Roll The Windows Down Turn The Radio Up

Roll The Windows Down Turn The Radio Up

Rani : will you turn down the radio , Rifky ?

Daftar Isi

1. Rani : will you turn down the radio , Rifky ?

Yes , I Will
atau , No , I Will notNo, i will not/juga bisa Yes i will
semoga membantu

2. 7. Dena: It's too loud...........................................Ihsan : Okay. Is it enough? DenaYes, it is. Thanks. *a. Can you turn on the radio, please?b. Can you turn off the radio,please?c. Can you turn up the radio, please?d. Can you turn down the radio,please?​

Dena: It's too loud, D. Can you turn down the radio, please?

Ihsan : Okay. Is it enough?

Dena : Yes, it is. Thanks.


3. Dena : It’s too loud. _____________ Ihsan : Okay. Is it enough? Dena : Yes, it is. Thanks. *2 poina. Can you turn down the radio, please?b. Can you turn on the radio, please?c. Can you turn off the radio, please?d. Can you turn up the radio, please?​


Dena : It’s too loud. _____________ Ihsan : Okay. Is it enough? Dena : Yes, it is. Thanks. *

a. Can you turn down the radio, please?




maaf kalo salah ya :)

4. Jawab ke Indonesia ya Up : Down : Street: On the corner : Turn left on the first turning : Turn right on the first turning :

Translate dari English ke Indonesia

Up: Naik (ke atas)Down: Turun (ke bawah)Street: Jalan Turn left on the first turning: Belok ke arah kiri pada tikungan pertamaTurn right on the first turning: Belok ke kanan pada tikungan pertama Up : atas
Down : bawah
Street : jalan
On the corner : di ujung
Turn left on the first turning : belok kiri di belokan pertama
Turn right on the first turning : belok kanan di belokan pertama

5. Please, turn the volume of the radio down. It is too … a.Slowb.Loudc.Smalld.Little​




Karena dalam soal tersebut memerintahkan untuk mengecilkan volume dari radio makanya jawaban dari soal tersebut adalah b.Loud


b.loud :keras


turn the volume of the radio down.: perkecil suara/volume radio

a.slow: lambat

b.loud; besar



PERINTAHnya perkecil suara radio ,Itu terlalu....

Yang tepat yaitu keras.

6. Nadia : can you turn the radio down? I want to phone Larasati Marry :Okay. No Problem Based the dialog, nadia .... marry to turn the radio down * A. Asks B. Offers C. Accepts D. Refuses


A. Asks


Maaf kalau salah :)


a. Asks


mohon maaf kalo salah

7. Choose the correct option from the sentences below and give the reason why you select those answers.Farid : "Rika, could you please turn down the television? I am studying now".Rika : " Ok".The underlined words mean that….A. Farid asks Rika to turn down the television.B. Rika askas Farid to turn down the telvision.C. Farid helps Rika to turn down the radio.D. Rika helps Farid to turn down the television.E. Farid will turn down the television.​



Kata kata yang digaris bawahi tersebut adalah Untuk Mematikan Televisi karena Farid Sedang Belajar. Dari dialog tersebut pilihan ganda yang benar adalah A. Farid Asks Rika To Turn down The TVyang berarti Farid Meminta kepada Rita untuk segera mematikan Televisi

maaf kalo salah

8. It's a pity you didn't roll the carpet up before painting the ceiling. I wish you…. (A) don't roll the carpet up beforevpainting the ceiling. (B) roll the carpet up before painting the ceiling. (C) rolled the carpet up before painting the ceiling. (D) had rolled the carpet up before painting the ceiling. (E) didn't roll the carpet up before painting the ceiling.

jawabannya Insyaallah yang DD saya percaya D titik gak pake koma

9. Sorry. I'll turn down the volume

Maaf . aku akan mengecilkan suaranya

10. 1.don't hang up the ...... (phone/shirt/laundry) 2. take out the ............(broom/trash/room)/ 3. Turn down the ....(cigarette/heat/toys) 4. Pick up your .. ( light/things/TV) 5. Put away your...... ( clothes/faucet/yard) 6.Turn on the.... (mess/cat/radio)

1. phone, 2. trash, 3. cigarette, 4. things, 5. clothes, 6. radio

11. Turn on the..... *gambar radio​


turn on the radio


english for radio is radio just as same as indonesian version!


Turn on the.... Radio


radio = radio

12. Apa artinya turn off the radio

artinya matikan radio.

semoga membantumatikan radio
semoga membatu

13. write the task, Listen to the music, open the window, turn on the lamp, keep silent, clap your Hand, sit down, stand up, speak up artinya?​


write the task, Listen to the music, open the window, turn on the lamp, keep silent, clap your Hand, sit down, stand up, speak up artinya adalah tulis tugas, dengarkan musik, buka jendela, nyalakan lampu, diam, tepuk tangan, duduk, berdiri, angkat bicara


English is the national language used by people who have just come to the place, so to go abroad you don't have to know the language of that country but can also speak English, why is that because England is a country that was first independent or developed first That's why English is the national language there are several countries that use English as their language, including America

-----------Problem solving

Maka Bahasa Indonesia dari

write the task, Listen to the music, open the window, turn on the lamp, keep silent, clap your Hand, sit down, stand up, speak up artinya adalah tulis tugas, dengarkan musik, buka jendela, nyalakan lampu, diam, tepuk tangan, duduk, berdiri, angkat bicara

