Two Trucks Leave A Warehouse At The Same Time

Two Trucks Leave A Warehouse At The Same Time

two babies were born at the same time called.....​

Daftar Isi

1. two babies were born at the same time called.....​



dua bayi lahir pada saat yang sama disebut ..

#Follow aku donk...




iya gak? tapi kalo twin itu kembar

lahirnya bareng, cuma beda bbeberapa menit

semoga membantu, maaf jika ada kesalahan^^

2. The trains at a train station leave at regular intervals. Northbound trains leave every 15 minutes, Eastbound trains leave every 25 minutes and Westbound trains leave every 55 minutes. The three trains leave the station the same time at 0530 hours. Find (i) the time at which they next leave together,


kereta api di stasiun kereta api berangkat secara berkala. cuti trans arah utara kereta ke utara berangkat setiap 15 menit, kereta ke timur berangkat setiap 25 menit dan kereta ke barat berangkat setiap 55 menit. ketiga kereta berangkat dari stasiun pada waktu yang sama pada jam 05.30. temukan (i) waktu di mana mereka selanjutnya pergi bersama

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf ini di terjemahkan ya

maaf ya kalau aku salahpaham

3. Two ships leave the port at the same time and travel in opposite directions. The speed of the faster ship is 8km/h more than the slower ship. at the end of 2 1/2 days, the two ships are 4320 km apart. find the speed of the two ships

2 1/2 days = 60 hours

let the faster ship = x, and the slower = y

x = 8 + y
60x + 60y = 4320
60(8 + y) = 60y = 4320
480 + 60y + 60y = 4320
120y = 4320 - 480
120y = 3840
y = 3840/120
y = 32 km/h

x = 8 + y
x = 8 + 32
x = 40 km/h

so, the speed of the faster ship is 40 km/h, and the slower is 32 km/h

4. jawab pertanyaan 1) you leave your friend at 7 o'clock in the morning. you say...the same expression in bahasa indonesia is...2) uou leave your friend at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. you say...the same expression in bahasa indonesia is.....3)you leave your friend at 8 o'clock in the evening. you say...the same expression in bahasa indonesia is....4) you leave your friend at 10.30 a.m. you say....the same expression in bahasa indonesia is....5) you leave your friend at 22.00 p.m. you say.....the same expression in bahsa indonesia is.....JAWAB DENGAN BENAR !!!!

1.good morning (selamat pagi)
2.good afternoon (selamat siang)
3.good evening (selamat sore)
4.good morning (selamat pagi)
5.good night (selamat malam)

semoga benar ya+semoga pengertian saya tentang pertanyaanmu benar

5. ○ Pedro's Pizza Bar isn't opened at weekends.○ The third time you visit, you get a free pizza.○ Three pizzas cost the same as two.​


C.three pizzas cost the same as two

maaf semisal nya salah

6. 11. Oki says, “When you arrived, my friends andI were campaigning about the importance ofkeeping our environment clean ...."What does she express?A. To ask if two actions were happening at thesame time in the past.B. To explain that two actions are taking placeat the time of speaking.C. To inform that two actions were taking placeat the same time in the past.D. To explain that two actions will happen shortly.​


the answer is

(C) sorry if its wrong

7. two rescue tunnels were started at the same time.apakah kalimat bahasa inggris itu benar atau tidak?​




dua terowongan penyelamatan dimulai pada saat yang sama

maaf klo salah

8. Oki says, “When you arrived, my friends andI were campaigning about the importance ofkeeping our environment clean ...."What does she express?A. To ask if two actions were happening at thesame time in the past.B. To explain that two actions are taking placeat the time of speaking.C. To inform that two actions were taking placeat the same time in the past.D. To explain that two actions will happen shortly.​


yg C paling cocok tuh soalnya dia cuma ngasih tau

9. Two of the lights at the local stadium are flickering. They both just flickered at the same time.One of the lights flickers every 7 seconds and the other light flickers every 8 seconds.How many seconds until both lights will flicker at the same time again?

First light=7 second7x8=56 second

Second light=8 Second=8x7=56 second

56 second they will flicker at the same time

10. The distance between town p and town q is 216 km. At 11. 50 a. M. , a van travels from town p to town q at a constant speed of 48 km/h. At the same time, a car travels from town q to town p along the same route at a constant speed of 60 km/h. At what time will the two vehicles meet?.

[tex] \frac{distance}{speed1 + speed2} \\ \\ \frac{216 \: km}{48 \frac{km}{h} + 60 \frac{km}{h} } \\ \\ \frac{216}{ \frac{108}{h} } = 2 \: h \\ \\ 11.50 + 02.00 = 13.50 \\ 13.50 - 12.00 = 01.50 \: pm[/tex]

11. Some people eating fish and yogurt at the same time auses a severe skin disease

Some people eating fish and yogury at the same time causes a severe skin disease

Some people say that eating fish and yogurt at the same time causes a severe skin disease.

