Find The Length Of Ac

Find The Length Of Ac

Find the length of the cake edge of volume27.000 cm2​

Daftar Isi

1. Find the length of the cake edge of volume27.000 cm2​


30 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

akar pangkat 3 dari 27.000 cm kubik adalah 30 cm

nb: itu kuenya bentuk kubus, ditanya panjang sisi

2. A rectangle has side of length 6cm and7cm find the length of the diagonal to the nearest mm

i dont now you amerika me indonesia

3. the perimeter of a triangle is 140cm the sum of the length of two of the sided equals the length of the shortest leg is 10 cm less than the length of the longlest leg find the length of the sides of the triangle​



A= length of sided side(sisi kaki segitiga)

B=base(alas segitiga)


B=2A+10. (pers.1)

2A+B=140. (Substitusikan pers.1)




A=130/4=32.5 (. In english means comma)

B=2A+10=65+10=75 cm

4. The ratio of the sides of a triangle AB to BC to AC, is 3 : 4 : 5. The perimeter Of the triangle is 72cm Find the length of it's longest Side.


The length of the longest side: 30cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

To find the length of the longest side:

5+4+3= 12

72÷12= 6

5×6= 30cm

5. Length of poster twice of the breadth. The perimeter was 132. Find the area of the poster

Length = 2 x Width
Perimeter = 132

132 = 2 x (Length + Width)
132 = 2 x (2Width + Width)
132 = 2 x 3 Width
132/2 = 3 Width
66 = 3 Width
Width = 66/3
Width = 22

Length = 2 x Width
Length = 2 x 22
Length = 44

Area = Length x Width
Area = 44 x 22
Area = 968

6. A floor tile in the shape of a rhombus has sides of length 52 cm and a diagonal of length 48 cm. find the length of the other diagonal.


speak indonesian please...

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

indonesian speak

7. The ratio of the length to the breadth of a rectangle is 7 : 3. If the difference between length and breadth is 20 cm, find the area of the rectangle. (Hint : find the length and the breadth of the rectangle first) Tolong jawab dengan cara


84 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Ratio of length and breadth = 7 : 3

=7 + 3 = 10

=20 ÷ 10 = 2

Length : 7 × 2 = 14

Breadth : 3 × 2 = 6

Area : 14 × 6 = 84 cm

Maaf jika salah ;w;

8. The perimeter of rectangular hall is 72 m. The length of the hall is 3 times its breadth. Find the length of the hall.

length = 3*breadth
perimeter = 2(length + breadth)
72 =2(3*breadth + breadth)
36 = 4 breadth
breadth = 9m

length = 3*9 = 27 m

9. A rectangular has a diagonal length of 15 cm and a length OF 7cm find the width of the rectangular.​


◣ ◢

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10. The area of a square is 7225 cm? Find the length of a side of the square.​

Area of square =7225cm²

Length of a side of the square

= √7225

= 85 cm

11. In ABC triangle , the ratio of the sides is AB : BC : AC = 2 : 4 : 5. If the perimeter of the triangle is 44 cm, find the length of BC.


BC = 16 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

BC = 4 / (2+4+5) x 44 = 4/11 x 44 = 16 cm.

12. (c) length = 22 m2. The perimeter of a rectangle is 540 cm. If the length of the rectangle is 45 cm, find its breadthof the rectangle!alo ir 8cm find its length of theklo jawabny benar dpt point lebih​


(c) panjang = 22 m

2. Keliling persegi panjang adalah 540 cm. Jika panjang persegi panjang tersebut 45 cm, cari lebarnya

persegi panjang!

alo ir 8cm temukan panjangnya

klo jawabny benar dpt point

~Two-dimentional figure

breadth = 225 cm_______________

Known :

The perimeter of a rectangle is 540 cm. If the length of the rectangle is 45 cm,

Asked :

find its breadth of the rectangle!

Answered :

Perimeter = 540

2 (l + b) = 540

2 (45 + b) = 540

90 + 2b = 540

2b = 540 - 90

2b = 450

b = 450/2

b = 225cm




13. the perimeter of a square is 20 cm find the length of one side of the square​

Jawab: 5 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Panjang salah satu sisi bujur sangkar

Kll= 4×s


S= kll/4

= 20 cm/4

= 5 cm

The perimeter of a square is 20 cm find the length of one side of the square!

