What Happened To The Guy Who Lost The Pie eating Contest

What Happened To The Guy Who Lost The Pie eating Contest

What happened when the wolf was eating greedily?

Daftar Isi

1. What happened when the wolf was eating greedily?

                                        he will glut and die
                           "dia akan kekenyangan lalu mati"

2. 1. who lost the wallet2. when she lost the wallet3. where she lost the wallet4. what is tami suggestion5. "...let us search it around the prak." what does the underlined word refer to


1. who lost the wallet?

= Tami

2. when she lost the wallet

= Right now

3. where she lost the wallet

= around the park

4. what is tami suggestion

= To becarefull when brining wallet

5. "...let us search it around the prak." what does the underlined word refer to

= The underline word refer to the wallet

Jawaban yang ada tanda "="nya

Jadikan yang terbaik :>>

3. 1 who sent the card? 2 what happened to Retno? 3 why of the senders sendiri the card?


maksudnya disuruh terjemahkn atau gmn sih? kalau terjemahkn, nih :

1 siapa yang mengirim kartu?

2 apa yang terjadi dengan Retno?

3 mengapa dari pengirim sendiri kartu tersebut?


1.siapa yang mengirim kartu?

2. apa yang terjadi dengan Retno?

3.Mengapa dari pengirim kartu ini?


itu artinya yah

4. 1.who are the characters of the story ?2.what happened with the lion?3.what happened with the mouse?

1.mouse and lion
2.terkena perangkap
3.menolong lion1.Mouse and Lion
2.Exposed trap
3.Helping Lion

5. what happened to the grasshooper in the winter? ​


What's happened to the grasshopper is the engine failed to run the power.

6. What happened to the Titanic?

Titanic had an accident because it hit an iceberg

maafkan kalau salah

Titanic sinks#Semoga membantu

7. dialogue for number 9 and 109. who get the chance to join an English speech contest?10. what will the girl do to prepare the contest? ​


9. a. Vidya

10. d. She will practice some speeches harder with her sister.

Maaf kalau salah.

Semoga membantu.

8. 1. what is the story about? 2. who are the characters of the story 3. whay happened to the characters

1. cerita tersebut menceritakan tentang apa?
2. karakter dari siapa saja yg berperan dalam cerita itu?
3. apa yg terjadi dalam karakter2 tsb?

9. what happened to the speakers​


The Speaker was captured during the Red Legion's attack on The City. When the Guardian and the Vanguard fought to recapture The City from the Red Legion, The Speaker was released from his restraints by The Consul and died shortly afterwards.


Pembicara ditangkap selama serangan Legiun Merah di Kota. Ketika Penjaga dan Pelopor berjuang untuk merebut kembali Kota dari Legiun Merah, TheSpeaker dibebaskan dari pengekangannya.



사랑해 (´∩。 ᵕ • 。∩`)


10. what happened to the floor​


apa yg terjadi dengan lantai

Follow My Tiktok :SiBobbyOfficial


stick to the floor because of cement

11. what happened to the grasshooper in the winter?​


when the weather turns cold, the adult grasshoppers die. but the eggs can survive winter to hatch into baby grasshoppers when the weather warms in spring.

Penjelasan (Translate):

Soal: apa yang terjadi pada belalang di musim dingin?Jawaban: saat cuaca berubah dingin, belalang dewasa mati. namun telur-telur tersebut dapat bertahan hidup di musim dingin hingga menetas menjadi bayi belalang saat cuaca menghangat di musim semi.

semoga membantu yaa ^^

12. 1. Who are talking? 2. How does Atiqah feel? 3. What happened to Atiqah? 4. What was Atiqah doing when someone shoutes for help? 5. Who ran into atiqah's house? 6. What was the woman doing when someone broke the window? 7. What did Atiqah's father do? 8. Did Atiqah's dad find the thief? 9. Did the woman lost something? 10. What happened to the food?


1. Tigor and Atiqah

2. (maaf ya, saya gatau yang nomor ini)

3. Having a bad experience last night

4. Studying

5. A woman

6. Ran into Atiqah's house

7. (tidak tahu juga)

8. (sama juga)

9. No

10. The food burnt

Maaf jika salah

13. what happened to the girl

Artinya:Apa yang terjadi pada gadis itu?

Jawabannya: Maybe she has sick or she has have a headache

14. 1. what is the story about?2. who are the characters of the story3. whay happened to the characters

mungkin hanya membantu mengartikan
1. Tentang apa cerita tersebut ?
2. Siapa saja karakter Cerita tersebut
3. Apa yang terjadi pada karakter tersebut

15. 1.who was deadalus?2.What happened to him?3.How did deadalus escape from the king?4.Who was Icarus?What happened to him?5.Di you like the story?why/why not

1. Daedalus is a craftsman from Athens
2. He build a labyrinth in order to house the monster.
3. Daedalus escape through the air by using wings fixed to his body with wax .
4. Icarus is A Daedalus Son
5. Why not? I like this Story! The Story is cool and teach US about The Story from A long ago

Semoga Membantu! :)
Maaf kalau ada yang salah >_<


16. what should the student do to join the contest

apa yang seharusnya murid lakukan untuk bergabung kontes tersebut ? Apa yang murid harus lakukan untuk bergabung dalam kontes tersebut?

17. what happened to the girl?

The girl taking a walkapa yang sudah terjadi oleh gadis itu?

18. What happened to the gardener in the forest


Apa yang terjadi pada tukang kebun di hutan

19. What happened to the woman?


The woman is very happinesse


Semoga membantu'")

20. 1.what is the announcement about?2.who found the watch?3.what is the watch like?4.what should the person who has lost the watch do?5.for anyone who dropped it,..... what does it refer to?

1. tentang apa penngumuman itu?2. siapa menemukan jam tangan?3. seperti apa jam tangan itu?
4. apa yang harus dilakukan orang yang kehilangan jam tangan tersebut?
5. untuk siapa saja yang menjatuhkannya,... apa itu merujuk?

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What Happened To The Guy Who Lost The Pie eating Contest What Happened To The Guy Who Lost The Pie eating Contest Reviewed by Romano on September 30, 2022 Rating: 5

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