Rewrite The Expression By Factoring Out

Rewrite The Expression By Factoring Out

find out and rewrite expression of asking and giving opinion used in those five dialog. use the following table.​

Daftar Isi

1. find out and rewrite expression of asking and giving opinion used in those five dialog. use the following table.​


cari tahu dan tulis ulang ekspresi bertanya dan memberi pendapat yang digunakan dalam lima dialog itu. gunakan tabel berikut.

2. 5. Rewrite the expression of wish found in the card


Expression From the card = Hope you two have a wonderful day

Rewrite Expression of Wish

Wish both of you have a wonderful day

3. rewrite the expression of offering help in conversation 1,2,3​


menulis ulang ekspresi penawaran bantuan dan dalam percakapan, 1,2,3

semoga bermanfaat : )

4. please find out five sentenses that using the expression of sugestion

1.if you learn with all your heart,you'll get a wise knowledge
2.dont disturb your friends,just feel if you be one of them
3.just be your self
4.go sleep right  now,son.thats not good for your health
5.keep your money for something useless

5. Rewrite the words into the correct sentence!Will - I - out - this - go - evening - not ____________________________​


I will not go out this evening

semoga membantu ya!

note :

will not -- won't


I will not go out this evening.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Simple Future Tense karena menjelaskan aktivitas kegiatan di masa datang.

Simple Future Tense:

(-) Subject + Will + not + Verb-1 + Object + Time Signal

Semoga membantu ya.

6. Rewrite the following sentences into the passive voice by leaving out the (....) word or phrases. (The committee) had appointed me the chairman before you came to the office.

I had been apoointed the chairman before you came to the officei had been appointed the chairman before you came to the office.

7. Match the situation in column A with the correct expression in column B! Then rewrite the sentence in your task bok.


1.  A TV Presenter closes her evening program.

   (f) Thank you for joining us, good night.

2. You end conversation with a friend.

   (i) Bye, see you tomorrow.

3. A father takes his little son to bed.

   (a) Good night, sweet dream.

4. You greet your teacher at 2 p.m.

   (d) Good afternoon, Sir.

5. Indra meets his old friends.

   (g) Hello, Radit. Nice to meet you again.

6. An English teacher greets his students

   (h) Good morning class

7. Someone opens a speech at 8 p.m.

   (c) Good evening, ladies and gentleman.

8. You meet your classmate.

   (j) How are you today?

9. Receptionist welcome a guest at 9 a.m.

   (b) Good morning Sir, welcome to our hotel.

10. You part with your friends after school.

   (e) Sorry, I really must go now

Semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa


8. rewrite the story of the paragraph by your own word simply


A Trip to Borobudur Temple

A Trip to Borobudur TempleWhen I until Senior High school, five years ago, I and my clasmates visited Borobudur Temple. We went to Borobudur Temple by bus from our school in Jakarta. We left our school at nine o’ clock and arrived at night. Along the road, we saw many vehicles, unique house, prominent building, rice field, and some ather tourists.

A Trip to Borobudur TempleWhen I until Senior High school, five years ago, I and my clasmates visited Borobudur Temple. We went to Borobudur Temple by bus from our school in Jakarta. We left our school at nine o’ clock and arrived at night. Along the road, we saw many vehicles, unique house, prominent building, rice field, and some ather tourists.Because we arrived in the night, we lived in The Hotel. In the morning, we went to Borobudur Temple. After we arrived at there, one of my teachers went to buy tickets for us. Then we went up to the top of Borobudur Temple. A Guide explained about history of Borobudur. From the top of the temple we can see beautiful scenery. I and my friends went around the temple together.

A Trip to Borobudur TempleWhen I until Senior High school, five years ago, I and my clasmates visited Borobudur Temple. We went to Borobudur Temple by bus from our school in Jakarta. We left our school at nine o’ clock and arrived at night. Along the road, we saw many vehicles, unique house, prominent building, rice field, and some ather tourists.Because we arrived in the night, we lived in The Hotel. In the morning, we went to Borobudur Temple. After we arrived at there, one of my teachers went to buy tickets for us. Then we went up to the top of Borobudur Temple. A Guide explained about history of Borobudur. From the top of the temple we can see beautiful scenery. I and my friends went around the temple together.We felt tired, but we felt so happy. The Borobudur Temple is The greatest temple in Indonesia. I loved that.



9. Read the dialogue, find and rewrite the expression of asking and giving suggestion

yang warna biru (giving suggestion)

yang warna kuning (asking suggestion)

semoga membantu :)

10. find a dialogues using the expression of ability and inability rewrite it on your task book​


Diartikan dalam Bahasa Indonesia: temukan dialog menggunakan ekspresi kemampuan dan ketidakmampuan, tulis ulang di buku tugas Anda

11. find out the expression of apology ,response,and meaning !

apology (permohonan maaf) : I'm sorry for breaking your laptop
response (respon/ tanggapan) : I think, it's good
meaning (pengertian) : Animal is (blablabla)Apology (permintaan maaf) : please forgive me for drop your smartphone
Response (respon) : it's okay
meaning : tulip is a flower that bloom every spring only blablabla

12. rewrite the sentences into passive voice1.until 1700s the horses carried out the transportation over land​


the transporstation over land carried by the horses until 1700s

13. tolong jawabin dong please!1.find out the expression of asking and giving opinion2.find out expression to check someone understanding3.find out the expression to get someone attention

Asking opinion= What do you think about ....
Giving opinion= In my opinion .... / I think ...
chek someone understanding= Is it clear? / Have you understood?
get someone attention= pay attention please / are you hear me? / be quiet please

itu menurutku, semoga membantu :D

14. find out the expression how to get some one attention​


Excuse me, can i have your attonetion. Attention please. Can i talk.

15. Rewrite the expression to accepting of offering help in conversation ​


apa madsudnya

Tulis ulang ekspresi hingga menerima tawaran bantuan dalam percakapan

16. find out the expression greeting leave taking thanking and apologising and then write the meaning of each expression in indonesia


cari tahu ungkapan ucapan salam, terima kasih dan minta maaf, lalu tuliskan arti dari setiap ungkapan di indonesia


itu terjemahan nya tapi jwb sendiri = maaf ya

17. Apa arti dari match the situation in column A with the proper expression in column B! Then rewrite the sentence in your teskbook



cari pasangan situasi di kolom A dengan ekspresi yg betul di kolom B! Kemudian tulis ulang pernyataan di buku kamu

18. Find out the expression greeting, leave taking, thanking and apologising and then write the meaning of each expression in Indonesia​


Mengetahui ekspresi ucapan, mengambil cuti, berterima kasih dan meminta maaf dan kemudian menulis arti dari setiap ekspresi di Indonesia

19. Rewrite the expression of showing hope and wish in dialog 2


artinya "tulis ulang ungkapan menunjukkan harapan dan keinginan dalam dialog 2"


maaf kalo salah ^-^

20. In the invitation card below find out what missing now rewrite the invitation properly in the space given below


Di keryas undangan dibawah ini, temukanlah apa yang kurang. Dan sekarang tulis ulang undangannya dalam kotak yang sudah disediakan dibawah


Maaf kalo salah

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Rewrite The Expression By Factoring Out Rewrite The Expression By Factoring Out Reviewed by Romano on Desember 24, 2022 Rating: 5

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