Read the lyrics of the song carefully.identify the parts of the song
1. Read the lyrics of the song carefully.identify the parts of the song
halo bego
halo bego hehe
2. lemon tree 1. What is the tittle of the song? 2.who is the singer of the song? 3. What is the theme of the song? 4. What is the genre of the song? 5. Mention parts of the song? 6. What is the fegurative language of the song? 7. What is the purpose of the song? 8. What do you think about the song?
1. Lemon Tree
2. Fool's Garden
3. Sadness, Loneliness, and Hopeless
4. Pop
5. I'm sittin' here in the boring room
It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon
I'm wasting my time
I got nothin' to do
I'm hangin' around
I'm waitin' for you
But nothing ever happens and I wonder
6. But there's a heavy cloud inside my head
7. The song is based on the singer's life. His girlfriend died in a car accident where she crashed into a lemon tree. The lemon tree reminds him of her death, and he is sad and lonely waiting for her.
8. This song is a like a traumatic and nostalagic memory as a reflection of the singer's tragic memory. This song is written to commemorate his girlfriend and makes her live in his memory forever <3
Semoga benar dan membantu, CMIIW
3. Arti who is the singer of the song Why does the singer sing the song ? What is the theme of the song? "You" in the song refetsto What is the mesage of song
siapa penyanyi dari lagu itu mengapa penyanyi itu menyanyikan lagu itu?
apa tema lagunya?
"Kamu" dalam lagu mengacu pada apa pesan lagu itu?
semoga membantu
4. Soal:1. The message of the song?2. The moral value of the song?3. Tenses used in the song?4. Figurative language?
1. seorang yang sedang terpuruk dan tidak tau harus berbuat apa, akan tetapi dia sadar bahwa ada orang di sekitar nya yang masih mendukung nya
5. 1.the topic of the song is... 2.what ia the message of the song ?
tolong disertai dengan lyrics lagunya sheyenk :(
6. 1. Who sings the song?.2. What is the theme of the song?3. What is the title of the song?4. What is the message of the song?
1. Who sings the song?Answer: who sings the song is the owner of the song lyrics2. What is the theme of the song?Answer: cut the duck goose3. What is the title of the song?Answer: Cut the duck goose4. What is the message of the song?answer: the song has the right lyrics to be sung and should not be sung wrongly.Penjelasan:
Karena lagu tersebut memiliki lirik nada yang cepat maupun lambat dan tidak boleh di nyanyikan salah-salah atau pun tidak segaja‼️Karena lagu tersebut sudah di terkenal kan ke YouTube maupun sosial media yang lainnya
Semoga Membantu ✨Semangat Belajarnya7. Sleeping Child by Michael Learn To Rock1. The singer of the song ?2. The message of the song?3. The moral value?4. The subject of the song?5. The characterization?6. The category of the song?7. Tenses used in the song?8. Figurative language?Terimakasih
1. Michael learn to rock (mltr)
2. if all the kings and the leaders can see you like(sleep soundly) here, they will guard the earth
sorry cmn segitu ^^
8. lihat lagu itu di foto1. what is theme of the song?2. what does the song tell about3. what are the messages of the song?4. who are the target of the song 5. what do you think of the song? do you like the song ? why?kasih tau jawabannya ya
1. I think the theme is we should be able to do whatever we want.
2. The song tells us about how we should be free.
3. I think one message of the song is that we should not let anyone control us. But we should let the world hear our voice.
4. I think the song targets the ones who are shy, or insecure of themselves. Because they’re mainly the ones who are easy to be controlled.
5. Yea, I personally like this song. But it may not be applicable to our country since many people in our country have their voices unheard.
Semoga membantu
1. I think the theme is we should be able to do whatever we want.
2. The song tells us about how we should be free.
3. I think one message of the song is that we should not let anyone control us. But we should let the world hear our voice.
4. I think the song targets the ones who are shy, or insecure of themselves. Because they’re mainly the ones who are easy to be controlled.
5. Yea, I personally like this song. But it may not be applicable to our country since many people in our country have their voices unheard.
Simak lebih lanjut di -
9. 1.the theme of the song2.the purpose of the song3.what the song is about4.moral value of the songtolong yaa kakkk
the theme of the song is hero
the purpose to remind us to always remember what a big thet did to us to taked a glory
this song about some hero
we have to remeber cause of all hero did all everyting to our country
10. 45.A.what is the title of the song?B.Who sing s a song?C.Write the moral lesson of the song? TolongggJawab!
a. Count on Me
b. Bruno Mars
c. bercerita tentang arti sahabat, dimana antara satu dengan yang lainnya punya rasa dan asa yang sama. Mereka bisa memecahkan berbagai masalah jika menghadapinya secara bersama-sama.
