You Bought A Magazine For $5 And Four Erasers

You Bought A Magazine For $5 And Four Erasers

Kalimat negatif She bought a magazine

Daftar Isi

1. Kalimat negatif She bought a magazine


She didn't buy a magazine.

2. 8. I bought some erasers yesterday. Erasermeans​


Eraser = Penghapus



Eraser = Penghapus


im sorry if i wrong hehehehe

3. paula and you .......... (read) a magazine now


༺ Bismillah ★

Paula and You Reads A Magazine now


Kenapa Reads Karena Ada You Termasuk

Present Tense

Jadi Dibelakang Harus Ditambah S

Kata kerja dengan subyek tersebut dalam present tense harus menggunakan akhiran s ketika mempunyai subjek He, She, It. , You

# Semoga Membantu

# Ayo Belajar


Hai kk@raszeloo7 Semoga jawaban saya dapt membantu

Question :

paula and you .......... (read) a magazine now

Answer :

Paula and you are read a magazine now


Answer :

Paula and you are reading a magazine now

Translate :

Paula dan kau sedang membaca majalah sekarang

Semoga membantu ∧_∧Semangat belajar ∧ω∧∫ HAVE A NICE DAY ∫

4. * Make an elliptical construction (too and so) for no. 3-53. Alvin like read magazineYuni like read magazine​


alvin like read magazine and

yuni like read magazine too


smg mmbntu

maaf kalo salah

5. Change this sentence into present perfect tense!Did you buy acamera for holiday? *Ohas you bought a camera for holiday?Oare you buying a camera for holiday?Ohad you bought a camera for holiday?Ohave you bought a camera for holiday?Odo you buy a camera for holiday?​

Change this sentence into "Present Perfect Tense"


Have you bought a camera for holiday?


Present perfect tense adalah tense yang menggambarkan suatu kejadian yang terjadi sebelum waktu di masa lalu dan tetapi masih berlanjut sampai sekarang.

Present perfect tense digunakan dengan "have" atau "has" dan "verb 3". Have berpasangan dengan subjek  I, You, We, dan They. Sedangkan Has digunakan untuk subjek He, She, dan It.

Based on your question, karena ada kata "You" maka, kata "Have" harus digunakan. Jadi, Jawabannya adalah Have you bought a camera for holiday?

Dan kata "Bought" adalah Verb 3 dari kata "Buy" kata ini merupakan kata irregular verb.

Rumus kalimat interogatif dari "Present Perfect Tense"

Have + I/You/We/They + verb 3 + ?


Has + He/She/It + verb 3 + ?




6. 10. A function is defined by the formula f(x) = ax + b. If f(3) = 15 and f(5) = 20. Find: a) the value of a and b b) f(-2) 11. Two pensils and one eraser cost Rp. 35.000 and 3 pencils and four erasers cost Rp. 65.000 Find the cost of a pencil and two erasers!

10) f(x) = ax + b

f(3) = 15
f(3) = a(3) + b
15 = 3a + b

f(5) = 20
f(5) = a(5) + b
20 = 5a + b

a) 3a + b = 15
5a + b = 20
Kedua persamaan ini dikurangi, maka :
-2a = -5
a = 5/2

Masukin ke persamaan :
3a + b = 15
3(5/2) + b = 15
15/2 + b = 15
b = 15 - 15/2
b = 30/2 - 15/2
b = 15/2

b) f(x) = ax + b
f(-2) = 5/2(-2) + 15/2
= -10/2 + 15/2
= 5/2

11) Pencil (a)
Eraser (b)
2a + b = 35.000
3a + 4b = 65.000
a + 2b =?

2a + b = 35.000 | x 4 | 8a + 4b = 140.000
3a + 4b = 65.000 | x 1 | 3a + 4b = 65.000
Kedua persamaan ini dikurangi, maka :
5a = 75.000
a = 15.000

Masukin ke persamaan :
2a + b = 35.000
2(15.000) + b = 35.000
30.000 + b = 35.000
b = 5.000

Maka a + 2b
= 15.000 + 2(5.000)
= 15.000 + 10.000
= 25.000

7. . Tolong dong buatin percakapan bahasa inggris tentang Disbelief and Surprise :) . Situasinya :: you classmate tell you that favourite actress and her boyfriend have been married for four years but the hide it from public. It was revealed on the magazine..

Yang singkat aj ya
Friend : " hey, have you heard about the news in the magazine ? "
You :  " what news ? "
Friend : " it's a news about your favourite actress "
You : " what is it ? "
Friend : " it is say that she's already married for four years with her boyfriend, and                          she hide it from public "
You : " no way, you must be lie, right "
Friend : " no, i am telling you the truth, if you don't belief me check it on the                                 magazine yourself "
You : " no way, you right, she's already married. It's really a surprised "
Friend : " i told you "

Sudah selesai singkat" aj ya :)You:(holding my friend's hand)
Friend: heyy..why you hold my hand??
You: i want ask you
Friend: what do you want to ask me about?
You: i want ask you about your dream. What your dream?
Friend: my dream is marry an actress...
You: oowww noo... I think you do not expect
Friend: whyy.???.. Its my dream
You: because she have married with her boyfriend
Friend: ohhhh no!!!! You are lying
You: do you not see magazine??
Friend: noo... I not yet see the magazine because i'm very busy
You: she hide it from public... She have been married for four years
Friend: I could die if you see this happening
You:don't say like that anymore
Friend: (cryyyy)
You: ooohh my friend don't cry.if you i look you cry i so sad.. So don't cry ok..
Friend: ok.. You're my bestfriendd i love u
You: you too my best friend.i love you too

Sorry kalo kepanjangan dan ada kata'ny yg slaah

8. (+) we bought a magazine in the bookshop(-)(?)​


(+) we bought a magazine in the bookshop.

