Why Did The Kkk Attack Abram Colby

Why Did The Kkk Attack Abram Colby

why did the dutch attack serang? dengan jawabannya please​

Daftar Isi

1. why did the dutch attack serang? dengan jawabannya please​

because Dutch wants to colonize

Because the Dutch are Rasist

*so them attack people at Serang *

2. why did yos sudarso's ship become the target of ducth ship's attack purpose

Because Yos Sudarso ship is decoy for dutch ship

3. ! Why did Bandung residents burn their homes?2. Why did the British Army begin to attack so fierce?3. Why did the greatest battle happen in Dayeuh Kolot?4. Could Mohammad Toha and Ramdan destroy the ammunition depot?5. Why was it sad at the end of the battle?​


! Mengapa warga Bandung membakar rumahnya?

2. Mengapa Angkatan Darat Inggris mulai menyerang dengan begitu ganas?

3. Mengapa pertempuran terbesar terjadi di Dayeuh Kolot?

4. Bisakah Mohammad Toha dan Ramdan menghancurkan gudang amunisi?

5. Mengapa sedih di akhir pertempuran?

4. 2. Why the animals cannot attack the visitors?Answer:3. What is the main idea of the paragraph?Answerthe dialogul​


Paragraphnya mana jubaedah

5. why admiral jules dupre attack northern Vietnam​


im sorry but i dunno(sorry)

6. how did the second man escape from the bear's attack?

Arti dari kata itu atau gimana?
Bagaimana orang kedua melarikan diri dari serangan beruang?

7. the synonym of attack is ...​


Some common synonyms of attack are assail, assault, bombard, and storm.

strike, assail, charge, storm, lunge, bombard, lush out


8. why may pythons attack human beings?

because they feel in dangerPythons may attack people because it fells danger around people so they attack them. it's like some kind of self-defense mechanism

9. Jarak rumah Abram ke sekolah taktik adalah 4 KM Abram membutuhkan waktu 30 menit dengan bersepeda Berapa km per jam rata-rata sepeda Abram

30menit = 40km.

1 jam = 2×30menit

1 jam =2 ×40km=80km

10. 3. what did the troops come to semarang for?4. how did Javanese governor treat the arriving of allied troops in Semarang?5. why did the central java's governor, Wongsonegoro agree to provide allied troops with food and other necessities?6. what does POW stand for?7. when did Indonesian army begin to attack the allied troops?8. how did Sudirman and his troops cut off the supply routes of the remaining allied troops?9. what is the Topic of the last paragraph?10. what event initiated the Indonesian army defeat the allied troops?​

3. 20 october and 15 december 1945

4.23 November 1945


yang lain susah maaf ya

11. 1.what did batara guru ask to gods 2.what happened if the gods disobey batara guru's command 3.why was naga god feel anxious 4.why did the bird attack naga god 5.what happened to the last egg​

Narrative text adalah teks yang menceritakan kisah imajinatif di masa lalu dimana tujuannya adalah menghibur pembaca.


Batara Guru asked the Gods to contribute their power to build a new palace. They would be considered lazy and would lose their arms and legs.He was anxious because he didn't have arms or legs. He thought he might not be able to do the job.The bird thought Naga God was arrogant since he didn't answer the bird's questions. The last egg was safe and it was given to Batara Guru. Later, the egg hatched and became a beautiful baby named Dewi Sri.


1.What did batara guru ask to gods? Batara Guru asked the Gods to contribute their power to build a new palace.

Penjelasan: Diawal cerita, Batara guru meminta para Dewa untuk memberikan kekuatan mereka untuk membangun istana baru.

2.What happened if the gods disobey

batara guru's command?

They would be considered lazy and would lose their arms and legs.

Penjelasan: Jika para Dewa melanggar perintah Batara Guru, mereka akan dianggap malas dan akan kehilangan tangan dan kaki mereka.

3.Why was naga god feel anxious?

He was anxious because he didn't have arms or legs. He thought he might not be able to do the job.

Penjelasan: Karena Dewa Naga tidak mempunyai kaki atau tangan maka dia merasa khawatir. Dia pikir dia tidak bisa mengerjakan tugasnya.

4.why did the bird attack naga god?

The bird thought Naga God was arrogant since he didn't answer the bird's questions.

Penjelasan: Dewa Naga dianggap sombong karena tidak menjawab pertanyaan burung. Padahal Dewa Naga tidak menjawab karena tiga telur berada di mulutnya.

5.what happened to the last egg?

