Wes And Libbie Each Surveyed

Wes And Libbie Each Surveyed

why do wes must sweep and mop the floor​

1. why do wes must sweep and mop the floor​


so that we don't slip and we won't get hurt and also so that no germs make us sick

artinya = Agar kita tidak terpeleset dan tidak terluka serta tidak ada kuman yang membuat kita sakit


Semoga membantu kakak :]

Terimakasih :D

2. Today is wendesday , tomorrow. Is thursday and yesteday wes :.




jdkan jwbn terbaik yaa ;)

3. para leluluhur pancen wes kondang wes?

wes (soalnya maksudnya gimana ya)

4. do carla and ryan know each other?​


Jika Iya :

Yes, they know each other

Jika Tidak :

No, they don't know each other

5. Johqn and andre don't know each other. Know each other?


know each other artinya sama-sama kenal / saling kenal / kenal satu sama yang lain.

John dan Andre saling kenal.


tolong klik icon hati , bintang 5 dan pilih jadi jawaban terbaik ya.

6. tolong buat lah soal 25 tentang every and each ya

every students practices to dance on the stage.
each of the student practices the dance one by one

7. buat 10 kalimat menggunakan Each and Every​



1) Every student need to study

2) Every pet need to give the attention

3) Every one of them has some examination

4) Every customer is important

5) Every student has a different way of learning


1) Each of the stundents do the exercises

2) Each of them have an examination

3) Each student has a schedule

4) Each kid had some ice cream

5) Each of the houses is surrounded by a beautiful garden

semoga membantu

8. Lisa and Bambanag...each othet for years​


Lisa and bambang arefriendeach other for years

9. why Indonesians fight each other and are not kind to each other


because indonesians are protecting themselves

hi :>

cause idont know

10. Do Sandy and Raditya know each other?​

Jika Iya :

Yes, they do know each other

Jika Tidak :

No, They don't know each other

11. Do Budi and Desi know each other​


yes, they know each other.

or, yes Budi and Desi know each other.


thank you, good luck;)

12. Do Dani and Ketut know each other​


artinya apakah Dani dan Ketut saling kenal


No,they do not

Maaf kalo salah:)

13. Each dog has .. own food and water


Each dog has it own food and water

14. Hary and Susi ... in love each other ​


Harry and Susi are in love each other


hary and susi are in lone each other

maaf kalau salah ☺️

15. Tentukan persamaan fungsi eksponensial dari grafik berikut ini Wes nyerah aku wes


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

16. Lok at the picture and decide what is each person doing in each picture​

Dari atas kiri:
1. She’s watering the plants
2. She’s borrowing a book
3. They’re sitting on a bench
4. He’s riding a motorcycle She’s watering plants
Borrowing books
Sitting at the bench
And riding motorcycle

17. they ... angry and ... at each other ​


1. are

2. mad


semiga membantu kak :)




18. ayu and i core to each ather​


ayu dan saya inti masing-masing ather

Penjelasan: semoga membantu

ayu and i core to each other
(ayu dan aku inti satu sama lain)

19. write each 3 experessions and respone bellow?​


where is the question?


by: ratnasusanti39885

20. romeo and juliet (love/loves) each other

maaf klo salahloves,sorry klau jwbn salah

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Wes And Libbie Each Surveyed Wes And Libbie Each Surveyed Reviewed by Romano on Mei 14, 2023 Rating: 5

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