4)

two = dua ( 2 )

three = tiga ( 3 )

seven = tujuh ( 7 )

c. Four two four three four seven

16. This new model not only saves energy but also times by operating two batteries instead of four


This new model not only saves energy but also times by operating two batteries instead of four


This new model not only saves energy but also times by operating two batteries instead of four


Model baru ini tidak hanya menghemat energi tetapi juga waktu dengan mengoperasikan dua baterai, bukan empat

17. Now I know how to copare two objects and more than two objects? apa jawabn nya​


Sekarang saya tahu bagaimana mengatasi dua objek dan lebih dari dua objek?




Versi asli: Sekarang aku tau bagaimana membandingkan 2 obyek dan lebih dari 2 obyek

Versi lucu: Oh.... Well done. keep up a good work

18. 19. How often does Elisa study English? It is...a weekA. two timesB. three timesC. four timesD. five times​


I pick D (five times)


I hope im not wrong

19. Q.1) Two times two divided by four equals ?2) Three plus one times zero equals ?​


1. Two times two divided by four equals?

the mean :

"dua kali dua dibagi 4 sama dengan "

2 × 2 ÷ 4 =

( 2 × 2 ) ÷ 4 =

4 ÷ 4 = 1

• the Answer is one(1)

2. Three plus one times zero equals ?

the mean :

" tiga tambah satu kali nol sama dengan "

3 + 1 × 0 =

3 + ( 1 × 0 ) =

3 + 0 = 3

the Answer is = three(3)

1) Two times two divided by four equals ?






2) Three plus one times zero equals ?






Note: If there is multiplication, the multiplication is done first

20. to months is.... weeksa. twob. fourc. eightd. ten​


b. four


1 bulan = 4 minggu

1 mounth= 4 weeks

semoga membantu


Two mouths is eight weeks.


Dua bulan adalah delapan minggu.

Semoga membantu ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ.

Maaf bila ada kesalahan.

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Aggressive Drivers Two To Four Times More Aggressive Drivers Two To Four Times More Reviewed by Romano on November 14, 2022 Rating: 5

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