---------------Learn more

--------------Answer Details

Course : English

Class : base Class

question code : 5

keywords : English

14. CHOOSE THE CORRECT WORDS TO COMPLETE THE SENTENCES.1.dont hang up the..............(phone/shirt/laundry)2.take out the.............(broom/trash/room)3.turn down the............(alarm/heat/toys)4.pick up your............(light/things/TV)5.put away your............(clothes/faucet/yard)6.turn on the..............(mess/cat/radio)​


1. dont hang up the shirt

2. take out the room

3. trun down the alarm

4. pick up your light

5. put away your faucet

6. turn on the radio








maaf kalo salah

15. Activity 11 Choose the correct words to complete thesentences.1. Don't hang up the(phone/shirt/laundry)2. Take out the(broom/trash/room)3. Turn down the(cigarette/heat/toys)4. Pick up your(light/things/TV)5. Put away your(clothes/faucet/yard)6. Turn on the(mess/cat/radio)45​


1. phone

2. trash

3. heat

4. things

5. clothes

6. radio

semoga bermanfaat

16. chosse the correct words in the brackets to complete the sentences. 1.) don't hang up the ... (phone/shirt/laundry) 2.) take out the ... (broom/trash/room) 3.) turn down the ... (cigarette/heat/toys) 4.) put away your ... (clothes/faucet/yard) 5.) turn on the ... (mess/cat/radio)

1. don't hang up the
(phone/shirt/laundry)2. trash
5. radio
1. shirt
moga bermanfaat like yaa

17. 10. The weather is so cold. You ask yourfriend to close the windows. Theinstruction is ...........a. Open the windowsb. Turn on the computerc. Turn on the fand. Close the windows​


D. Close The Windows


A. Buka jendela-jendelanya.

B. Matikan komputernya.

C. Nyalakan kipas anginnya.

D. Tutup jendelanya.

The weather ia so cold. You ask friend to close the windows. The instruction is "Close the Windows"

Cuacanya sangat dingin. kamu mengatakan temanmu untuk menutup jendela-jendelanya. instruksinya adalah "tutup jendela-jendelanya"

Semoga bermanfaat:)


d.close the windows


semoga bermanfaat ya

18. 21. Carla: ".... I'll have a test tomorrow. I'm trying to study now." Sisca: "I'm really sorry. I'll turn it down right away." * A. Could you turn the radio down? B. Would you turn the radio up? C. I think you'd better study now. D. Can you help me?


A. Could you turn the radio down?


Carla : Could you turn the radio down? Im trying to study now.

Sisca : I'm really sorry. I'll turn it down right away.

Teks yang ditebali adalah permintaan dan respon yang tepat.

Semoga membantu:)

19. ... you turn the volume down, please? ​

Please you turn the volume down, please? ​

(Harap tolong kecilkan volumenya?)


Jadikan jawabn tercerds dan follow ya..




can you turn the volume down please?

bisakah kamu mengecilkan volumenya, kumohon?

semoga membantu, jadikan jawaban terbaik ya!

20. A. Complete the requests with these words. Then compare with a partner. 1.Pick up the toys, please. 6. Please take off ……. 2.Turn …… off, please. 7. Hang …. Up, please. 3.Clean …… up, please. 8. Please take out ……… 4.Please put ……. Away. 9. Please let …. Out. 5.Please turn down ……. 10. Turn on …., please. the books, the toys, the radio, your jackets, the tv, your boots, the yard, the lights, the trash, the dog

Phrasal Verb

A. Complete the requests with these words.

Pick up the toys, please. Turn the radio/the lights off, please.Clean the yard up, please. Please put the books/the toysaway. Please turn down the radio.Please take off your jackets/your boots.Hang your jackets up, please. Please take out the trash .Please let the dog out. Turn on the lights/the radio, please.


Kata-kata pick up, turn on, turn off dalam contoh diatas disebut Phrasal Verb. Phrasal verb terdiri dari basic verb + kata lainnya dan membentuk phrase. Phrase yang baru ini juga merupakan verb namun memiliki arti yang berbeda dari basic verb-nya, contohnya:

look artinya melihat

look up artinya mencari

look after artinya merawat/memelihara

Phrasal verb bisa dibentuk dari gabungan berikut ini:

Verb+ AdverbPut off ---- They have to put off the event. (Mereka harus membatalkan even tersebut)Get up ---- Andri get up at six every day. (Andri bangun jam 6 setiap hari)Break down ---- The car broke down several times. (Mobilnya rusak beberapa kali)Verb+PrepositionLook after ---- Maya look after the baby while the parents at work (Maya merawat bayi itu sementara orang tua si bayi bekerja)Talk about ----- I don't want to talk about that matter again. (Saya tidak ingin mendiskusikan masalah itu lagi)Wait for ---- Who are you waiting for? (Siapa yang kamu tunggu?)

Verb+Adverb+Prepositionlook forward to ---- I look forward to meeting you. (Aku menantikan waktu pertemuan itu)run out of ---- The travelers run out of money. (Para traveler itu kehabisan uang)

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Untuk belajar lebih lanjut mengenai phrasal verb, silakan kunjungi link berikut ini:

Details Jawaban

Kelas:  XII

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Grammar

Kode: 12.5.3

Kata Kunci: Adverb, Phrasal verb, Preposition, Verb

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Roll The Windows Down Turn The Radio Up Roll The Windows Down Turn The Radio Up Reviewed by Romano on September 20, 2022 Rating: 5

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