A hall that has 10.000 seats
1. A hall that has 10.000 seats
Aula yang memiliki sepuluh ribu tempat duduk
2. Theatre A has 3.456 seats. Theatre b jas 266 fewer seats than theatre A a.How many seats are there in theatre b? b.How many seats are there altogether?
a.266 seats
b.3.722 seats
a.266 kursi
b.3.722 kursi
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
semoga membantu
itu aku itung sendiri
jangan lupa follow aku ya
3. In a hall there are 25 seats in each row. If there are 450 seats altogetherhow many rows are there? ...[tex]450 \div 25 = [/tex]
450 ÷ 25 = 18
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Answer : 184. Chairs in a hall structured in much the same row.all structured in much the same row. Fatimah seats are on the fourth rowom the front and from the rear third. 4 pieces of seats on the right and I seat on the terhow the number of seats in the room?
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
Numbers of rows = 6
Number of seats per row=6
Total number of seats=6x6=36
5. 3/10 of the seats on a train were first class seats.the rest were economy class seats.4/5 of the economy class seats were occupied. what fraction of all seats were unoccupied economy class seats
4/5 economy seats = filled
1/5 economy seats = empty
total seats = 10
total empty seats in economy = 8
6. My father works as a lecture artinya
My father works as a lecture
Ayahku bekerja sebagai [seorang] dosen
* My Father = Ayahku
* Works = bekerja
* As = sebagai
* A Lecture = seorang dosen
==== Semoga Membantu ====
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Kelas: SMP
Materi: Profession
Kode Mapel: 5
7. mrs hall is a good person.she has been very... to me
She has been very kind (baik) to me.
8. My Classroom is far _____ than yours. Mine has 34 seats and yours has only 10. a. Biggest b. Bigger c. Big d. Smaller
B. Bigger
Karena dalam bahasa Inggris, kata yang menunjukkan perbandingan harus memakai akhiran "-er"
My classroom is far (__) than yours. Mine has 34 seats and yours has only 10.
B. Bigger
Ruang kelas saya jauh (__) dari kelas Anda. Milik saya memiliki 34 kursi dan kursi Anda hanya 10.
Pertanyaan itu menanyakan kata kerja yang benar. Kalau melihat pilihan - pilihan nya, kita bisa tahu bahwa pilihan D (Lebih kecil) tidak pas. Karena 34 lebih besar daripada 10. Berarti tersisa pilihan A, B, dan C.
Pilihan A (Biggest) hanya kalau objek yang dikatakan ada 3 atau lebih.
"My classroom is the biggest than you guys. My classroom has 34 seats, while you only have 10 and you only have 25.
Pilihan C (Big) hanya kalau objek yang dikatakan hanya ada 1.
"My classroom is big. It has 34 seats."
Jadinya, tersisa pilihan B, yaitu Bigger. Pilihan B yang benar karena objek yang dikatakan hanya ada 2. Berarti jawabannya adalah B.
Semoga membantu! ^^ [Maaf kalau salah]
9. charis in a Hall structured in much the same row. Fatimah seats on the ringan and 1 seat on the left, how the number of seats in the room? ARTINYA?
charis di Aula yang terstruktur di banyak baris yang sama. Fatimah kursi di yang ringan dan 1 kursi di sebelah kiri, berapa jumlah kursi yang ada di ruangan tersebut?
10. There are 500 seats in the cinema. Half of the seats are taken. How many seats are empty?
There are 250 empty seats
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
There are 500 seats in the cinema = Ada 500 tempat duduk di bioskop
Half of the seats are taken = Setengah dari kursi diambil
How many seats are empty? = Berapa kursi yang kosong?
Setengah dari 500 adalah 250There are 250 empty seats
11. Give the meanings of the following phrases. 41. generally sit 44. a charge account 47. arrive on time 49. afraid of dogs 42. next to the table 45. plenty of good seats 48. at a distance 50. outer office. 43. seats available 46. the hall talbe
41.umumnya duduk 44. akun tagihan 47. tiba tepat waktu 49. takut an ji ng
42.di sebelah meja 45. banyak kursi bagus 48. pada jarak 50. kantor luar.