Terjemahan :

Beberapa orang bilang bahwa memakan ikan dan yogurt secara bersamaan itu bisa menyebabkan penyakit kulit yang kronis

12. Air is removed from a tall jar to create a vacuum. A feather and a coin taht are realeased together from the top of the jar reach the bottom of the jar at the same time.(a) Describe the motion of the two falling objects(b) Sketch the velocity-time graph for the two falling objects.

Interesting question.
a. Since air was removed from the jar thus there would no any friction between air molecules and the falling feather and coin. Consequently, their falling motion was solely driven by the same acceleration (earth's gravitaional acceleration) and they would reach the bottom of the jar at the same time.

b. The velocity of those thing would behave like how velocity relates to acceleration and time:
v=v0+at, where v0: initial velocity; a: acceleration; t: time.
Hence the sketch would be linearly increasing.

13. They eat … watch television at the same time.

They television at the same time.

: They eat And watch television at the same time

Detail Jawaban

Kelas :5

Mapel :Bahasa inggris

They eat  …and… watch television at the same time.

14. science:why must the stick placed at the same position each time??​


because the wand can determine the direction of time if it is erected in the middle and exposed to the sun the wand will cast a shadow.


Canes are objects to help people who can't walk or it could be the elderly.




15. The Exam ia very difficult.we have a good time at the party.we don't want to leave


ujiannya sangat sulit. Kami bersenang-senang di pesta. Kami tidak ingin pergi.


16. 1.if two people finish a race at the same time , they ............. 2.if you ....................., it means you don,t win.


1.tie a race

2.lose an event


17. jawab pertanyaan 1) you leave your friend at 7 o'clock in the morning. you say...the same expression in bahasa indonesia is...2) uou leave your friend at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. you say...the same expression in bahasa indonesia is.....3)you leave your friend at 8 o'clock in the evening. you say...the same expression in bahasa indonesia is....4) you leave your friend at 10.30 a.m. you say....the same expression in bahasa indonesia is....5) you leave your friend at 22.00 p.m. you say.....the same expression in bahsa indonesia is.....JAWAB DENGAN BENAR !!!!

1)Good Morning,Selamat Pagi
2)Good Afternoon,selamat siang
3)Good Evening, selamat sore
4) Good morning, Selamat pagi
5) Good night, selamat malam

18. What happen when you study too much subject at the same time ?

This is what happen when you study too much subject at the same time:

You will not remember what you have studied.Too much subject at the same time will confused your memory because too much information at once.It looks like you are delaying your study until the last minute which will make you a procrastinator. Procrastinating is a bad habit on a person and it will create an anxiety and nervousness which is bad for your psyche development.


Text di atas termasuk sebuah Descriptive Text. Descriptive Text adalah sebuah teks yang menceritakan tentang sesuatu benda, seseorang, suatu kejadian, suatu lokasi, dan sebagainya. Descriptive Text ditulis oleh penulis untuk menjelaskan secara detail dan rinci tentang sesuatu untuk para pembacanya agar mereka mengerti dan memahami tentang hal yang ingin disampaikan. Dengan dijelaskan secara rinci oleh penulis, pembaca diharapkan mendapat gambaran penuh tentang hal tersebut.  

Descriptive Text terdiri dari 2 bagian:

Bagian Identification – Bagian ini biasanya terletak pada awal paragraph yang fungsinya untuk memberi gambaran garis besar tentang apa yang akan diceritakan sehingga mempermudah pembaca untuk mengikuti alur ceritanya.Bagian Description – Bagian ini terdiri dari inti cerita yang dibahas secara detail dan rinci sehingga pembaca benar-benar memahami dan mengerti penuh tentang hal yang disampaikan oleh penulis.

Berikut ciri-ciri dari Descriptive Text:

Pada umumnya menggunakan Simple Present Tense.Banyak terdapat kata sifat (adjective).Banyak menggunakan kata kerja penghubung (relating verb) seperti is/am/are, has/have, dan lain-lain.

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#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

19. bryan: What will you do tomorrow at the same time erik:i......reading the book at the same time tomorrow tolong dong kk jawab aku lg butuh banget niihhhh​


erik : i willreading the book at the same time tomorrow.

Erik: I will be reading the book at the same time tomorrow

Will Be karena diikuti V+ing, sehingga menjadi Simple Future Tense

20. I (do)......... my exam at the same time tommorow​

Jawaban: The answer is does.

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Two Trucks Leave A Warehouse At The Same Time Two Trucks Leave A Warehouse At The Same Time Reviewed by Romano on Desember 24, 2022 Rating: 5

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