monas is the ...(popular) tourist destination in jakarta
1. monas is the ...(popular) tourist destination in jakarta
most popular
semoga membantu
most popular
.......maaf kolo salah........
2. the student as well as the teacher is ........... going on the field trip
The student as well as the teacher was going on the field trip
Penjelasan:Kata "is" diubah menjadi "was".
Semoga membantu :)
The student as well the teacher was going on the field trip
Maaf kalau salah
3. the announcement is written with the purpose to.....? a. inform the student what to do for the field trip b.tell the student to be prepared at the lobby. c. describe the student's responsibility on the flied trip d. inform the student's the rules for the field trip
Ini artinya
pengumuman ditulis dengan tujuan untuk .....?
a.Memberitahu siswa apa yang harus dilakukan untuk kunjungan lapangan
b.beritahu siswa untuk bersiap di lobi.
c. menggambarkan tanggung jawab siswa dalam perjalanan terbang
d. beri tahu siswa aturan untuk kunjungan lapangan
Semoga membantu...
4. when is the book fair
When the book was in great demand
5. The competition is .... It's nice to watch.a. too fairb. fair enough
b. fair enough
because wtf is too fair lol cmiiw
6. when is the book fair
From wednesday to saturday.
Hope it helps :)
7. The teacher is _______________________ for planning the school trip.a. afraidb. badc. goodd. populare. responsiblef. used
e. responsible
dicek ulang ya, maaf kalo salah
maaf kalau salah
8. how long will the field trip be held
how long will filed trip be held
9. apa alasannya field trip???
Siswa dapat memperoleh pengalaman langsung dari obyek yang dilihatnyaSiswa dapat turut menghayati tugas pekejaan milik seseorangMereka dapat bertanya jawab, sehingga mampu memecahkan persoalan yang dihadapinya dalam pelajaran ataupun pengetahuan umumMereka bisa melihat, mendengar, meneliti, dan mencoba apa yang dihadapinya, agar nantinya dapat mengambil kesimpulan, dan sekaligus dalam waktu yang sama bisa mempelajari beberapa mata pelajaran.
10. Did they have a field trip?
Apakah mereka melakukan karyawisata?
maaf g bsa jawab soalnya kgk tau ceritanya
kalo mereka melakukan karyawisata jawaban nya
Yeskalo mereka tidak melakukan karyawisata jawaban nya
No11. the opposite of fair is
Arti kata fair adalah adil. jadi kebalikannya adalah tidak adil atau unfair
the opposite of fair is
Tehe opposite of fair is unfair
12. the fourth grade is going on a field trip to the science museum. therr are 135 Students. 8 Teachers and 16 parents riding, the buses to the museum. ig a bus holds 45 people hoe many buses must the school order for this field trip? Explain
( 135+8+16)/45= 4 buses
13. A circular field has a perimeter 660 m. If the fieldis mapped on a map with the scale 1: 6000, thediameter of the field in the map is...
A circular field has a perimeter 660 m. If the field
is mapped on a map with the scale 1: 6000, the
diameter of the field in the map is...
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
Sebuah bidang lingkaran memiliki keliling 660 m. Jika lapangan
dipetakan pada peta dengan skala 1: 6000 yaitu
diameter bidang di peta adalah ...
14. What is the subject of the destination
apa yang menjadi pokok destinasi?
15. Central Java Has many beautiful places Rembang is the most popular tourist destination on central java mention three kind of tourist destination in season Regency
nggak bisa bahasa Inggris
16. apakah yang dimaksud arti field trip
field trip adalah darmawisatafield trip artinya karyawisata, darmawisata, anjangkarya.
17. swimming is a the olympic?
swimming is a popular sportat the Olympic?
18. What is the destination of the flight
Flight planning 》》(tujuan penerbangan) 《《
is the process of producing a flight plan to describe a proposed aircraft flight. It involves two safety-critical aspects: fuel calculation, to ensure that the aircraft can safely reach the destination, and compliance with air traffic control requirements, to minimise the risk of midair collision. In addition, flight planners normally wish to minimise flight cost through the appropriate choice of route, height, and speed, and by loading the minimum necessary fuel on board. Air Traffic Services (ATS) use the completed flight plan for separation of aircraft in air traffic management services, including tracking and finding lost aircraft, during search and rescue (SAR) missions.
Flight planning requires accurate weather forecasts so that fuel consumption calculations can account for the fuel consumption effects of head or tail winds and air temperature. Safety regulations require aircraft to carry fuel beyond the minimum needed to fly from origin to destination, allowing for unforeseen circumstances or for diversion to another airport if the planned destination becomes unavailable. Furthermore, under the supervision of air traffic control, aircraft flying in controlled airspace must follow predetermined routes known as airways (at least where they have been defined), even if such routes are not as economical as a more direct flight. Within these airways, aircraft must maintain flight levels, specified altitudes usually separated vertically by 1,000 or 2,000 ft (300 or 610 m), depending on the route being flown and the direction of travel. When aircraft with only two engines are flying long distances across oceans, deserts, or other areas with no airports, they have to satisfy additional ETOPS safety rules to ensure they can reach some emergency airport if one engine fails.
19. they should cancel the field trip because they
mereka harus membatalkan karyawisata karena mereka
Jawaban: mereka harus membatalkan karyawisata karena mereka
Penjelasan: #jadikan jawaban terbaik
20. They ____on a field trip. (be, never
They are never on a field trip.
To-be forms
I + am
You/we/they + are
He/she/it + is
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