The density of water is 1.0g/cm3. This is useful as it means we can measure themass of water and easily work out its volume. A. What is the mass of 1cm³ of water? B. What is the mass of 20cm³ of water? C. What is the volume of 10g of water? D. What is the volume of 22.5g of water
1. The density of water is 1.0g/cm3. This is useful as it means we can measure themass of water and easily work out its volume. A. What is the mass of 1cm³ of water? B. What is the mass of 20cm³ of water? C. What is the volume of 10g of water? D. What is the volume of 22.5g of water
The density of water is 1.0g/cm3. This means 1 g of water mass equals to 1 cm³ of water volume.
a. 1 cm³= 1g
b. 20 cm³= 20g
c. 10 g= 10 cm³
d. 22.5g = 22,5 cm³
semangat belajar
2. 1 what is willingness2what is unwillingness 3what is the meaning of" will" ? 4what is the meaning of" will not" 5 what is the meaning of"would not" 6 what is the meaning of" would"? tolong jawab hari ini dipukul tugasnya
4.tidak akan
saya jawab segitu saja dulu ya maaf kalo ada yg salah
3. 1) What type this letter is?2) What is the social function of that letter?Bantuuinnnnn
1.) What type is this letter?
It is an invitation letter.
2.) What is the social function of that letter?
An invitation is a type of letter commonly used to invite/request the participation of a guest to a particular event or celebration, such as birthday parties, marriage, seminar, sports day, etc.
Maaf jika jawabannya kurang tepat, semoga membantu.
4. what is the perpese of this text
maaf itu tulisanya gak jelas
5. tolong jawab yang benar ya kak nanti gue follow 1. What is the manufacturer of this label? 2. What is the origin of this label?3. What is the instruction of this label?
medicines names = dietary supplement
manufacture = balancepom plus
origin = for healthy
intruction = take 3 or 4 capsul daily with food or water
6. What is the meaning of this picture??
dlm bahasa indonesia =
*maksudnya kita harus berhati hati karena lantai sedang dalam keadaan basah
dlm bahasa inggris =
*that's mean we must be careful because the floor is wet
The meaning of this picture iswe must be careful because the floor is wet
(kita harus berhati hati karena lantainya basah)
Semoga Bermanfaat:)
7. What is the Topic of this Chapter
arti "apa topik dari bab ini"
8. what is the title of this poem?
Apa judul dari puisi tersebut???apa judul dari puisi tersebut?
9. What is the message of this legend?
Apa pesan dari kisah atau cerita ini?
10. What is The name of this shape?
Jawaban: Hexagon ( Segi 6 )
Penjelasan: Semoga membantu :>
11. What Is The Species Of This Dog
It is a Yorkshire Terrier species
Semoga Bermanfaat
Terima Kasih
12. What is the Topic of this Chapter
arti: Apa Topik dari Bab ini?
topik apaan yak?
cerita nya mana?
13. what is the perpese of this text
purpose kali typo itu hehehehe
14. what is the title of this readingtext?
a day at school
yang ada garis kuning nya
The tittle of the reading text is "A Day at School"
15. “All is well that ends well”. Kyle, what is the meaning of this proverb?
maybe the meaning is
doing something good will ultimately be good.
16. 1. what type of text is it ? 2. what is the generic structure of this text ? 3. what is the purpose of this text ? 4. what is the text a bout ? 5. what is wanda like ?
1.descriptive text
2.identification and description tell the rader about the writer cat
4.about the writer cat have a white colour,small,its have a soft fur like cotton,long tail and round eyes
sry if im wrong
17. the blanks to answer the questions number 1-5!(Isilah titik-titik untuk menjawab pertanyaan nomor 1-5!)1. This is anflag.Tas2. What kind of sport is that?That is.....3. What kind of sport is that?That is ....4. What is that?That is a...5. What is this?This is a..tolong ya kak tolong bantu
halo, ini bisa dijawab bila disertakan dengan foto per pertanyaannya yaa
18. What is the content of this message
where is the example of the message?
19. what is the meaning of the this notice
apa arti dari pemberitahuan ini
20. What is the identification of this text?
to drink milk almost all day
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