mention Names Of month start from may to August!
1. mention Names Of month start from may to August!
The months from May to August are:
2. this month is januari. Net month is februari. last month was
last month was=bulan lalu adalah
jadi sebelum January yaitu december
Maaf kalau salah
This Month is January
Next Month is February
Last Month was December
A. Tabel Nama Bulan dan Terjemahannya
January: JanuariFebruary: FebruariMarch: Maret April: AprilMay: Mei June: JuniJuly: JuliAugust: AgustusSeptember: SeptemberOctober: OktoberNovember : NovemberDecember: DesemberB. Contoh Kalimatnya :
Kalimat 1: I will travel to Greece in January next year. [Saya akan berwisata ke Yunani pada bulan Januari tahun depan]Kalimat 2: Ms. Evelyn is staying on Bandung until February. [Nona Evelyn akan menetap di Bandung hingga bulan Februari]Kalimat 3: My birthday is on 27th of March. [Ulang tahun saya jatuh pada tanggal 27 Maret]Kalimat 4: April is the fourth month of the year. [April adalah bulan keempat tahun ini].Kalimat 5: What happened on May 1998 in Indonesia? [Apa yang terjadi pada bulan Mei tahun 1998 di Indonesia?]Kalimat 6: I think we should go on June, because in Germany it is the month when the summer starts. [Saya pikir seharusnya kita pergi pada bulan Juni, karena di Jerman pada bulan tersebut baru dimulai musim panas]Kalimat 7: Who wants to join me for student exchange on July? [Siapa yang ingin bergabung dengan saya untuk pertukaran pelajar pada bulan Juli?]Kalimat 8: The weather is so hot in August, we should go to the beach. [Cuaca menjadi sangat panas pada bulan Agustus, kita seharusnya berwisata ke pantai]Kalimat 9: ‘Wake Me Up When September Ends’ is a song popularized by Green Day. [‘Bangunkan Aku Saat September Berakhir’ adalah sebuah lagu yang dipopulerkan oleh grup band Green Day. ]Kalimat 10: I got the prize for the best student in my university on October last year. [Saya mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai mahasiswa terbaik di bulan Oktober tahun lalu]Kalimat 11: In November next year, there will be an appearance of Halley’s comet. [Pada bulan November tahun depan, akan ada kemunculan komet Halley]Kalimat 12: Every Christmas on December 25th Daniel always get a great present from his grandmother. [Setiap Hari Natal pada tanggal 25 Desember, Daniel selalu mendapatkan hadiah yang keren dari neneknya.]Itulah beberapa Penjelasan akan Bulan dan contohnya dalam bahasa Inggris...
Kelas : VI
Materi : Bahasa Inggris
Detail Jawaban : Month, Sentences
Semoga membantu jangan lupa Follow dan jadikan Jawaban tercerdas yaaa...
3. A company ends the year with a net income of $7.5 million and an earnings per share value of $1.50. what is the number of common shares outstanding for this company
$2.5Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
4. calculate:-Revenue-cost of goods sold (opening stocks + purchase - closing stocks)-wages-gross profit-overhead expenses-profit before tax and interest (operating)-interest paid -profit before tax -corporation tax-profit (net) (after tax)-dividends paid (from net profit)-retained earnings (remaining profit after paid dividend)
ga bisa bahasa inggris coba pake bahsa indonesia
5. Perbedaan last month of financial year dengan conversion month
last month of financial year : bulan terakhir dalam periode pembukuan akuntansi
conversion month : bulan terjadinya transaksi
Semoga bermanfaat
6. 1. The fourth month of the year is2. The sixth month of the year is3. The tenth month of the year is4. The eighth month of the year is5. The first month of the year is6. The third month of the year is
1. April
2. June
3. October
4. August
5. January
6. March
7. by the end of this month i ...back from singapore bantu jawab kk
C. Will be back
Di akhir bulan ini, aku akan kembali dari singapore
(Maaf kalau salah)
7. C
8. D
9. E
10. B
B -------------------------
1. fixed
2. planted
3. did
4. watched
5. taught
maafya kalau salah yg B
8. 7. The last month of the year is8. The seventh month of the year is9. The eleventh month of the year is10. The fifth month of the year is11. The second month of the year is12. The ninth month of the year isTHE NUMBERS
7. December.
8. July
9. November.
10. May.
11. February.
12. September
gemar membantu
9. januari is the....... of the monthB.first monthC.once monthD.firth month
b.first month (^~^)
itu jawabanya
B. First month
semoga membantu ....maaf kalo salah ...tolong di buat jawaban tercerdas ya
10. 7. The last month of the year is8. The seventh month of the year is9. The eleventh month of the year is10. The fifth month of the year is11. The second month of the year is12. The ninth month of the year is
7. The last month of the year is December
8. The seventh month of the year is July
9. The eleventh month of the year is November
10. The fifth month of the year is May
11. The second month of the year is February
12. The ninth month of the year is September
Thanks yaa (^‿^✿)11. autumn last from....monthit......,.....and.......
