A hypertonic solution has lower …… than a hypotonic solution A. solute B. water potential C. concentrated solution D. density
1. A hypertonic solution has lower …… than a hypotonic solution A. solute B. water potential C. concentrated solution D. density
B. water potential
hipertonis= larutan yang lebih pekat, dalam pengertian banyak zat terlarut
hipotonis= larutan yang lebih encer, dalam pengertian sedikit zat terlarut
karena hipertonis memiliki zat terlarut yang lebih banyak maka potensial air akan menurun
2. In a solution of saltwater (a saline solution), salt is the?
Salt is the solute.
3. A. cleansB. cleaningC. is cleaningD. are cleaning
d. are cleaning
PembahasanAre cleaning memiliki arti sedang, Dimana menggunakan to be + verb ing, karena menggunakan to be dan verb ing, berarti kalimat tersebut termasuk present continuous Tense, yaitu kejadian yang sedang terjadi
4. bahasa indonesianya rudi is a computer technician
rudi adalah seorang teknisi komputer
Rudi adalah seorang teknisi komputer5. Budi ___ his aquarium once a weekto cleancleancleanscleaningwas cleaning
was cleaning
budi membersihkan akuariumnya seminggu sekali
memakai cleaning
semoga membantu
6. 1. Calculate the pH and pOH of the solutions given below. (log5 =0.7, log8 = 0.9) a. A solution with a [H + ] of 1x10 -3 M. b. A solution with a [OH - ] of 1x10 -3 M. c. A solution with a [H + ] of 5x10 -7 M. d. A solution with a [OH - ] of 8x10 -11 M.
pH = -log [H⁺]
pOH = -log [OH⁻]
pH = 14-pOH
a) pH = 3-log 10 = 3
pOH = 14-3 = 11
b) pOH = 3-log 10 = 3
pH = 14-3 = 11
c) pH = 7-log 5 = 6,3
pOH = 14-6,3 = 7,7
d) pOH = 11-log 8 = 10,09
pH = 14-10,09 = 3,91
7. ……from the kettle. a. all the water spill b. all the water spills c. all the water spilling d. all the waters spill e. all the waters spills
B.All the water spills from the kettle.
Subject: Water (Singular)
Pronoun: It
He / She / It + Verb (s)
= Example: He plays.
= Example: Anna (name) sings.
= Example: The water spills.
I / You / We / They + Verb
= Example: They drink.
= Example: I sleep.
= Example: We run.
Good luck ^^
8. they ..... the windows when it started to rain A. Are cleaning B. is cleanjng C. was cleaning D. were cleaning
maaf kalo salah
semoga manfaat
they are cleaning the windows when it started to rain
memakai kata ARE karena kalimat sebelumnya adalah THEY yang artinya mereka , semua kata yang memakai THEY jika di buat kalimat melakukan sesuatu maka memakai ARE
# semoga membantu
9. Mary's cleaning service provides ......A. real time cleaning service onlyB. scheduled cleaning service onlyC. either regular or Speedy cleaning service D. either real time or scheduled cleaning service
Mary's cleaning service provides....
answer : D. either real time or scheduled cleaning service
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan berikut, perhatikan iklan tersebut pada kalimat "one time service or cleaning schedule available"
Pada kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa jasa yang ditawarkan oleh Mary's Cleaning Service dapat berupa jasa satu kali servis atau jasa yang terjadwal.
Pada pilihan jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D. Either real time or Scheduled cleaning service.
Pelajari lebih lanjut contoh iklan bahasa inggris pada brainly.co.id/tugas/129925
10. A solution is?? Terjemahan:Larutan adalah???
Campuran homogen
Smoga membantu yhh yah
campuran homogen maaf klo salaaah ..^_^
11. - Mr Ahmad is a technician. He often . . . radios, calculators, soundsystem, etc.
He often repairs radios, etc Mr Ahmad is a techinician.He often repair radios,calculators,soundsystem,etc.
maaf kalau salah
12. the man...... a technician A. is B. Am C. Are D. were E. was
the man...... a technician
13. 10. They ... the house now.a. is not cleaningb. am not cleaningc. does not cleaningd. are not cleaninghawah ini tolong di jawab !!
D.are not cleaning
semoga benar
They “are not cleaning” the house now14. GIVE ME A FULL SOLUTIONGIVE ME A FULL SOLUTIONGIVE ME A FULL SOLUTIONGIVE ME A FULL SOLUTION1.In how many ways can 10 people be seated around a circular table?A 362 880 B. 368 028 C. 803 268D. 862 286
The answer is (A) 362.880
Why? Because for a circle permutation, the formula is (n - 1)! whereas n is the number in the question and a! is defined to be a x (a - 1) x ... x 2 x 1.
