I have good friends. They are Linda and Molly. Linda and Molly are sisters. Linda is 19 years old. Molly is 15 years old. Linda is tall and has curly brown hair. Molly is short. She has straight blond hair Linda likes to go to the zoo. She gets excited when she sees all the different animals. Molly likes to go to the zoo, too. She doesn't like all the animals. She gets scared when she sees the snake. The sisters think it's fun to go to the zoo. What is the text about?
1. I have good friends. They are Linda and Molly. Linda and Molly are sisters. Linda is 19 years old. Molly is 15 years old. Linda is tall and has curly brown hair. Molly is short. She has straight blond hair Linda likes to go to the zoo. She gets excited when she sees all the different animals. Molly likes to go to the zoo, too. She doesn't like all the animals. She gets scared when she sees the snake. The sisters think it's fun to go to the zoo. What is the text about?
Jawaban:Descriptive text,maaf kalo salah
descriptive text
2. I have good friends. They are Linda and Molly. Linda and Molly are sisters. Linda is 19 years old. Molly is 15 years old. Linda is tall and has curly brown hair. Molly is short. She has straight blond hair Linda likes to go to the zoo. She gets excited when she sees all the different animals. Molly likes to go to the zoo, too. She doesn’t like all the animals. She gets scared when she sees the snake. The sisters think it’s fun to go to the zoo. What is the text about?
The Text Is About My Friends
a description of Linda and Molly
semoga membantu
3. what is shinta's advice to linda
jawabanya apa saran shinta untuk linda
4. My name is Linda Listiana.Call.....Linda
My name is Linda Listiana.CallMeLinda
#BelajarBersamaBrainly5. & Pacitan - to-go-car-by-LindaThe best arrangement isLinda tocar go by Pacitanbinda to Pacitan go by catLinda go to car by PacitanLinda go to Pacitan by
Linda go to Pacitan by Car
Susuan kata dalam bahasa Inggris mirip dengan Bahasa Indonesia S-P-O-K
LindagotoPacitanby carPenjelasan:
Semoga membantu ^_^, sorry if it's wrong because my English is not good ^_^
6. All : Today is linda's birthday Mirna: .............. Linda: Thanks a lot.
happy birthday,linda
mirna: happy birthday, linda! wish you all the best.
7. Frank is Jennifer'sTimmy is alan'sTimmy is frank'slinda is nancy'slinda is helen'sjack is walter'sJennifer is alan'swalter is timmy'shelen is Walter'slinda is Jennifer's Tolong Jawabannya Pliss mkssiii
pertanyaannya apa ?
maaf kurang paham
kurang lengkap sepertinya ka
8. Mothwe... To the suoermarket with linda yesterday. Pilihan wwnt, goes, is going
mother.....to the supermarket with Linda yesterday
kalimat yesterday melambangkan bahwa ini bentuk kalimat past / masa lalu
maka berikut pembahasannya
went buat masa lalu
goes buat present
is going lagi ngelakuin
maka jawabannya yang went
# maaf kalo salah.
9. Linda is considered.......... to the deep a.not to go b.not go to c.not go d.not goes e.not going
Not going . Karena ada tobe "is" yaitu present continues tense. jawabannya e. not going :)
10. Dubbing is used in filmmaking ........ a new sound track to a motion picture. (A) which to add (B) to add (C) is adding that (D) to add while
(A) which to add.
semoga membantu ya
11. Is marry angry to linda bcause qnot helping her
12. apa itu padding top pada css
Pengertian Property Padding CSS :
Padding adalah sebutan untuk spasi atau ruang diantara konten dan border.
13. is marry angry to linda becaus she doesn't help her?
is marry angry to Linda becaus she doesn'thelp her? saya tau artinya ini artinya = menikah marah pada linda karena dia tidak membantunya?
14. 1.linda: i'm Linda. .........is your ........?argo : Hi! My.........is Argo Linda:......... do you live? Argo: I..........at jl.Nusantara No.5. 2. fajar: Hi! My..........is fajar.I........from Palembang. I...........at jl. Sukasari No.60 Bogor. ........to.........you, guys.students: pleasd to.......... ......... too, fajar.
1.linda: i'm Linda. What is your name?
argo : Hi! My nameis Argo
Linda: Where do you live?
Argo: I live at jl.Nusantara No.5.
2. fajar: Hi! My name is fajar. I am from Palembang. I liveat jl. Sukasari No.60 Bogor. Nice to meet you, guys.
Linda : i m Linda what is your name ? argo. : hi! my name is argoLinda: where do you l live ?4. argo : I live at jl.Nusantara No 5
15. the best answer to complete the dialogue is... Mr.dika: Linda,can open the window please? it's hot. Linda:... mr.dika: thanks.
linda : Sure
bisa memakai kata "Sure", "Of course", "Yes"
16. Annia : “Linda, May I introduce you to sister?. Everybody, this is Linda” From the expression above, we know that Annia wants to … .
Jawaban:introduce herself
17. pengertian padding atas padding bawah,booking,samsu,servis
padding adlah makanan yg di bekuin
booking adalah,tinju,gulat
samsu adlh rokok,ganja,sabu,pil
sevis adlh memperbarui,merakit,merusak
18. Fajrin: "hi, linda. how is life?" linda: ____, fajrin. ____________________ ." *
linda:Hi,fajrin.It was good
19. bahasa jawabannya What is Linda Linda is wearing and is not is The Script
1.the boys are wearing a brown uniform
2.aunt bela is wearing a t shirt and blue jeans
3.dino is wearing a t shirt,and a cap
maaf kalo kurang bener
semoga membantu
20. Melinda : the price of all goods in the market keeps increasing. We need to live economically. Edison : ... Shopping for luxurious things is not necessary. Melinda : Yes, we tend to waste our money on lifestyle things.
yes you right Shopping for luxurious things is not necessary.
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