45. A. count on me
B. Bruno Mars
C. friends are people who are always there for us even when we are in a difficult situation
i hope this helps ☺️
11. quetion 1. what is title of the song? 2. Ho max the song populer? 3. what is the theme of the song populer?4. what is the messegge of the song? 5. why do you like the song?
1. Count On Me
2. Bruno Mars
3. Friendship
4. Can solve various problems if we face them together, in joy or sorrow
5. Because it tells about the true meaning of friends and loyalty in friendship
semoga membantu, jangan lupa bintangnya !
12. Lirik lagu i'm 15 for moment 1.What the title of the song? 2.Who is the singer of the song? 3.What theme of the song? 4.What the purpose of writing the song? 5.What is your opinion about the song?
1. 100 years
2. Five For Fighting
3. It is about how we should live life to the fullest. We have no idea when life would come to an end
4. John Ondrasik wrote the lyrics about his life: when he was 15 he couldn't find a girl, at 22 he found the girl and got married, at 33 he had his first child.
5. although this is an awesome has a lot of meaning other than to take life seriously and to make sure you have fun with life.
13. write Insyaallah song with the structure of the song?.....
لو في يوم كان الحِمل عليك تقيل
وتايه لوحدك مش لاقي دليل
والهموم تِخلِّي الليل طويل
وترميك في غُربه ومراره وويل
مِد ايديك تلقاه دايماً حواليك
هو اللّٰه قَبلك حاسس بِيك
إن شاء اللّٰه، إن شاء اللّٰه
إن شاء اللّٰه، هتلاقي الطريق
إن شاء اللّٰه، إن شاء اللّٰه
إن شاء اللّٰه، هتلاقي الطريق
لو فى يوم خدتنا معاصي أو ذنوب
وخافت قلوبنا ما تِقدر تتوب
وتشكي الروح ومين بالسر ليه نبوح
ومين اللي يقدر يداوي من الجروح
مِد ايديك تلقاه دايماً حواليك
هو اللّٰه قَبلك حاسس بِيك
إن شاء اللّٰه، إن شاء اللّٰه
إن شاء اللّٰه، هتلاقي الطريق
إن شاء اللّٰه، إن شاء اللّٰه
إن شاء اللّٰه، هتلاقي الطريق
قول يا اللّٰه دا عنك مش بعيد
مَتشِلش هَم ولا تشعر بضيق
قول يا اللّٰه اهدى ليا قلبي عشان أتوبإمْحِي
I hope this helps you
14. soalnya adalah:1.what is the theme of the song?2.what does the song tell about?3.what are the messages of the song?4.who are the targets of the song?5.what do you think of the song?do you like the song? why?
Jawaban: 2 the songs tell about somebody must be strong and never give up towards everything
Penjelasan: trying is the best solution before give up
15. judul lagu tentang "HEAL THE WORLD" Analyse the following:1) The title of the song?2) The singer of the song?3) The theme of the song?4) The expressions used in the song?5) The purpose of writing the song?6) Your opinion about the song? minta tolong jawabkan
the singer of the song
"Michael Jackson"
opinion about the song, the song is the right song to describe the current condition covid 19
16. 5. Which part of the chorus of the song ? 6. What is the song form ?
5. good lineup
17. 1.what is the title of the song?2.who is the singer of the song ?3.whom is the song addressed to?4.what is the theme of the song ?5.what is the purpose of the writer in writing the song ?tolong bantu
1. When You Believe
2. Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston
3. God
4. Religius
5. to show the listeners to have faith
maaf kalau slh <3
18. 19. What is the purpose of text above?a. to teach the readers about special beverageb. to tell the ingredients of strawberry delightc. to explain the ways of making strawberry delightd. to describe the taste of strawberry delight20. How much milk do we need to make strwaberry delight ?a. one fourth cupb. two third cupc. one cupd. two cup
19. C
20. lihat di teksnya yaa
19. yang ditanyakan adalah purpose/tujuan, sehingga jawabannya C
20. Berapa gelas susu yang di butuhkan? jawabannya ada di teks, silahkan dilihat sendiri :)
19. 1. What is the title of the song....?2. How do you feel of the song....?3. What is the genre / type of the song.....?4. Can you explain the structure of the song....?5. Do you know the singer of the song.....?
Apa judul dari lagu itu?Bagaimana perasaanmu tentang lagu?apa genre/jenis lagu tersebut?Bisakah anda menjelaskan struktur lagu?Apakah anda tahu penyanyi lagu?Semoga membantu:)
20. 4. Who is the singer of the song ?5. What is the message of the song?
4. Who is the singer of the song (actually what topic about)? → Siapa nama penyanyi lagu itu? (Saya terjemahin aja, ya)
5. What is the message of the song (again what topic about)? → Apa pesan dari lagu itu? (Saya terjemahin aja, ya)
Semoga bermanfaat
Tolong yang jelas kasih soalnya, ya
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