So, 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 is 9! and 9! is 362.880
Jawabannya (A) 362.880
Karena permutasi lingkaran rumusnya (n - 1)! jadinya (10 - 1)! = 9! di mana 9! adalah 362.880
15. Which of the following chemicals is a nonelectrolyte?a. molten naphthalenab. sodium hydroxide solutionc. aqueous sulfuric acid solutiond. aqueous ethanoic acid solutione. aqueous potassium iodide solution
The First thing that you must knew about Electrolyte Solution, Have the Criteria:
- The Solution that Perfect Ionized
- Strong Acid or alkali (have strong electrolyte) and weak Acid or alkali (have Weak Elektrolytes)
- Salt Solution (NaCl, KCl, and any others)
I thing Molten Napthalena Is the best Answer, Napthalena as an Organic coumpund has a Stabilized structur, so dificult to ionized.
I Hope that answer your question...
16. she accidentally.......my Callphone a week agoa.break c.breaksb.broke d.broken
TENSESShe accidentally broke my callphone a week ago.
karena, terdapat kata a week ago berarti kalimat di atas merupakan kalimat simple past tense. Pada tenses ini, polanya menggunakan Verb-2.
Break - Broke - Broken
∴ Jawaban: B.
Semoga Bermanfaat![tex]~[/tex]
Jawab: b. Broke
She accidentally.......my Callphone a week ago
= Dia secara tidak sengaja (...) Ponselku seminggu yang Lalu
a.break = subject Plural Present Tense
b.broke = Past Tense
c.breaks = Subject singular Present Tense
d.broken = Present Perfect
* Alasannya memilih B.
Karena terdapat keterangan waktu “a week ago” (seminggu lalu) yg menunjukkan kalimat ini bentuk lampau. Maka gunakan Rumus Past Tense
(+) S + VERB 2 + O/Complement
= She accidentally BROKE my Callphone a week ago
(Dia secara tidak sengaja MENGHANCURKAN Ponselku seminggu yang lalu)
* V1 break = V2 broke
==== Semoga Membantu ====
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Kelas: SMP
Materi: Past Tense
Kode Mapel: 5
17. Active). A little boy hit a small cat accidentally Passive?
A small cat was accidentally hit by the boy
semoga membantu dan apabila salah mohon dibetulkan
18. The boy . . . the whiteboard in the classroom now *A. are cleaningB. is cleaningC. cleaningD. cleans
B. Is cleaning.
Memakai ‘is’ karena subjek hanya satu, yaitu the boy. Dan memakai verb -ing karena di akhir kalimat terdapat kata ‘now’ yang artinya sedang dikerjakan.
B. is cleaning........
19. She accidentally...my cell phone a week ago
Jawaban: broke
Penjelasan: maap kalo salah
20. ……from the kettle.a. All the water spillb. All the water spillsc. All the waters spilld. All the water spillinge. All the waters spills
All the water spills from the kettle (B). Below is the explanation!
PembahasanThe question above is the example of uncountable nouns. Uncountable nouns are nouns that cannot be counted or incalculable by our hand. However, there are also nouns that can be counted or calculable, known as countable nouns. Below are the examples and how to identify each noun:
1. Countable Nouns
The noun(s):BookCarAppleCatTableThe characteristics:There is a plural form → + sThe use of article a/an for singular nouns in both positive and negative sentences.The use of quantifier some/a few, many, few, several for plural nouns in positive sentences and the use of quantifier any, not many for plural nouns in negative sentences.2. Uncountable Nouns
The noun(s):WaterSugarMoneyKindnessInformationThe characteristics:There is no plural form.Cannot use article a/an although they are considered as singular.The use of quantifier some/a little/a bit of, very little in positive sentences and the use of quantifier any, not much in negative sentences.*Other characteristics: Both countable and uncountable nouns can use quantifier a lot of/lots of.
We know that water can be counted if it is inside a container or we use a measurement unit, we also can weigh water but we cannot count water by our hand because it is liquid. So water will be classified as uncountable noun and is a singular noun. A singular noun/subject always followed by singular form of verb. The answer B is correct because the water is a singular subject and followed by spills (spill +s). Adding suffix -s inthe verb that follows a singular subject is the rules of grammar.
Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang contoh kalimat countable and uncountable nouns: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/25155613Materi tentang contoh countable and uncountable nouns: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/5204649Detail jawabanKelas: SMA
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Grammar
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