(-) we don't bought a magazine in the bookshop.

(?) Do we bought a magazine in the bookshop?


(+) we bought a magazine in the bookshop

(-)  we didn't buy a magazine in the bookshop

(?)​ did we buy a magazine in the bookshop ?

maaf kalau salah

9. this morning i bought.....newspeper and.....magazine.....newspaper is in bag but i don't know where.....magazine is

1=a,2=the,3=the..............................1. a
2, a
3. the
4, the

10. This is a bag for you Anita. My mother bought it for you​


Yes I know, so what is the question?


Yes I know, so what is the question?


Semoga membantu

Maaf kalo salah

Jadikan yang terbaik.

11. thanks mom you ... a new skirt for mea. had boughtb. has boughtc. have bought

C. have bought.

Kalimat ini merupakan Simple Perfect Tense. Polanya :
S + have/has + V3.

12. . ( +) We bought a magazine in the bookshop. ( - ) ………………………………………………………….. ( ? ) ………………………………………………………….


(-) We did not buy a magazine in the bookshop

(?) Did we buy a magazine in the bookshop?


Soal diatas termasuk simple past tense karena dikalimat positif terdapat VERB-2, yaitu bought.


(+) S + V2

(-) S + DID NOT + VERB 1

(?) DID + S + VERB 1

Jika diartikan

(+) Kami membeli majalah ditoko buku

(-) Kami tidak membeli majalah di toko buku

(?) Apakah kami membeli majalah ditoko buku?




13. Danielle bought three toys each for her four nieces and nephews. At $5.50 per toy, how much did she spend? ​




3 toys/person

4 nieces + 4 nephews = 8 people

3 toys × 8 = 24 toys

Danielle bought 24 toys.


24 toys × $5.50 = $132

14. make an announcement for you wall magazine of school

Attention for all students,
Here is a new wall magazine in our school, you can see many information, creation of students, or event that will be held in our school. If you can make some creation, you can put it on the wall magazine in our school. thankyou for your attention

15. Bryan : this a little gift i bought for you monica : ...................


Bryan : this a little gift i bought for you

Monica:oh,thanks,bryan.youare my best friend


16. 2 books,2 pencils and 1 eraser altogether cost Rp15.000. 1 book,1 pencil and 1 eraser altogether cost Rp9.000. How much do you have to pay for 5 books,5 pencils and 3 erasers altogether?

Rp. 65.000. mungkin
maaf kalau salah

17. however,I got small barbie doll for Rp10,000.00 from the toy stall.I like it very much.Both of us then bought school stuffs at the stationary corner.we bought four pencils for Rp10,000.00,so each was Rp2,500.00.we also got two erasers,Rp2,500.00 each.what a shopping day! we spent a lot of money from our school bazaar. artikn bhs indo

Namun, saya dapat boneka barbie kecil hanya untuk 10 ribu rupiah dari kios mainan. Saya sangat suka itu. Kami berdua lalu membeli peralatan peralatan sekolah di sudut perlengkapan alat tulis. Kami membeli 4 buah pensil untuk 10 ribu rupiah, jadi masing masing satu adalah 2.500 rupiah, kami juga mendapatkan 2 penghapus, masing masing 2.500 rupiah. Hari belanja yang sangat menyenangkan! Kami menghabiskan banyak sekali uang dalam bazar sekolah kami.namun, saya mendapatkan boneka barbie kecil seharga 10 ribu rupiah dari kios mainan. Saya sangat menyukainya. Kami berdua lalu membeli peralatan2 sekolah di tempat perlengkapan alat tulis. Kami membeli 4 buah pensil seharga 10 ribu rupiah, jadi masing masing adalah 2.500 rupiah. kami juga mendapatkan 2 penghapus, masing masing 2.500 rupiah. sungguh hari berbelanja! Kami menghabiskan banyak sekali uang dalam bazar sekolah kami.

18. what are the magazine for children and adult

the magazine for children is bobo
the magazine for adult is nova

19. Ratna and Eva collect erasers as a hobby. Ratna has collected 165 erasers. She has 48 more erasers than Eva. How many erasers do they have altogether?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

ratna: 165

eva: 165-48=117

ratna and eva: 165+117=282


282 erasers

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Ratna = 165

Eva = 165 - 48 = 117

165 + 117 = 282 erasers

Be cool, be slay, be happy, be confident

20. i bought sneakers for you

Aku telah membelikan sepatu kets untukmu.

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You Bought A Magazine For $5 And Four Erasers You Bought A Magazine For $5 And Four Erasers Reviewed by Romano on Juni 01, 2023 Rating: 5

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