autumn last from MANHATTAN month it 23 SEPTEMBER TO 21 DECEMBER
12. 1. April is the ... month of the year. 2. June is the ... month of the year. 3. January is the ... month of the year. 4. July is the ... month of the year. 5. February is the ... month of the year. 6. September is the ... month of the year. 7. May is the ... month of the year. 8. December is the ... month of the year. 9. March is the ... month of the year. 10.August is the ... month of the year.
1. Fourth
2. Sixth
3. First
4. Seventh
5. Second
6. Ninth
7. Fifth
8. Twelfth
9. Third
10. Eighth
Maaf kalo salah
13. Jika MARDANI = 740-5410 dan MARTONO = 740-2616, maka 740-5616 adalah ....
Maka 75p-5616 adalah markonah
14. Ve € 3,300 (1,950) 1.350 of he softbyte sa statement of cash flows for the month ended september 30, 2020 cash flows from operating activities cash receipts from revenues cash payments for expenses net cash provided by operating activities cash flows from investing activities purchase of equipment cash flows from financing activities sale of ordinary shares €15,000 payment of cash dividends (1,300) net increase in cash cash at the beginning of the period cash at the end of the period ined (7,000) no dou ne sta pr ent of 13,700 8,050 0 of finan € 8,050 ion
ad masalah ap sih Kwan. hmmm
15. The third month of a year isThe fourth month of a year isThe tenth month of a year is
= March
= April
Semoga membantu.
MarchAprilOctoberTHANK YOU;)16. VILYComplete these sentences with the names or the numberExample: The first month of the year is January,The second month of the year is .......2. The third month of the year is .............The ................. month of the year is May.The ................. month of the year is August.The last month of the year is....6. The tenth month of the year is .............7. The sixth month of the year is8. The ......................month of the year is April.The ................ month of the year is July.10. The.... ..month of the year is November.Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas 7
2. March, Fifth, Eighth, December
6. October
7. June
8. Fourth, Seventh
10. Eleventh
Complete these sentences with the names or the number.
Example: The first month of the year is January,
The second month of the year is February.
2. The third month of the year is March.
The fifth month of the year is May.
The eighth month of the year is August.
The last month of the year is December.
6. The tenth month of the year is October.
7. The sixth month of the year is June.
8. The forth month of the year is April.
The seventh month of the year is July.
10. The eleventh month of the year is November.
Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas 7
2. The third month of the year is March.
The fifth month of the year is May. kelima
The eighth month of the year is August.
The last month of the year is December.
6. The tenth month of the year is October. kesepuluh
7. The sixth month of the year is June. keenam
8. The forth month of the year is April. keempat
The seventh month of the year is July. ketujuh
10. The eleventh month of the year is November. kesebelas
17. ~Quiz~1.The tenth month of the year is?2.The first month of the year is? 3.The fourth month of the year is?4.The second month of the year is? 5.The last month of the year is? Silahkan Menjawab :)..
1.Bulan kesepuluh dalam setahun adalah?
2. Bulan pertama tahun ini?
3. Bulan keempat dalam setahun adalah?
4. Bulan kedua tahun ini?
5. Bulan terakhir tahun ini?
jawaban nya
semoga bermanfaat
1.The tenth month of the year is?
_________________2.The first month of the year is?
_________________3.The fourth month of the year is?
__________________4.The second month of the year is?
__________________5.The last month of the year is?
18. 1. february is ...... day of the year 2.wednesday is .... month of the year 3. april is ... day of the week 4. friday is .... day of the week5. june is ... month of the year 6. july is ... month of the year7. thursday is .... day of the week 8. august is ... month of the year9. march is ... month of the year10. saturday is .... day of the week 11. january is ... month of the year 12. november is .... month of the year 13. may is ... month of the year 14. Tuesday is ... day of the week15. september is ... month of the year15. sunday is ... day of the week 16. october is ... month of the year 17. December is .... month of the year
terjemahan nya saja yaa
19. Q|| a. First month of the month is... || b. Fifth month of the year is...
a. First month of the month is January
(Maaf jika salah, karena pertanyaannya kurang jelas)
> Bulan pertama dalam bulan adalah (?)
b. Fifth month of the year is May
> Bulan kelima dalam tahun adalah Mei
SemogaBermanfaatdan Membantu :)
20. 740×740 point'gratis
740 × 740 = 547.600.
740×740= 547.600
mAAF kalau salah
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