1.Where did the carter put his animal2.How did the carter treat his animal3.What happened to the animals as a result of the carters treatment
1. 1.Where did the carter put his animal2.How did the carter treat his animal3.What happened to the animals as a result of the carters treatment
1. The Carter put his animal in the same stable
2. The charter is equally fond of them, but he pays more attention and affection to the horse because the horse helps him pull his trap.
3. The horse became more arrogant and caused the donkey to die
2. how about you that the importance of foreign language for the secretary?
secretary is the 'right hand' of directure.
so, foreign language is important to be understand by secretary for well communication. even that fo client, consument, etc. before he inform to the directure.Secretary must speak at least 2 language for their mission abroad
3. 1. How was the bridge?2. Which of the two stories has the sad ending?3. Why did the bridge finally break? 4. Which of the above texts tells us about the importance of collaboration?5. What did the wise goat teach us about?
itu jawabannya ya kakak!!
1. The bridge can just handle 1 goat
2. the version one ending.
3.becouse the bridge cannot handle the goat.
4. the version two texts
5. to give in to each other and collaborate .
maaf kalo salah ya kak
4. what is the importance of reading the above text
getting all the information u need for a question
read it carefully and not read it to fast
5. Terjemahan the importance of library
pentingnya perpustakaan
maaf klw salah....Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Jawaban : Terjemahan the importance of library adalah pentingnya perpustakaan.
Semoga membantu...
6. a) Justify the importance of oxygen in daily life? b) Justify the importance of nitrogen in daily life? c) Justify the importance of carbon dioxide in daily life? d) Justify the importance of inert gases in daily life?
a.Oxygen is important for human breath or animal breath
b.Nitrogen is important for chemical industry,medical and steel production
c.Carbon dioxide is important for plants photosynthesis
(sorry if wrong)
7. State the importance of the classification of organism
artinya adalah
menyatakan pentingnya klasifikasi suatu organisme klasifikasi suatu
8. please identifification the social function of the importance of drinking water
These include removing toxins and waste from your body, maintaining blood circulation, supplying other nutrients to where they're needed, and regulating your internal body temperature. The benefits of drinking water can be felt throughout your body, from your digestive system to your skin and hair.Penjelasan:
9. 1. what is the purpose of the invitation?2. how should the addressees respond to the invitation?3. what is the importance of giving the website address?
1. to invite someone to do something you want
2. they should accept the invitation
3. to explain the details of the event
Semoga membantu
10. How do the various characteristics of animal skulls indicate the importance of one sense over another?
I now understand,i person indonesia
11. What is the importance of the notice for the readers?
to announce information to a specific group of people
12. the text mainly tells about...a. the effects of air pollutionb. the danger of burning wastec. how to burn garbaged. how to reduce wastee. the importance of garbage
d. how to reduce waste
maaf kalo salah
13. What the topic of the text the importance of rainforest
apa topik teks pentingnya hutan hujan.
Artinya= Apa topic text pentingnya hutan hujan
semoga membantu
14. the importance of photosynthesis equation?
◇Producing Glucose
◇Produces O2 and Reduces CO2 ◇Producing Coal
15. The importance of english language
pentingnya bahasa inggris
16. 1.how has english developed? 2.What is the importance of english in global communication? 3.What is the importance of studying english,especially aboard? 4.What is the importance english of career? 5.how can you make use of english to enjoy entertainments ? Tolong jawab please :-)
1. It has been spreading worldwide , creating new sub-types of English , such as accents
2. Almost everyone used it these days. Especially on the Internet
3. When you go aboard , it would be very likely to find English .
4. companies these days wanted employees that could speak english
5. You'll have much wider variety of entertainments , such as Youtube , or Shows in English such as the walking dead
17. What the topic of the text the importance of rainforest
the forest is possibly most important resource for humans
18. what is the importance of studying both of question tag and reported speech
artinya:apa pentingnya mempelajari kedua teks pertanyaan dan melaporkan pidatonggak tau aqw hokya hokya
19. What/who the participant of text the benefits of vegetables and the importance of breakfast
siapa peserta teks tentang manfaat sayur dan pentingnya sarapan?
20. What is the purpose of the text? the importance of english languageAnswer: .....
The importance of English Language is to educate people about how to speak and use English in correct purpose and english is useful as international language.
Bahasa Inggris penting karena bahasa tersebut mengajarkan kita cara menggunakan bahasa tersebut dengan benar dan bahasa ini memiliki keuntungan karena telah menjadi bahasa internasional yang dingunakan di mancanegara.
tolong jadikan brainliest answer.
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