What effect have computers had on your life?
1. What effect have computers had on your life?
apa pengaruh komputer dalam hidupmu?
Komputer dapat mempermudah pekerjaan manusia. Dengan menggunakan komputer, manusia bisa mengetik, menyimpan, mengirim, dan menerima dokumen, melakukan perhitungan yang cepat juga akurat, sekaligus mengurangi biaya untuk penggunaan kertas dan alat tulis lainnya
2. what Was the effect of cut nyak dhiens marriage to teuku umar on the aceh armies
Biar Lebih enak kita terjemahkan Saja yukkk ^_____^
Bahasa Inggris
what Was the effect of cut nyak dhiens marriage to teuku umar on the aceh armiesBahasa Indonesia
Apa efek memotong nyak dhiens pernikahan dengan teuku umar pada pasukan aceh3. what was the effect of cut nyak Dhien's marriage to teuku umar on the aceh armies?
apa efek pernikahan Cut Nyak Dhien dengan teuku umar pada pasukan aceh?
4. what the effect of climate change on the nature and society? describe
menggambarkan dampak buruk dan baik
5. a.18. What is the effect of medication errors?Life-long time.b. Life-threateningBleeding on heart.d. Problem in healing.Health information.C.e.
menurut ku D
maaf klo salah
D.Problem in healing.
Health information.
may be useful
6. What is SOx and its effect on the environment?
SOx (gas sulfur) its effect on the environment is polutan. SOx has a sharp odor characteristic, is corrosive (rust-causing), toxic because it always binds oxygen to achieve a stable gas phase. SOx causes respiratory system disorders, if levels of 400-500 ppm will be very dangerous, 8-13 ppm cause eye irritation, 3-5 ppm cause odor.
7. Life on the missi was written Mark twain " The active is...
Mark Twain wrote Life in the Missi
Life on the Mississippi was written Mark twain "
The active is: Mark Twain wrote life on the Mississippi.
Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan bentuk kalimat aktif dari kalimat Simple Past Tense karena menjelaskan aktivitas kegiatan di masa lampau.
Simple Past Tense:
(+) Subject + Verb-2 + Object
Semoga membantu ya.
8. what is your opinion about our government and the effect to our life?
Apa pendapat anda tentang pemerintah kita dan efek untuk kehidupan kita?
9. Milliard Fillmore, ..., taught school and studied law before aspiring to political office. a) was the least great American president b) the American president was least c) one of the least known American presidents d) that he was one of the least American president
A).was the least great american president
semoga membantu ya
10. What was the effect of cakra passing the ball to putra?
the effect is a good one for the rest and the city is
11. Life on the missi was written Mark twain " The active is...
Mark Twain wrote Life on the Missi
Life on the Mississippi was written Mark twain "
The active is: Mark Twain wrote life on the Mississippi.
Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan bentuk kalimat aktif dari kalimat Simple Past Tense karena menjelaskan aktivitas kegiatan di masa lampau.
Simple Past Tense:
(+) Subject + Verb-2 + Object
Semoga membantu ya.
12. What is the effect of temperature on enzyme
Enzyme velocity only works at temperatures with optimum speed.
13. What was the effect of cut nyak dhien's mariage to teuku umar on the aceh armies
QUESTIONWhat was the effect of cut nyak dhien's mariage to teuku umar on the aceh armies.Penjelasan:
ANSWERCut Nyak Dhien's marriage to Teuku Umar boosted the morale of Aceh armies. and ammunition, and to betray the Dutch later.SEMOGA BERMANFAAT^_^❤️14. penjelasan :Match the words on life column with the meaning on the right one. menjodohkan kata/frasa dengan artinya
Stuck - to be caught ....or move
be the light - to show someone....to do something
cause - the reason
tossing and turning - to move about and turn over in bed because one is unable to sleep
Find out
1: to learn by study, observation, or search : DISCOVER
2a: to catch in an offense (such as a crime)
the culprits were soon found out
b: to ascertain the true character or identity of
the informer was found out
intransitive verb : to discover, learn, or verify something
I don't know, but I'll find out for you
in need : : in a condition of needing something (such as the things one needs to live)
count on me - to depends and to trust me
15. What is the effect on children of growing up in property?
The child will be spoiled, lazy and not loose with the property so he can not hang out with his friends
I hope this helps ✔️✔️✔️
16. What is the effect of a lack of emphasis on speaking
What is the effect of a lack of emphasis on speaking=Apa efek dari kurangnya penekanan pada berbicara
17. what effect does carbon dioxide have on the atmosphere
They will be creating a gas layer around of earth so will make our earth increasing the temperature who gets from the sun
18. What is the main part of his life described on the text?
Apa bagian utama dari hidupnya yang dijelaskan pada teks?
19. Fossils, traces of dead organisms found in the rocks of Earth's crust, reveal ...... at the time the rocks were formed. (A) what was like (B) was like life (C) what life was like (D) life was like
D) life was like
20. Life on the mississippi was written by mark twain the active is
Kalimat aktif dari "Life on the mississippi was written by mark twain" adalah..
Karena kalimat pasif nya bentuk simple past, dimana setelah subject "Life on the mississippi" ada to be (was) dan langsung verb-3 "written". Maka rumus aktif dari simple past nya adalah sbb :
Active : S + V2 + O
Passive : S + To be (was/were) + V3 + by..
Perubahan kata kerja
Write => Wrote=>Written
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