Keliling bujur sangkar adalah 20 cm cari panjang salah satu sisinya!



Bujur sangkar atau persegi adalah suatu bangun datar dua dimensi yang dibentuk dari empat buah sisi (s) atau rusuk (a) yang sama panjang/kongruen dan memiliki empat buah sudut siku-siku(90°) di setiap sudutnya.


[tex]K\ persegi = 4 \times s\ atau\ 4 \times a\\ L\ persegi = s^{2} atau a^{2}[/tex]


s atau a = panjang sisi atau panjang rusuk persegi (m atau cm)

K persegi = keliling persegi (m atau cm)

Luas persegi = luas persegi (m² atau cm²)



Keliling (K) persegi = 20 cm


Panjang sisi (s) persegi = ?


[tex]K\ persegi = 4 \times s\\ 20\ cm = 4 \times s\\ s = K\ persegi \div 4\\ s = 20\ cm \div 4\\ s = 5\ cm[/tex]


Jadi, panjang sisi persegi itu adalah 5cm

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Definisi Persegi =>

Rumus Persegi =>

Contoh Soal Persegi =>


Kelas: 2 SD, 3 SD

Mapel: Matematika

Bab: Kelas 2 Bab 4 Matematika - Bangun Datar Sederhana7, Kelas 3 Bab 10 Matematika Keliling dan Luas Persegi dan Persegi Panjang

Kode Kategorisasi: 2.2.4, 3.2.10

14. the area of a square is 81 cm². Find the length of one side of the square!​


Luas persegi adalah 81 cm²,Maka panjang sisi (s) persegi tersebut adalah 9 cm


the area of a square is 81 cm². Find the length of one side of the square!=luas persegi adalah 81 cm². Hitunglah panjang salah satu sisi persegi tersebut!

moga membantuu

15. The perimeter of the rectangle is 336 cm. Find the length of the rectangle.(a) What fraction of the perimeter of the rectangle is the length of the rectangle?(b) Find the ratio of the length of the rectangle to its breadth to its perimeter.(3)The length of a rectangle is 6 times as longGive your answer in its simplest form.c)​


Answers are below, along with the explanation.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Perimeter of a rectangle is 336 cm.

The length of the rectangle is 6 times as long as the breadth. Let b represents the breadth of the rectangle.

The perimeter is 2 x (length + breadth) = 2 x (6b + b) = 14b.

336 cm = 14b, so b is 24 cm.

So, the length of the rectangle is 6 x 24 = 144 cm.

a. The length of the rectangle is 3/7 of the perimeter of the rectangle.

b. The ratio is 144 : 24 : 336 = 6 : 1 : 14

c. ? What is the question for c?


16. the perimeter of a square is 20 cm find the length of one side of the square​

Jawab: 5 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Panjang salah satu sisi bujur sangkar

Kll= 4×s


S= kll/4

= 20 cm/4

= 5 cm

Side = 20 : 4 = 5 cm
—Hope it helps for you!✨

17. The perimeter of a square is 24 m Find the length of its side​

Jawaban Super Master:

K = 24

s = 24/4 = 6 m


6 m

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Perimeter = 4×side

24 = 4×side

side = 24/4 = 6 m

18. the hypotenuse of a right triangle is 20m. Of the difference between the length of the other side is 4m. Find the length of the two sides​


x= 12cm, x=-16cm but side can never be a negative x=12cm is your perpendicular distance(P) according to assumption.

Base distance(B)=x-4 =12-4=8cm

19. the perimeter of a square handkerchief is 144 cm². Find its length and find the area of the handkerchief!​


keliling sebuah saputangan persegi adalah 144 cm². Temukan panjangnya dan temukan luas saputangan!





20. a rhombus has sides of length 6 centimeter one of its diagonal is 10 centimeter of find the length of the other diagonal ​


belah ketupat memiliki sisi panjang 6 sentimeter salah satu diagonal adalah 10 sentimeter menemukan panjang diagonal lainnya.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


d2 = 2 × L ÷ d1

2 x 24 ÷ 10= 4,8 atau 24/5

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Find The Length Of Ac Find The Length Of Ac Reviewed by Romano on Maret 09, 2023 Rating: 5

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