Argentina Dancing With The Stars

Argentina Dancing With The Stars

apa artinya walk in the darkness dance with the stars​

Daftar Isi

1. apa artinya walk in the darkness dance with the stars​

berjalan dalam tarian kegelapan dengan bintang-bintang

*maaf kalo salah*

arti dari walk in the darkness dance with the stars adalah *Berjalan di dalam kegelapan , menari bersama bintang*.

# I Hope This Can Help You

2. Dancing is moving the body together with music


Menari menggerakkan badan bersama dengan musik


Menari adalah mengerakkan Badan bersama dengan alunan musik

3. the energy used by all lising things stars with​


The flow of energy through living things begins with photosynthesis, which creates glucose. In a process called cellular respiration, organisms' cells break down glucose and make the ATP they need


4. Look! The girls .... They seemhappy.OIs dancingODancingOAre dancingODance​


Look! The girls are dancing. They seem happy.


Are dancing


karena subject x itu jamak maka menggunakan are bukan is

dan berupa tenses present continous

#semoga bisa membantu

5. I...dancing at four o'clock in the dancing clup

Jawaban : I am dancing at four o'clock in the dancing club

Digunakan am karena To Be dari I adalah am

6. 1.apa pandapatmu Tentang lagu rewite the stars? 2.apa yang kamu pelajari Tentang lagu rewite the stars?​


•> Lagu ini easy listening

•> Walaupun menggunakan bahasa inggris,kosakatanya masih bisa dipahami

•> Mudah disambungkan dengan sehari-hari karena liriknya tentang perasaan.Dimana kita sebagai manusia pasti selalu memiliki perasaan.


•> Pronounciation atau pengucapan bahasa inggris yang benar

•> Melatih dinamika dan pemenggalan tiap kata

7. tuliskan lagu Rewrite the stars!​

      Rewrite The Stars

You know I want you

It's not a secret I try to hide

I know you want me

So don't keep saying our hands are tied

You claim it's not in the cards

Fate is pulling you miles away

And out of reach from me

But you're here in my heart

So who can stop me if I decide

That you're my destiny?

What if we rewrite the stars?

Say you were made to be mine

Nothing could keep us apart

You'd be the one I was meant to find

It's up to you, and it's up to me

No one can say what we get to be

So why don't we rewrite the stars?

Maybe the world could be ours


You think it's easy

You think I don't want to run to you

But there are mountains

And there are doors that we can't walk through

I know you're wondering why

Because we're able to be

Just you and me

Within these walls

But when we go outside

You're going to wake up and see that it was hopeless after all

No one can rewrite the stars

How can you say you'll be mine?

Everything keeps us apart

And I'm not the one you were meant to find

It's not up to you

It's not up to me

When everyone tells us what we can be

How can we rewrite the stars?

Say that the world can be ours


All I want is to fly with you

All I want is to fall with you

So just give me all of you

It feels impossible (it's not impossible)

Is it impossible?

Say that it's possible

How do we rewrite the stars?

Say you were made to be mine?

Nothing can keep us apart

'Cause you are the one I was meant to find

It's up to you

And it's up to me

No one can say what we get to be

And why don't we rewrite the stars?

Changing the world to be ours

You know I want you

It's not a secret I try to hide

But I can't have you

We're bound to break and my hands are tied

8. Pecel:three starsSatay:four starsSemur jengkol:five starsof the data above, satay is........ pecel​


Comparative Degree:

Based on the data above, satay is more delicious than pecel.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Comparative Degree (gelar perbandingan) karena memperbandingkan dua hal yang berbeda dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Berdasarkan data, sate mendapatkan penilaian bintang lebih banyak daripada pecel dari para penikmat kuliner Nusantara, sehingga bisa kita simpulkan bahwa sate lebih enak rasanya daripada pecel.

Berdasarkan data di atas, sate lebih lezat daripada pecel.

Comparative Degree:

Kita menambahkan akhiran "-er" dan "than" pada kata sifat satu suku kata dan awalan "more" dan "than" pada kata sifat lebih dari dua suku kata untuk membentuk Comparative Degree (gelar perbandingan), contohnya:

Bigger than = lebih besar daripada (satu suku kata dari "Big")

More Beautiful than = lebih cantik daripada (empat suku kata "Beautiful")

More Delicious than = lebih lezat daripada (lima suku kata "delicious)

Semoga membantu ya.

9. 23. Andi took a photograph secretly while she ... with her friend on the stage.A. dancesB. dancedC. is dancingD. was dancingE. were dancing​


d. was dancing


kalo ada kata “while” berarti setelah itu tensenya harus past continuous (was/were verb + ing) dan karena “she” berarti hanya satu noun, berarti singular dan pake was. dalam hal ini, she was dancing

10. Cara:Did you see Lyn at the party? Beth:.... A. She danced with Bob at the party. B. She was dancing with Bob at the party. C. She was dancing with Bob at the party. D. She dances with Bob at the party.​


Cara: Did you see Lyn at the party?

Beth: Yes, I did. She danced with Bob at the party.

A. She danced with Bob at the party.

B. She was dancing with Bob at the party.

C. She was dancing with Bob at the party.

D. She dances with Bob at the party.​


Karena pertanyaannya menggunakan Simple Past tense, maka jawabannya juga menggunakan Simple Past Tense. Semoga membantu ya.

11. i saw gary last night dancing with the most ... girl i'd ever seen




eh itu kok ada Gary ya?

12. the stars........(can see) in the daytime​


The stars that are visible at night are actually visible during the day. The stars in the sky cannot be seen during the day because the sunlight is so bright that it is difficult for us to see the stars in the sky.


semoga membantu Ya bos kuh

13. When do the stars twinkle? The stars twinkle in the .......

the stars twingkle in the dark of the nightin the sky?... atau in the beautiful night sky???

14. I was dancing with paul dijadikan kalimat negatif


i was not dance with paul

15. Q.jomblo¹²³×jomblo²³⁴⁵⁶=note: follow dulunote: ~baby i'm dancing on the darkWith You Between My Arms~​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


= jomblo^(123 + 23.456)

= jomblo^(23.579)

= jomblo^23.579


1) Jomblo^123 × Jomblo^23456 = ?.


= Jomblo^123 × Jomblo^23456

= (Jomblo^(123 + 23456))

= Jomblo^23.579

16. 5. Cara : Did you see Lyn at the party?Beth : Yes....a. She danced with Bob at the party.b. She was dancing with Bob at the party.c. She dance with Bob at the party.d. She dances with Bob at the party.​


A. she danced with Bob at the party

mohon maaf kalau salah, semoga membantu


Cara : Did you see Lyn at the party?

Beth : Yes ....

B. She was dancing with Bob at the party .


Semoga membantu !! ^^

17. fill the blanks with the correct answer! join in the dancing competition next saturday?...................she come tomorrow?​tolong dibantu makasih


are you join in the dancing competition next saturday?

is she come tomorrow?

jadi jawabannya aredan is

maaf kalau salah

18. the stars in the sky....are ...shining​


The stars are shining in the sky


The stars are shining in the sky

19. pesan dari lagu rewrite the stars​


you know i want you

Maaf kalau salah

20. the moon and stars appear in the

The moon and stars appear in the sky E. G=the moon and stars appear in the sky
T. R. N. S. L. T=
Bulan dan bintang muncul di langit

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Argentina Dancing With The Stars Argentina Dancing With The Stars Reviewed by Romano on Maret 21, 2023 Rating: 5

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