43.kursi yang tersedia 46. meja aula
Maaf kalo salah maaf juga ada yang spasi dispasi karena tidak bisa di kirim
12. Tugas compound Adjectives What do you call these? a. A station for broadcasting = broadcasting station b. A cupboard that has five shelves = ____________________ c. An apartment with ten floors = ____________________ d. A car with ten floors = ____________________ e. The wall that surrounds the city = ____________________ f. A laboratory for physics experiments = _____________________ g. A hall that has 10,000 seats = _____________________ h. A project that cost five billion dollars = _____________________ i. A station for the policemen =______________________ j. A condominium that has two bedrooms = ______________________ #minta bantuanya di kumpulkan sekarang
b. five shelves cupboard
c. ten floors apartment
d. ten floors car
e. surrounds a city wall
f. physic laboratory
g. 10,000 seats hall
h. five billon dollars project
j. two bedrooms condominium
13. C 10 A concert theater has capacity of 100 seats. It's split of Block A (50 seats) and Block B (50 seats). A tourist group leader plans to book every seat. Apparently, she only has 97 tourists on the group; there are three seats rest. She is able to request a refund for one seat of Block A and one seat of Block B, and one other seat for reserve. So, we have 49 seats or Block A and 49 seats on Block B However, if we sum: 49 seats + 49 seats = 98 seats + 1 reserved seat so the total is 99 seats. The total supposed to be 100 seats. What happen?
The reserve chair is taken by the tour leader as there are 97 tourist which means 97 seats are occupied however given that there were 98 seats at the end with two reserve means that the chair that the tour leader was supposed to be in was not there.
14. A:.... change seats?B:yes all right...
Jawab: A : Can we change seats?/ Can I change seats?
B : Yes all right..
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
15. Listen your lecture and repeat what your lecture says. Notice which syllable has the main stress. Satellite invention CD-ROM Internet assignment engineer Photograph computer entertain Languages understand telephone Robots VCR mouse
[Sa]tellite in[ven]tion [C]D-ROM
Internet as[sign]ment engi[neer]
[Pho]tograph [com]puter enter[tain]
[Lang]uages under[stand][te]lephone
[Ro]bots [V]CR [mouse]
16. 4. Chairs in a hall structured in much the same row. Fatimah seats are on the fourth rowfrom the front and from the rear third. 4 pieces of seats on the right and 1 seat on the left.how the number of seats in the room?
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
Numbers of rows = 6
Number of seats per row=6
Total number of seats=6x6=36
17. May I read ______________ for the classes I missed? * A. lecture notes yours B. you lecture notes C. lecture notes of your D. your lecture notes
D. Your lecture notes
Karena your termasuk pronoun yang biasanya ditempatkan di awal kalimat
D. your lecture notes
semoga membantu
18. 3.Darrel..... to join the class today, he has missed a lot of materials from lecture so far.had betterdidn't havehasshould havemust
jawabannya : has
maaf klo salah
19. Ubahlah kalimat berikut kedalam kalimat pasif plise dijawab!! 1.Rudi is throwing the ball 2.My father has bought a new car 3.Betty has taken my pencil 4.Shincan has studied foreign language 5.Andi has been teaching English 6.The professor has been giving a lecture 7.She has been writing a letter
1.rudi melempar bolanya
2.Ayah saya telah membeli mobil baru
3.betty telah mengambil pensilku
4.shincan telah mempelajari bahasa asing
5.andi telah mengajar bahasa Inggris
6.profesor telah memberi kuliah
7.dia telah menulis surat
saya hanya bisa mengartikan,maaf yah jika salah
20. 11. A cinema has 400 seats. 80% of the seats were occupied for the show. If a ticket costs $40, how much money was collected for the show? (3 marks)
400 seats mean 400 tickets, 80% were occupied.
Then 400×80%=320 seats occupied
1 seat means 1 ticket, 1 ticket costs 40$
320 seats mean 320 tickets, 320×40=12,800$ was collected
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