Which Of The Following Items Is Not Available On Rxnet

Which Of The Following Items Is Not Available On Rxnet

2. Which information is NOT available on the label? A. Description B. The expire date C. Direction for use D. Name of the product​

Daftar Isi

1. 2. Which information is NOT available on the label? A. Description B. The expire date C. Direction for use D. Name of the product​


* maaf aku tidak mengerti *_*

2. what is the difference og writing items of which consist of one, compared to the items of which consist of more than one


The difference of writing items that  consist of one compared to the items that consist of more than one is:

Singular Noun

One item is a singular noun,We don't need to put "s" after the noun.We need to put articles (a/an) before the nounFor example, as we can see in the conversation in the textbook, the singular items are : one backpack, a ruler, a pencil case, a drawing book, a lunch box, a calculator,

Plural Noun

Item which is more than one is called a plural noun.We need to put "s" after the nounWe need to put number before the nounFor example, in the textbook the plural items are: two backpacks, four notebooks, three textbooks, two dictionaries.


Singular Noun

Dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya kata benda tunggal.Untuk penulisan singular noun kita perlu artikel "a/an" sebelum kata benda. "a" digunakan untuk kata benda yang berawalan huruf konsonan. Sedangkan "an" digunakan untuk kata benda yang berawalan huruf vokal (a, i, u, e, o).Untuk penulisan singular noun kita tidak perlu menambahkan "s/es" pada akhir noun.Contoh: anumbrella, abook

Plural Noun

Dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya kata benda jamak - kata benda yang lebih dari satu.Untuk penulisan plural noun kita perlu menambahkan angka sebelum kata benda. Untuk penulisan plural noun kita perlu menambahkan akhiran "s/es".Contoh: two umbrellas, three books.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi tentang noun dalam bahasa Inggris https://brainly.co.id/tugas/24686663



1. one

2. it shows that the items are more than one

3. we add (s) for items which consists more than one.

4. Which of the following items would conduct electricity? a.Plastic straw b.Metal screwdriver c.Wooden baseball bat d.Rubber flip flops bantu jawab yya



Penjelasan :

Metal objects conducts electricity.


b.Metal screwdriver


5. Mention 5 items (not the examples) on Personal Identity list.


my full name is:

I was born on....-....-....in......

I'm.....years old

I live at


i was born on bulan lahir-tanggal-tahun in tempat lahir

6. "dinner is available" what is the kind of tense?


Simple present


karena ada subject dan ada to be "is" tetapi bentuknya kalimatnya adalah nominal sentence

This sentence is written in Simple Present Tense----- Pembahasan -----


Simple present adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja sederhana yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan kebiasaan, fakta, dan hal umum.

Rumus :  

1. Verbal Sentence :  Terdapat kata kerja

(+) S + V1 + O(-) S + do/does + not + V1 + O(?) Do/does + S + V1 + O + ?

2. Nominal Sentence : Tidak terdapat kata kerja

(+) S + be (am, is, are) + Adj/Adv/Noun(-) S + be (am, is, are) + not + Adj/Adv/Noun(?) Be (am, is, are) + S + Adj/Adv/Noun + ?

- Penggunaan "to be" : am (I), (is ( Singular ), are ( Plural, you)

- Penggunaan do/does :  does (Singular), do (plural, i, you)

- Penambahan s/-es di V1 apabila subjek Singular

----- Ditanyakan -----What is the kind of tense? (Jenis kalimat apakah ini) : "dinner is available"----- Penjelasan -----

Dinner is available

Termasuk kalimat : Simple Present - Nominal SentenceBedah struktur : Dinner (Subject), is (to-be), available (adjective)Jadi jawabannya adalah : Simple Present ----- Pelajari lebih lanjut -----Multiple choices about Simple Present brainly.co.id/tugas/30113636Changing into Simple Present brainly.co.id/tugas/29784810Making sentences using Simple Present brainly.co.id/tugas/23915712


Mapel :  Bahasa Inggris

Kelas :  8 - JHS

Materi :  Simple Present

Kode kategorisasi :  8.5.5

Kata Kunci :  Simple Present, Singular, Adjective, to-be


7. 9. The following items are not 10 poinavailable in the store. They areOa. T-shirtsO b. magazinesO c.newspapersO d. refrigerators​


c newspapers


9. The following items are not 10 poinavailable in the store. They are?newspapers

Maaf kalau salah

b. that


Semoga membantu, maaf kalo salah.

9. A. Change the following sentences according to the available sign. 1. She is not clever. (+) 2. They are students. (-) 3. The man is not thirsty (+) 4. It is very funny (-) 5. The man is not full. (+)​


1. She is clever

2. They are not students

3. The man is thirsty

4. It is not very funny

5. The man is full

1.She is clever

2.They are Not students

3.The man Is thirsty

4.It Is Not very Funny

5.The man is full

10. what natural resouces available on the coast that might not be available somewhere else


bakau kelapa

mangrove coconut


semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

11. you can find the following items on the table,EXCEPT


zoo,mars,Jupiter,trash just that


pls soalnya yg bener dong

12. Find the meaning of the following expressions in Bahasa Indonesia1.How may I be of assistance?2.I’m afraid the line is engaged/busy.3.I’m afraid he/she is in a meeting/not available at the moment.4. I'm sorry, he/she's out of the office today.5. Can I put you on hold?​


temukan arti dari ungkapan-ungkapan berikut dalam bahasa indonesia

1. Bagaimana saya bisa membantu?

2. Saya takut antrean sedang sibuk / sibuk.

3. Saya takut dia sedang rapat / tidak ada saat ini.

4. Maaf, dia keluar dari kantor hari ini.

5. bisakah aku menahanmu

ini artinya, maap kalo salah

13. what is the synonym of all items​


apa sinonim dari semua item?

14. What will happen if one of the part like the baterai is not available ?Can you give your goal​


apa yang akan terjadi jika salah satu bagian baterai tidak tersedia ?bisakah anda memberikan tujuan anda?

15. terjemahan dari this is to announce our 30% special discount offer that we are making on all orders for the following items for the month of this month only

ini adl utk mengumumkan penawaran spesial diskon 30% yg kita berikan utk semua pemesanan barang2 berikut hny selama bulan ini

16. An industrial process manufactures items that can be classified as either defective or not defective. The probability that an item is defective is 0.2. An experiment is conducted in which 6 items are drawn randomly from the process. Let the random variable X be the number of defectives in this sample of 6. What is the probability mass function of X?


Maaf aku gak tau

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Maaf ya

17. all of the following items are plurals. Label them​








18. 28.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?a.The place has a large parking areab.playgrounds for kids are available there.c.This place only provides modern cuisinesd.The visitors can have their meals while enjoying the beautiful place ​


c.This place only provides modern cuisines


Karena restoran itu menyediakan makanan Indonesia, bukan makanan modern.

19. the rate of the dependency ratio in a developing country is high enough. this condition is caused by.... a. the low education level of the citizens b. the high mortality rate c. the increasing morbidity d. the rapid population growth which is not balanced with available employment

jawabannya yg tepat adalah D

20. is the new edition of this book already available​


Itu adalah buku edisi terbaru dari buku series ini sudah ada di jual

Itu translate nya

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Which Of The Following Items Is Not Available On Rxnet Which Of The Following Items Is Not Available On Rxnet Reviewed by Romano on Oktober 13, 2022 Rating: 5

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