What Manipulation Technique Should Be Reported When An Fie

What Manipulation Technique Should Be Reported When An Fie

so auto just want my number don't know when I can totally random towel technique Montgomery on Yahoo can all this is what should I do ​

Daftar Isi

1. so auto just want my number don't know when I can totally random towel technique Montgomery on Yahoo can all this is what should I do ​


ini artinya :

jadi otomatis hanya ingin nomor saya tidak tahu kapan saya bisa mengacak teknik handuk Montgomery di Yahoo semua ini yang harus saya lakukan


maaf kalau salah jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

semoga membantu ya



maaf saya hanya bisa terjemahin


jadi otomatis hanya ingin nomor saya tidak tahu kapan saya bisa mengacak teknik handuk Montgomery di Yahoo semua ini yang harus saya lakukan.

2. why should we learn basic basketball technique. . .​

Why should we learn basic basketball technique. . .​?


Mengapa kita harus mempelajari teknik dasar bola basket. . .?


so that we understand how to play basketball and can be our capital for the future.


supaya kita mengerti cara bermain basket dan bisa menjadi modal kita untuk kedepan.


#Semoga membantu

Maaf ya kalau salah

3. I found a wallet yeterday at the market. I ..... to the police office yesterday.Should have reporting.Should be reporting.Should report.Should have reported.​


should have reported


di kalimat ini dibilang dia nemuin dompet tapi belom dikasih ke polisi berarti jawabannya adalah seharusnya dia kasih tau polisinya(should have reported to the police)

Semoga membantu yaa


yang di bawah


Should have reported

artinya menjelaskan waktu dan hari maka di pakai huruf "ed"

4. contoh suffix berakhiran -fie​


biogra-fi, geografi-fi, filoso-fi, dll


maaf kalau salah, semoga membantu

5. 5. Berikut teknik dalam pembuatan tembikar,kecuali ....a. lining techniqueb. coiling techniquec. modelling techniqued. pottery-whell-techniquee. sheat technique6. Teknik membentuk segumpal lempungyang diputar-putar dengan roda disebut ....a. lining techniqueb. coiling techniquec. modelling techniqued. pottery-whell-techniquee. sheat techniqueOu umalenumpalan​


Berikut teknik dalam pembuatan tembikar,  kecuali sheat technique

a. lining technique

b. coiling technique

c. modelling technique

d. pottery-whell-technique

e. sheat technique

Teknik membentuk segumpal lempung  yang diputar-putar dengan roda disebut pottery-whell-technique .

a. lining technique

b. coiling technique

c. modelling technique

d. pottery-whell-technique

e. sheat technique


Tembikar merupakan salah satu jenis kerajinan yang biasanya berbahan dasar lempung, dari lempung tersebut dibuat menjadi beragam perabot yang unik yang dapat digunakan sebagai hiasan atau juga dapat digunakan sebagai perabot sehari-hari.

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang tembikar brainly.co.id/tugas/1431291


6. 1. What do you know about Reported speech?​



Apa yang Anda ketahui tentang pidato Dilaporkan?


semoga membantu ya:)

Answer:- Indirect speech or reported speech is used to report what someone may have said, and so it is always used in the past tense. Instead of using inverted commas as in direct speech, we use the word “that” to introduce the statement.Example:- Meena said that she is afraid of insects.

Changing direct speech to indirect speech:-The tense if the verb is changed.Use reporting verbs such as said, thought, asked followed by that.Remove the punctuations.

7. Jelaskan keuntungan dan kekurangan dari direct Manipulation​


Keuntungan dan kekurangan direct manipulasi langsung

Keuntungannya :

Kompatibilitas kendali dan tampilan.

Lebih sedikit sintaks, karena itu tingkat kesalahan berkurang.

Lebih banyak pencegahan kesalahan.

Lebih cepat dipelajari dan lebih mudah diingat.

Mendorong penjelajahan.

Kekurangannya :

Memakan lebih banyak sumber daya sistem.

Beberapa aksi menyusahkan.

Teknik makro sering lemah.

Sulit dicatat dan ditelusuri.

Sulit digunakan oleh pemakai yang pengelihatannya terganggu

8. Tolong ya yang bisaKalo ngasal will be reported​


Jawaban ada pada gambar


9. Sebutkan salah satu darimanipulation language ...​



DML Prosedural digunakan dalam bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi (contoh: Java, PHP, C) dengan cara pengguna memberikan spesifikasi kepada sistem tentang data apa yang dibutuhkan dan bagaimana cara memperoleh data tersebut.

10. what is the function of the reported speech

To Reflect The Time Of The Reportingthe function of the reporter is to present various kinds of news.
(fungsi dari reporter adalah untuk menyajikan berbagai macam berita).

11. Woman will be the winner of the competition, if she …. more about the technique

Woman will be the winner of the competition, if she learn more about the technique

12. berikut teknik dlm pembuatan tembikar kecuali A.lining techniqueB.coiling techniqueC.modelling techniqueD.phottery-whell-techniqueE.sheat technique


E.sheat technique

semoga membantu


jawabannya E kak. hehe

13. carikan reported speech dari kata berikut 1.direct speech:mr.siregar said,"i want you to help me delivering some books." reported speech: 2.direct speech:bondan said:"i'm happy for you,renita". reported speech: 3.direct speech:anita asked,"have you read today headline news? reported speech: 4.direct speech"i'm will be a freelance reporter." said andri reported speech: 5.kania said."i will write an article to the local newspaper. reporter speech: 6.deni asked,"what is the hot celebrity gossip today. reported speech:

1. Mr. Siregar said that he wanted me to help him deliver some books
2. Bondan said that he was happy for Renita
3. Anita asked if have I read today's headline news
4. Andri said that he would be a freelance reporter
5. Kania said that she would write an article to the local newspaper
6. Deni asked if what was the hot celebrity gossip today

Grammar harap diperbaiki ya.... I'm will be a freelance reporter pada no.4 terdapat kesalahan grammar. Seharusnya I will be a freelance reporter sebab Future simple beda dengan Present continious tense

14. what kind of animal is reported in the text

di translate ya kak
Binatang apa yg disebutkan dalam text

15. what kind of bird is reported in the text?

any birds that were mentioned on the text

16. My friend/me/what happens= ubah ke reported speech​


My friend told me what happened

17. what is meant by reported speech


a speaker's words reported in subordinate clauses governed by a reporting verb, with the required changes of person and tense (e.g., he said that he would go, based on I will go ).

18. Betty said, “When did you come?”The reported speech is...​


Betty asked me when did I came .

19. you should never go swimming in the sea alone without knowing......... technique. ​


you should never go swimming in the sea alone without knowing thetechnique.

20. what kind of bird id reported in the text​


sorry, where is the story?

Jawaban:i dont know

Penjelasan: where the text?.

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What Manipulation Technique Should Be Reported When An Fie What Manipulation Technique Should Be Reported When An Fie Reviewed by Romano on Maret 21, 2023 Rating: 5

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