The last egg was safe and it was given to Batara Guru. Later, the egg hatched and became a beautiful baby named Dewi Sri.

Penjelasan: Telur terakhir selamat dan diberikan kepada Batara Guru. Kata, telur tersebut menetas dan menjadi bayi cantik bernama Dewi Sri.

Pelajari lebih lanjut Pengertian narrative text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/5961190Contoh narrative text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/5405466


Detil jawaban

Kelas: 8

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Narrative text

Kode: 8.5.6

KataKunci: Narrative Text, Reading text

12. How did heart attack happen?

It can happen if the flow of oxygen rich blood gets blocked, the heart cant get oxygen

13. In the story of kebo iwa, why majapahit wanted to attack bali?


First of all.

Because majapahit want to take picnic at Bali thats why


:) Thanks me later..

14. 1. What is the story about? 2. Why did people love King Aryan? 3. Why did a powerful king want to attack King Aryan's kingdom and King Vaishal's kingdom? 4. Why did King Vaishal's people leave the kingdom? 5. What proverb is suitable for King Aryan and King Vaishal? What is the meaning?​

Teks yang disajikan adalah

descriptive text

. Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut adalah

1. The story was about two kingdoms facing a war

2. People love king Aryan since he always paid attention to the safety andwelfare of his kingdom

3. The powerful kiing wanted to expanse his kingdom's teritory

4. People leave king vaishal because they don't love him, and he ever treat his people well.


No man is an island


Descriptive text

adalah jenis teks dalam bahasa inggris yang biasanya terdapat pada buku-buku cerita. Jenis teks ini digunakan untuk menceritakan dongeng, fabel, hingga novel dan komik.


atau petuah, atau peribahasa daam bahasa inggris.

No Man is an Island

berarti tidak ada seorang pun yang dapat hidup sendirian tanpa bantuan orang lain. Layaknya king vaishal pada cerita tersebut, yang tidak memperhatikan rakyatnya, lalu kemudian ditinggalkan oleh rakyatnya.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut:

Descriptive text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3507300


15. what would you do if someone try to talk to you when you have anxiety attack? And why you did that? ​


try and calm them down, remind them to breathe properly and maybe you can use the 5-4-3-2-1 method. I did that to help them deal with their mentality


54321 method could go like this :

ask your friend 5 things they can see, 4 things they can touch, 3 things they can hear, 2 things they can smell and 1 thing they can taste

16. 1. What was the victim of mountain lion's attack?2. How often did the mountain lion attack people's farm?3. Who found out that Zukowski's horse was attacked by mountain lion?4. Why did state wildlife officials state that Zukowski's horse wasn't attacked by mountain lion?5. What is the main idea of paragraph two?​

1. Apa yang menjadi korban serangan singa gunung?

2. Seberapa sering singa gunung menyerang ladang rakyat?

3. Siapa yang mengetahui bahwa kuda Zukowski diserang oleh singa gunung?

4. Mengapa status liar

17. 1.which expression is used for expressing congratulations?2.why did sam congratulate joe?3.which expression is used for expressing wishes?4.what did sam wish joe to be?5.why did sam say"splendid"!bantuin ya kkk yang baik :) yang jawab menjadi berkah​


Sebenernya ini ada gambarnya ya?kalo benar berarti ini jawabannya

1.Hi joe,you look great today,how are you doing

So how many people have been following its so far?

2.Because joe's first upload that have been more than 5000 followers of many photo gallery

3.for expressions that you really want to

4.i wish that you will become a great photographer someday

5.because he's amazed

Maaf Kalo Salah Dan Semoga Membantu:D

18. fina: why did you absent yesterday? mila: my father was in the hospital. he got heart attackfina : i'm sorry to hear thatmila: .......a. sureb. certainlyc. thank youd. I'm very happy



yang A kayaknya

kalo ga salah

19. How did heart attack happen from The problem of being too

bagaimana serangan jantung terjadi dari masalah menjadi terlalu

20. A : did mr . Abram get a headache this morning ? B : yes , ... ...


A : did mr . Abram get a headache this morning ?

B : yes , he did.


Kalimat di atas merupakan bentuk kalimat interogatif dari Simple Past Tense.

(?) Did + Subject + Verb-1 + Object + Adverb of Time (this morning)?

Yes, Subject + did.

Semoga membantu ya.

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Why Did The Kkk Attack Abram Colby Why Did The Kkk Attack Abram Colby Reviewed by Romano on September 30, 2022 Rating: 5

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