Colours Of The Wind Lyrics Disney

Colours Of The Wind Lyrics Disney

language feature lyrics wind of change​

1. language feature lyrics wind of change​

I'm not gonna lie about it I just got off work and I was just thinking that I can do it for me I was going to be with you and you can

2. “Listen to the music of the wind and the birdies sing …” what figure of speech that the lyrics use? a.Hyperboleb.Similec.Metaphord.Personification​




Majas Personfikasi itu Majas yang membuat benda seperti manusia .

Jadi di cth atas kan Wind/Angin bisa nyanyi

3. alliteration,assonance, consonance, hyperbole, imagery, imprative voice,irony, metaphor dari lyrics wind of change​

get a ride to e got it from the inside of the African American Horror movie and I was going to be

4. What is the purpose of the lyrics?​

Answer :

Inmy opinion, the lyrics are meant that somebody (the person whom did anything bad to the singer/writer) cannot drive off the spirit of the singer/writer, as said You held me down, but I got up. It's purpose is to show that he/she has become a champion (undefeatable, a winner). He/she is also already preparing to pay back the mistakes that the person made, as said Get ready 'cause I've had enough.

Sorry if this doesn't help you solving the question but i hope it's helping :)

5. the following are the colours of the rainbow except ....​

the end the rainbow


the raibow have the end side

6. The colours of the rainbow di artikan bahasa indonesia​


warna pelangi


semoga membantu


The colours of the rainbow
Warna Pelangi

Semoga membantu :D
Tolong dibuatin jawaban tercerdas :')

7. The example of the wind disadvantage is

tornado ( angin puting beliung )
deflation ( pengikisan batu akibat angin )

maaf kalau salah

8. the colours of zebras cross are

black and white 

Semoga membantu ^-^Black and whiteeeeee

9. Read the lyrics of the song carefully.identify the parts of the song


halo bego


halo bego hehe

10. The uses of wind turbine is?​

Jawaban: The Terms "Wind Energy" And "Wind Power" Both Describe The Process By Which The Wind is Used To Generate Wechanical Power or Electricity.

Penjelasan: Istilah "energi angin" dan "tenaga angin" menggambarkan proses dimana angin digunakan untuk menghasilkan tenaga mekanik atau listrik.

11. What are the colours of Betawi batik?​


red, bright yellow, and light purple. (The Betawi people avoid using dark color because it is considered to sadness.)

semoga membantu~


apa itu??


aku tidak mengerti

12. The content of lyrics perfect

it is about the women that he likes and she was so beauty at the night and he was so lobe with her

13. "You're always a day away" analyze the lyrics above. What is the tense of the lyrics?



the meaning of the lyrics "your always a day a way" means it is said in the song tomorrow, then the meaning of the lyrics is to welcome tomorrow which is always preceded

14. Of - the - eggplant - is - colours - purple


Purple is the colours of eggplant


Of - the - eggplant - is - colours - purple

= Purple is the colours of eggplant

(Ungu adalah warna dari Terong)

15. Explain the message of the song lyrics?​


bercerita mengenai perjuangan seseorang memperkuat dirinya sendiri dan menyingkirkan kebingungan nya selama ini.


maaf kalau salah

16. 4. What is the purpose of the lyrics?5. How is the rhyme scheme of the lyrics above?​


Song : Anytime you need a friend


4.Lagu ini menceritakan tentang persahabatan. Jika kita merasa sendiri dan merasa terkepung oleh masalah, sahabat sejati pasti akan menangis bersama kita, dan bukannya tertawa di atas tangisan kita. Mariah juga menyampaikan pesan agar janganlah kita takut sendiri, karena seorang sahabat tidak akan membiarkan sahabatnya terpuruk dalam kesendirian. (This song tells about friendship. If we feel alone and feel surrounded by problems, true friends will surely cry with us, instead of laughing over our cries. Mariah also conveyed a message that we should not be afraid of being alone, because a friend will not let her best friend fall into solitude.)

Lyrically, the song's protagonist tells her love interest that anytime he may ne friend,shewillbethereunconditionally for him. Throughout the song's bridge and climax, critics noted the lyrics altering from those of a friend, to those of a lover.

5.Closed Rhyme

Closed RhymeThe rhyme is the final syllable with a vowel followed by the same consonant.

17. What are the colours of betawi batik

Yellow, Red, and Blue are some of the colors mentioned of Betawi Batik


The colours of betawi batik is yellow, red, and blue


maaf kalau salah :)

18. the colours of the traffic lights are​


red, yellow, and green.


Red Yellow Green


maaf kalo bener

19. what is the definition of lyrics​


The expression the writer's emotions, usually briefly and in stanzas or recognized forms.


20. the colours of the zebra are.... and

The colours of the zebra are Black and white white and black


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Colours Of The Wind Lyrics Disney Colours Of The Wind Lyrics Disney Reviewed by Romano on April 25, 2023 Rating: 5

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